• 2 years ago
A military veteran has shared the emotional first hug she shared with her biological sister – who had grown up on the other side of the world always wanting a sister of her own. Kristin Franzoni, 38, from Apple Valley, Minnesota, traveled to Scotland, where she first met her sister, Amber Steele, 39, who she tracked down after nearly a decade of searching. There was not a dry eye in the house when the pair finally met, with Kirstin flying in to attend Amber's wedding during the summer of 2022, having first made contact during the pandemic. The moment marked the end of more than three decades of wondering for Kristin, who grew up not knowing who her biological father was. The 38-year-old was raised by her biological mother and said she spent around seven years of her adult life looking for missing pieces. Thanks to advances in social media and DNA testing she was able to discover that she had a half-sister, Amber, who lived in Scotland, in December 2020. The pair connected and confirmed their relationship, but due to travel restrictions, they were not able to meet in person for a further two years.
