Mere Ban Jao - Episode 12 - [Eng Sub] -( Kinza Hashmi, Zahid Ahmed, Azfar Rehman ) 29th March 2023 - HUM TV

  • last year
CAST : Azfar Rehman -Kinza Hashmi-Zahid Ahmed-Rabia Naureen-Ayesha Gul
00:04No matter what the situation should have been
00:05I should not have left the house …
00:07And I should not have come to your house at all.
00:11Do you care about your honor?
00:13Please stay out of this …
00:16I want to deal with this whole matter myself.
00:26Hajra, why are you standing? Have seat…
00:34There is no need to ask both of them to sit down.
00:41That day, when I came, you were the one who brought my bags upstairs?
00:46What were you doing in the restaurant?
00:49I visit that place often …
00:51I went to have tea that day too.
01:05So did you met Azmia there?
01:13Why didn’t you drop her home then?
01:18There were so many police officers there …
01:20I thought if she will come with me …
01:22Boss will get disgraced for no reason.
01:25Why didn’t you call me?
01:29Speak up.
01:30Couldn’t you call me?
01:32Didn’t you want to get married to me?
01:36I made a mistake.
01:40Haven’t you started making too many mistakes?
01:46It’s just…
01:47she is just a little stupid.
01:50God knows, when you will become sensible Azmia?
01:55Show me your phone.
02:03Yes, show me your phone.
02:20Unlock it.
02:40You were saying that you met her at the restaurant all of a sudden, isn’t it?
02:48You are lying.
02:51And you are also lying to me?
02:53No …I…
02:54Oh shut up!
02:55You called him and asked him to come there.
02:57Look at this Dad.
02:58Check her call log.
03:00She lied to me.
03:13Azmia called him and asked him to come there.
03:16Can you see Aunty, what is she doing?
03:25Azmia, you left me for his sake.
03:29For this?
03:37No, no dear …
03:39You have a misunderstanding.
03:41My Azmia cannot do this.
03:45Azmia, say something …
03:47Why don’t you speak up dear?
03:48Forget it Mother.
03:52A person, who can lie to you straight away …
03:55There is no need to question that person.
03:57Get lost.
03:58Brother, please, listen to me, it is nothing like that.
04:00Stop talking rubbish.
04:02When I asked you ….
04:03You lied to my face …
04:05That you met Zaki suddenly, at the flower shop.
04:08And now …
04:09What are the call logs saying?
04:11What are they saying?
04:15Now, I can understand everything.
04:17Hasan, this is the reason she was refusing to get married to Fardeen.
04:24Didn’t you feel ashamed Azmia?
04:27You …
04:29and…with this tailor?
04:34I will …
04:46You don’t need to raise your hand.
04:47Just shut up!
04:51How dare you stop me?
04:54How dare you tell me this … you …
04:58But no …
05:00You are having an affair with Azmia.
05:10there was a love story going on in the house already, you called me from so far for no reason.
05:15He has all the right to stop me.
05:17Because …
05:18he is the future husband.
05:21He is your son in law.
05:24Him …
05:35Please, all of you listen to me, it is nothing …
05:37What else is there to listen to?
05:39How much more will you lie?
05:44You were sure …
05:46that your phone will not be checked.
05:48This is the reason you did not delete his number from the call history, isn’t it?
05:51Speak up!
05:52Speak up!
05:53I swear; it is nothing like that.
05:56Shut up!
05:57Shut up!
06:09I …
06:12I apologize to you guys.
06:17I had no idea that my sister will deceive us.
06:19Stop it!
06:35Go from here.
06:38I don’t want to see your face.
06:45I don’t want to listen to anything anymore.
06:52Will you listen to me?
06:57All of you have misunderstood it big time.
07:01You do know ….
07:02that I don’t lie.
07:04Just listen to me once.
07:06I don’t have any misunderstanding.
07:12Whatever I have heard …
07:15I can’t believe it.
07:19Now, you have no relation with me anymore.
07:24Leave from here.
07:38I don’t want to listen to anything now.
07:40Get out of here.
08:50I can’t believe it …
08:53I can’t believe it.
08:54No, no Mother, get ahold of yourself, please.
09:48Is it her?
09:52Give it to me.
09:58Listen to me very carefully.
10:00If you call here again …
10:01I will block your number; do you get it?
10:03Brother, please listen to me, just for once …
10:34I can’t understand that how did all this happen?
10:37She was crazy about Fardeen.
10:39Stop this now.
10:41They are dead to us.
10:44I don’t want to listen to anything about them in this house.
