• 2 years ago
10 Things You May NotKnow About St. Patrick's Day.1. The shortest St. Patrick's Dayparade only runs for 98 feet andtakes place in Hot Springs, Arkansas.2. Saint Patrick’s birth name was actuallyMaewyn Succat. He changed it toPatricius after becoming a priest.3. Shamrocks are said to havebeen used by Saint Patrick as ametaphor for the Holy Trinity.4. Corned beef doesn’t actually contain corn. It's name come from the use of salt "corns" to cure meat.5. Saint Patrick famously wore a light shade of blue, not the traditional green that is constantly seen.6. Green became a significant color forIreland during its 1641 rebellion. Its importancethen carried over to St. Patrick’s Day.7. St. Patrick’s Day used to be a strictlyreligious and alcohol-free holiday in Ireland.8. Saint Patrick wasn't actually Irish.He was born in Britain and kidnappedby Irish pirates at a young age.9. In traditional Irish folk tales,female leprechauns don’t exist.10. The U.S. has 32 million people ofIrish descent, while Ireland’s totalpopulation is only 4.7 million


