Good Samaritan Retrieves Foreign National's Lost Wallet and Returns It to Her

  • last year
This woman lost her wallet on the train and was surprised to receive messages from an unknown individual who notified her on her social media account that he had found her wallet. She was taken aback when she met the man who refused to accept any money in exchange for finding and keeping her wallet safe until she arrived.
00:00On the way here, which was like four days ago, I left my wallet on the train.
00:12It's okay?
00:13Thank you so much.
00:15Thank you.
00:16Where was it?
00:18Ah, thank you.
00:19Where was it?
00:21On the train?
00:23No, no.
00:24Yes, please, please, please.
00:25No, no, no, no.
00:28You kept it safe.
00:30No, no, no.
00:36He wouldn't take it.
00:38I'm really, I'm really touched.
00:40I am teary-eyed.
00:41I'm going to go say thank you.
00:43I'm going to go say thank you.
00:45Do you want to try the money?
00:47I feel like there's so much negative news that comes out of India.
00:52And there's so much positive that happens here.
00:56No, it still won't take.
00:58happy to help out that's just it's just amazing I mean I yeah still can't get
01:03over it it's a beautiful country this