10:50In fact,
10:51get all her stuff picked up and send it to her house.
10:54I will talk to Salma …
10:56She will get it picked up.
11:00Can’t you hear me?
11:02You will not talk to those people anymore.
11:05Not even with Salma?
11:07Not with anyone.
11:08Do you only care about your Sister?
11:10Look at your son …
11:11Look at his condition …
11:13What agony he is going through.
11:17I don’t want to see any wedding stuff in this house … get it removed quickly.
11:21And you, young man …
11:24You are going back to America …
11:25Get ready…
11:27Not now….Dad.
11:31I am trying to gauge that what has happened to me.
11:34Let me tell you …
11:35That girl has made a fool out of all of us.
11:39You were lucky that you got a chance to check her mobile phone
11:42so you saw that she was having an affair with two guys at a time …
11:46Otherwise, you had already been fooled.
11:55You are going back to resume your job.
11:59And we both will also go somewhere.
12:01The tension here, has given me a severe headache.
12:20Come dear.
12:28Why did you people come so early?
12:32Why has she come Mother?
12:38They sent her back.
12:45What happened?
12:50You go dear.
13:07Now tell me …
13:08what happened?
13:11Though we went to handle the situation …
13:15But things got even worse.
13:25Fardeen checked her phone …
13:29And she turned out to be a liar.
13:35Why did you bring her here then?
13:37You should have left her there only.
13:40What are you talking about Nadra?
13:42I also have a daughter.
13:44How could I have left an orphan …helpless just like that?
13:49Ok, don’t talk much …
13:52Go and take out the meat from the fridge …
13:54I will cook meat.
14:00Will you feed her meat now?
14:05She should eat what we eat.
14:08Forget it Mother …
14:11I will take it out.
14:14You don’t need to pamper her.
14:16Oh man!
14:18Mother, are you looking at him?
14:20Can you see what he is doing?
14:22Mother, I am telling you,
14:24you are not doing the right thing.
14:25How can she live here?
14:28Nadra, stop talking.
14:30I am already stressed …
14:33And you are continuously talking.
14:40Wow! Wow! Wow!
14:42We had a feast in our house today.
14:47Since meat is cooked …
14:48Otherwise, we eat the same lentil curry for three consecutive days.
14:56You also be ready.
15:01It is rightly said …
15:03When you have accepted a challenge,
15:05then why to fear the consequences?
15:12Start eating now, what are you looking at?
15:19You have cooked chicken again though I told you to cook mutton.
15:22Ok, I will cook mutton in the evening, for dinner …
15:26Eat now.
15:28Look at your attitude.
15:29Don’t be thankless, it is a bad thing.
15:32Cook mutton for dinner.
15:46What is the matter dear, why aren’t you eating?
15:53Are you crying?
16:23Why is he flaring up so much?
16:33I am sorry, Boss.
16:36This Nadra is crazy, she speaks nonsense.
16:40I will fix her in the morning.
16:42I did not mind what she said.
16:45I just want to go home.
16:47You can go home when your family’s anger cools down.
16:51I am thinking about Mother.
16:53She knows that I am not like that.
16:56She knows it for sure, Boss …
16:57And she is not thinking that way.
17:00It’s just ….
17:01the people around,
17:03are talking rubbish.
17:05No matter what rubbish they are talking …
17:07At least..She shouldn’t think like that.
17:12Boss, once this Fardeen leaves, then everything will be fine.
17:17Should I call Mother again?
17:21I think you shouldn’t call her now.
17:24She might be with other people.
17:26Wait a little and then call her.
17:31Is it ok….Boss?
17:36Now come, at least finish your food.
17:40I am not hungry.
17:44Let’s go….Boss.
18:14I swear; it is nothing like that.
18:17Shut up!
18:18Shut up!
18:18Go from here.
18:20I don’t want to see your face.
18:23You have no relation with me anymore.
19:01Mother! I am sorry Mother, I am telling the truth, I have done nothing.
19:06Listen to me at least.
19:08You have hurt me Azmia.
19:11You have disgraced me in my own eyes.
19:16If you have done nothing …
19:19Then accept this time, as your trial period …
19:25And if you have made a mistake….
19:27then ask for forgiveness from God.
19:30We humans are cruel …
19:32but not God.
19:34God never mistreats His men.
19:38I only asked for help, I have done nothing.
19:41Why did you ask for help?
19:42Was he your Aunty’s son or your Uncle’s …
19:46That he would have helped you without any interest?
19:49Mother, do you think I am like that?
