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Hardware, software, and now cloud-based license containers: Wibu-Systems is all about versatility, portability, and freedom of choice. But which option is right for you – CmDongles, CmActLicenses, or CmCloudContainers? Meet Scattergun Sally, Chief-Plays-All-Day, and Wild Bill Hiccup as they discover the benefits of the different options. Learn what makes CmDongles the option of choice for rugged security, how CmActLicenses take the hassle out of licensing logistics, and why the all-new CmCloudContainers are the way to go for unparalleled mobility with no compromise on security. Whatever your use case may be, Wibu-Systems has the right license format for you – and you can mix and match them at your leisure with the accustomed compatibility and ease-of-use of the CodeMeter secure license and entitlement management technology.
Hardware, software, and now cloud-based license containers: Wibu-Systems is all about versatility, portability, and freedom of choice. But which option is right for you – CmDongles, CmActLicenses, or CmCloudContainers? Meet Scattergun Sally, Chief-Plays-All-Day, and Wild Bill Hiccup as they discover the benefits of the different options. Learn what makes CmDongles the option of choice for rugged security, how CmActLicenses take the hassle out of licensing logistics, and why the all-new CmCloudContainers are the way to go for unparalleled mobility with no compromise on security. Whatever your use case may be, Wibu-Systems has the right license format for you – and you can mix and match them at your leisure with the accustomed compatibility and ease-of-use of the CodeMeter secure license and entitlement management technology.