• 2 years ago

What really hurts the most is the friends and family that used to be there, that when you get into this situation, everybody just chucks it up to drug abuse or bad choices...that's not always the case. Sometimes it's just the choice is made for you and you don't have any choice." ~ Dennis

"Through an avalanche of unfortunate events" is how Dennis ended up homeless in Los Angeles. Dennis is a working actor. He moved to New York City into an apartment he couldn't afford. After three years his partner split and wiped him out financially. Dennis had to start over.

Dennis's elderly mother is in an assisted living home. He tried to live at the facility but that did not work out. He ended up living in a broken-down car for over a year.

Dennis says homelessness used to be that person you didn't know. Now, homelessness is your sons or your daughters, your sisters or your fathers.
