Cool parents use 100% brain capacity to teach kids how to wipe *GENIUS DEMO IDEA!*

  • last year
If you have ever wondered what things would be like if people are allowed to use 100% of their brains, then this video is about to quench your curiosity.

This chucklesome footage highlights Ashley and her partner's genius method of teaching their kids how to wipe their butts.

The uber-creative demonstration features a chair with two balloon balls attached to its back. This setup's resemblance to actual human buttocks is uncanny.

The fun couple then smears chocolate over the balls, and then the dad proceeds to sit on the chair and wipe it off.

"We were trying so hard not to laugh through this whole lesson," Ashley commented.

The following music was used for this media project: Music: Uplifting Corporate by Steven OBrien Free download: License (CC BY 4.0):
Location: Stacy, Minnesota, USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA649332
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