19:52You ran away from the house… Azmia …
19:54On your wedding day.
19:56No matter what you say now …
20:00No one will believe it.
20:03I just want you to believe it, I don’t care about anyone else.
20:06But I do care…
20:07I have to live in this world.
20:10I have to face the relatives.
20:14I used to say it very proudly …
20:17That my daughter Azmia …
20:19Is the world’s best daughter.
20:23There can be no one like my daughter.
20:31What have you done…Azmia?
20:35You have humiliated me.
20:37You did not think about your Mother even for once …
20:40That after your Father passed away …
20:43I always took care of your needs.
20:47I always protected you …
20:52This is how you have returned my love?
20:58You left Fardeen …
21:01And ran away with an ordinary tailor.
21:04Mother, at least listen to me.
21:07What you wanted to do….
21:09You did that …
21:20What have I done, what have I done?
21:23You have done nothing Boss, you know that you have done nothing.
21:29I am going to my house.
21:30No Boss …
21:34At least, listen to me Boss.
21:37I don’t want to listen; I am going home.
21:39What happened, what happened?
21:42She wants to go home.
21:44Oh God!
21:45She can go home, only when her family will accept her.
21:52Hey Sister!
21:53You did what you had to do.
21:56Nothing can change now …
21:57Stay here patiently.
21:58Keep quiet… Nadra.
22:00Mother, I am not saying anything wrong.
22:02Would you guys have had accepted me if I would have had run away from my house?
22:05And he …
22:06He would have broken my legs.
22:07Nadra, should I put tape on your mouth, you are continuously talking.
22:10Yeah right!
22:12You should thank God that her family members are noble people …
22:15Otherwise, your dead body would have been lying here.
22:20And you …
22:22For God’s sake, go to sleep and let us sleep too.
22:26Nothing can be done now.
22:51Let’s go dear.
22:53Come …
22:54Go to sleep.
23:26Wash these vegetables.
23:30What happened?
23:34What happened to him?
23:41What are you hiding?
23:42Its nothing Dad.
23:43What are you hiding?
23:43Its nothing Dad.
23:44Give it to me.
23:44Dad, its nothing, I am telling you.
23:45Give it to me.
23:53Where did you get it from?
23:54I have bought it Dad, give it to me.
23:56Leave it …
23:57Have you gone mad, what will you do with this?
23:59I have brought this to kill her.
24:03What is the matter, what are you talking about?
24:05Your Niece has brought him to this point.
24:07That cheap girl is ruining his life.
24:12My life has already been ruined.
24:14Your life has not been ruined.
24:16Go back to America.
24:17Leave all this.
24:18What will I tell everyone there …
24:20that my wife ran away?
24:21Tell them that she has died.
24:23But she is not dead…Dad.
24:26I should have killed her there and then in front of everyone … give me the gun.
24:30Leave it …
24:30Give it to me.
24:31Leave it.
24:38Look dear …
24:40There are many girls for you, you don’t deserve her.
24:45But she still rejected me and left.
24:50She refused to me.
24:52I stood there like a fool …
24:55To accept her for the second time but …
24:59She rejected me.
25:02These things don’t matter to her.
25:09I know these things don’t matter to her …
25:12This is why I should have broken her legs and hands that day …
25:14I should have thrown acid on her face.
25:16Fardeen, enough! Stop it.
25:17Stop it, what nonsense are you talking about?
25:20Do you even realize that what will happen to you after that?
25:22You don’t intervene.
25:25You have always supported her.
25:28Neither will I ever forget this nor will I ever forgive you for this.
25:33I will always hate you for this.
25:44He is right.
25:46It’s all your fault.
25:48You can keep crying, once he kills her.
26:20Sit down dear.
26:24No, I am fine here.
26:35Mother, I was saying, there are two dresses of Mrs. Farooqi …
26:38The green one and the maroon one.
26:41Yes, yes …
26:42Drop both these dresses ….
26:44and here is the receipt …
26:46Get the money from her.
26:54Is she….
26:56going to stay here forever?
27:07Yes …
27:10Is there a problem?
27:14Who is going to keep an eye on her?
27:18Don’t worry, no one will ask you to keep an eye.
27:22I am talking to Mother …
27:23Why are you intervening?
27:25It’s my wish …
27:27Do whatever you want to do.
27:30Now see, what I will do.
27:32You can’t stay here.
27:34Come with me, let’s go.
27:35Hey! Are you out of your mind Nadra?
27:37Leave her hand.
27:38I will not leave, what can you do?
27:40I am holding her hand, look.
27:42What will you do?
