Parents' clever trick to get son off the phone is an eye-ncredible success

  • last year
Hilarious footage of a kid being taught an eye-opening lesson has surfaced from Yishun, Singapore.

When Helmi Mohamed and his wife realized that getting their son off the phone wouldn't be a walk in the park, they decided to get creative.

While he was busy playing a game on the phone, his mom applied a harmless mixture on his face and told him it was lotion. In reality, it was a colored solution that temporarily formed dark patches around his eyes.

When the boy looked into the mirror, he couldn't help but start crying, assuming he was going blind for using the phone without care.

"My son pooped in his diapers and I wanted to wash him up," the filmer wrote online. "But he refused to do so by giving me excuses that he wanted to finish watching a video on YouTube. Five minutes later, he started playing a game on the phone. This led me and my wife to pull a prank on him!"

Location: Yishun, Singapore
WooGlobe Ref : WGA175236
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