In this interview with IndiaGlitz Tamil, director SP Muthuraman spoke about the legendary actor Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan's remarkable acting skills. Muthuraman also talked about superstar Rajinikanth's decision to make Sri Raghavendra his 100th film. He spoke about how Rajinikanth and Prabhu shared a deep mutual respect for each other's talent and work.
SP Muthuraman played an important role in shaping Rajinikanth's career and transforming him into a famous commercial star. He has also worked as the associate producer for Rajinikanth's film, Sivaji.
SP Muthuraman played an important role in shaping Rajinikanth's career and transforming him into a famous commercial star. He has also worked as the associate producer for Rajinikanth's film, Sivaji.