Dog Sniffs Stranger And Finds It's Owner After 10 Months Apart | Happily TV


by Happily

A dog picks up a familiar scent while walking past a ‘stranger’ during walkies – before excitedly realizing his owner has returned home after 10 months apart. Janine Juárez had been living and studying In Europe for a master’s degree, but returned home to Lima, Peru, around the new year to see family – and their three-year-old husky Zeus. While on a walk through Parque de la Mujer, in San Borja, with Janine’s dad, Zeus had no idea he was approaching Janine sat on a bench a few yards away. As he gets closer, he immediately senses something – before taking a closer look and sniff around Janine – and then realizing she’s home he jumps up, tail wagging wildly with excitement.