Dog Covers His Head With Blanket From Rocking Chair

  • last year
This Great Dane loved to cover his head with the blanket that was thrown over the nearby rocking chair. He seemed to really have fun doing so even as his friend nearby constantly tried to get him out of it.
00:00Opie, I wanna turn around.
00:02Opie, you're embarrassing yourself.
00:06Do not.
00:10You guys are such dorks.
00:16Opie, are you...
00:18Are you sad?
00:22What are you even doing, man?
00:24Help him out.
00:26See what you can do.
00:28Get him out of there.
00:30Yep, that's exactly what I would do.
00:32Bite his face. That makes sense.
00:34Maybe you should pull him out of it.
00:36Here, let me just yank you by your face skin.
00:38Oh my god, ow!
00:44Mother Opie-sa.
00:50Your holy shroud.
00:52Look at you.
00:54So am I pretty?
01:02Beautiful bride.
01:04We're done now.
