"AAP leader and Delhi minister Manish Sisodiya’s arrest by CBI in liquor policy case has once again sent alarm bells in the opposition. As many as 8 opposition parties have written a letter addressing Prime Minister condemning the “Blatant Misuse of Central agencies”. While several opposition parties have signed the letter, the biggest opposition party in the country- the congress has stayed away from it.
This detail did catch attention. With just 1 year left for 2024 General elections, there have been open calls for opposition unity, however, no concrete action is being taken in this regard. No party seems to be taking the first step. On the other hand, congress has already cleared that if there has to be an opposition unity it should be under the leadership of Congress.
But some opposition parties seem to disagree. The letter is latest example.
Is there a crack in opposition even before they ever had a chance to come together? Why some opposition parties want Congress out of equation? And can 2024 opposition unity really happen? Let’s discuss this.
#AAP #ManishSisodia #Delhi #Congress #OppositionLetter #CBI #LiquorPolicyCase #2024LokSabhaElection #MamataBanerjee #TMC #SamajwadiParty #AkhileshYadav #OppositionUnity #HWNews
This detail did catch attention. With just 1 year left for 2024 General elections, there have been open calls for opposition unity, however, no concrete action is being taken in this regard. No party seems to be taking the first step. On the other hand, congress has already cleared that if there has to be an opposition unity it should be under the leadership of Congress.
But some opposition parties seem to disagree. The letter is latest example.
Is there a crack in opposition even before they ever had a chance to come together? Why some opposition parties want Congress out of equation? And can 2024 opposition unity really happen? Let’s discuss this.
#AAP #ManishSisodia #Delhi #Congress #OppositionLetter #CBI #LiquorPolicyCase #2024LokSabhaElection #MamataBanerjee #TMC #SamajwadiParty #AkhileshYadav #OppositionUnity #HWNews