27:44Should I tell you?
27:45Hey! What are you doing Zaki?
27:47Have you both lost your mind?
27:50Will you siblings fight because of her?
27:52Leave her hand.
27:56I was just asking you that how many more days will she stay here?
28:00Why is he getting so offended?
28:01Because I have brought her …
28:08And she is our guest, behave a little.
28:11How many days?
28:12For how many more days will our guest stay?
28:16Answer me …
28:17Do you have any answer?
28:18Speak up.
28:24Go from here.
28:27Why should I go?
28:28I am not going anywhere.
28:31I said go.
28:40She is our guest.
28:44Talk to her …
28:46Or for God’s sake, get her admitted to a mental hospital.
28:49Azmi Boss!
28:50Don’t mind what she says, she is half mental.
28:53Please, arrange for some other accommodation for me.
28:57No, no Boss, stay as much as you want to …
28:59No one will say anything to you.
29:01Why would you guys suffer for my mistake?
29:06No Boss, you haven’t done anything wrong.
29:09I have made a mistake for sure.
29:11While running away from the house, I only thought about myself and no one else.
29:19I did not think that how many people will have to bear the consequences.
29:28No one is suffering dear, no one is suffering.
29:34Guests are God’s blessing.
29:42You relax and stay.
29:43Don’t worry.
29:50If you are right,
29:52then God is with you …
29:53You don’t need to worry.
29:58Mother is right.
30:05Ok Mother, I will go and deliver this.
30:07Ride the bike carefully, ok?
30:10But make her understand….
30:13Ok, ok.
30:20Sit down my dear.
30:42Did she call?
30:51She will not call anymore.
30:57Is she there with that boy?
31:00She is with Hajra.
31:02It’s the same thing.
31:05She has humiliated me a lot.
31:08I can’t tell you …
31:11Is it Aunty?
31:19Saleema, what has happened?
31:22This is what I am asking you, did you know about all this?
31:26I did not know.
31:30How is this possible?
31:31You used to be with her like a shadow day and night and you did not get to know.
31:35I am telling the truth…Saleema …
31:37If I would have known …
31:40Would I have let this happen?
31:42Ok forget this discussion.
31:43Just do me a favor,
31:45Fardeen shouldn’t get to know that where is that boy and your daughter.
31:51Trust me he is in so much rage that he even bought a pistol,
31:55God knows what would have had happened if Murad wouldn’t have had seen him.
31:58Oh my God!
32:01I can’t take more stress than this.
32:05Explain this to your son and your daughter in law too …
32:07That Fardeen shouldn’t even get a hint about where your daughter’s whereabouts ...
32:11Otherwise, I am dead for you.
32:32Zaki has only one name on his tongue day and night.
32:38Azmia, Azmia…Azmia …
32:40only Azmia.
32:44No one thinks about me.
32:46You keep fighting for yourself all the time.
32:49She is also like you after all.
32:51Is this how one behaves?
32:54Think about how upset God must be.
32:58Can’t you see what your Son is doing?
33:01What has he done?
33:04And she is also not living here as per her choice.
33:07Do you realize what she must be going through?
33:12At least, you could have asked them to pay for the expenses.
33:15There you go.
33:17They were not ready to keep her in their house
33:20and I should have asked them to pay for her expenses?
33:25You talk nonsense.
33:28It’s very sad.
33:30I had no idea that you are so ungenerous.
33:34I am not ungenerous …
33:36My cupboard is ungenerous.
33:39I hardly have a few presentable clothes …
33:41You don’t stitch clothes for me in the first place and then you scold me so much.
33:45Then stitch it yourself, I have taught you everything.
33:49I should stitch at the shop and I should stitch at home too.
33:53It’s a limit.
34:37For how long will you not attend my calls?
34:39For how long will you hide from me?
34:42I will find you …
34:45no matter where you are hiding.
34:59Please come.
35:01Dear, did you call your Mother?
35:02Yes, I called her.
35:03Have a seat.
35:18Greetings Hajra Sister!
35:23She is the same girl, isn’t it?
35:32Yes, she is the same girl.
35:35God be praised
35:36the girl is very pretty.
35:39Hmm …
35:40God be praised …
35:42she is a very nice girl.
35:52Hey Hajra Sister!
35:54What have you done?
35:55You have a young Son in your house and you kept this girl in the house.
36:00What will you do if something goes wrong in the future?
36:03My Son is not involved in such things.
36:06Ok agreed, that your Son is very nice and is not involved in such things …
36:09But times are bad.
36:12Keep an eye.
