Building a 486

  • last year
For a long time now, I have wanted to piece together a 486 that runs DOS and Windows 3.11. When Lazy Game Reviews (A channel you should follow if you like gaming and computers) did his video building one, it gave me the inspiration that I needed to build one, as well. It took me 6 months to save money and gather all the parts that I wanted to put in this thing. I went through a lot of frustration and anger building this thing over several days, but it works. I promised a video out of the build process. Well, here you go. I hope you all enjoy this and thank you for watching.

AM486 DX4-100 processor
64 meg of RAM (EDO. 72 pin)
Tseng Labs ET6000 video card
Creative Labs CT4170 (Sound Blaster 16)
BioStar MB-8433UUD-A Motherboard
HP Compaq 48X IDE CDRom drive
Samsung WN316025A 1.61 GB Internal IDE Hard Drive
5.25 Floppy Drive
3.5 Floppy Drive
It runs Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and DOS 6.22

Link to Lazy Game Reviews original video:

The man we got the motherboard and video card from:

At some point,. I would love to stick a network card in this thing and try to get it connected to the internet. Beyond that, I think I am done with building it (unless I decide to change out the audio card. I have been having some problems with it).

Thank you everyone for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video. As frustrating as it was, this was a fun learning experience and a real nostalgia trip for me. I am going to enjoy the hell out of this computer.

The song used at the end of this video is Fire by Dark Avenger

Personal Twitter: @fsmetal
Gaming twitter: @Dionysos19852