Seven Kings Must Die Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Alexander Dreymon reprises his lead role as the great warrior Uhtred of Bebbanburg, who must ride once more across a fractured kingdom with several of the series' much-loved returning characters, as they battle alongside, and against, new allies and enemies. Following the death of King Edward, a battle for the crown ensues, as rival heirs and invaders compete for power. And when an alliance comes seeking Uhtred's help in their plans, Uhtred faces a choice between those he cares for most, and the dream of forming a united England.
directed by Edward Bazalgette
starring Alexander Dreymon, Harry Gilby, Mark Rowley, Arnas Fedaravicius, Rod Hallet, Ross Anderson, Ingrid Garcia-Jonsson, James Northcote, Cavan Clerkin, Tom Christian, Ewan Horrocks, Zak Sutcliffe, Nick Wittman, Alexandra Toth
release date April 14, 2023 (on Netflix)
directed by Edward Bazalgette
starring Alexander Dreymon, Harry Gilby, Mark Rowley, Arnas Fedaravicius, Rod Hallet, Ross Anderson, Ingrid Garcia-Jonsson, James Northcote, Cavan Clerkin, Tom Christian, Ewan Horrocks, Zak Sutcliffe, Nick Wittman, Alexandra Toth
release date April 14, 2023 (on Netflix)
Short film