When you're DONE holding it all inside: Ketchup Edition

  • last year
This video is by no means an advertisement but it could effortlessly sell anyone on why ketchup sachets are better than bottles.

This comical video was shared with WooGlobe by Abdul Basit and it features his friend, Zainab Asif struggling with squeezing ketchup out of the bottle.

But when Abdul calls Zainab 'kamzoor' (weak), her subconscious mind takes it personally, which leads to her accidentally emptying the entire bottle in one go, messing up the plate and her jacket in the process.

"We were eating pizza in a restaurant with friends and this scene happened," the filmer told WooGlobe.
Location: Quetta, Pakistan
WooGlobe Ref : WGA839417
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com


