• 2 years ago
The sun – familiar and yet unknown. She is the queen of our solar system and ruler of mass and energy. We're just beginning to explore the sun up close. Our Sun is one of a long line of stars that stretches back to the dawn of time. From the first blue giants that lit up the universe, through later generations whose demise enriched the cosmos with the elements of life. Since the first starlight, stars have driven evolution. From blue giants to red dwarfs that will still shine after our own sun has died. They started a long creation story that led over many star generations to our own star, the sun, and finally to us.
Because atoms – components of our body – and the oxygen we breathe were formed in stars. For millennia, the stars remained mysterious. Thanks to new technology, they can now be researched. A probe travels to the Sun and examines its atmosphere from within. This allows her to unravel the mysteries of all the stars, leading to major astronomical breakthroughs. But stars are not immortal. In the distant future there will be a time when the universe returns to darkness. The age of the stars will come to an end.


