Troll Prank Dog Funny & fake Lion and Fake Tiger Prank To dog & Huge Box Prank to dog

  • last year
The video titled "Troll Prank Dog Funny & Fake Lion and Fake Tiger Prank To Dog & Huge Box Prank to Dog" is a hilarious compilation of pranks pulled on an unsuspecting canine friend. The video features a group of pranksters setting up elaborate and outrageous scenarios to fool the dog, all while capturing the hilarious reactions on camera.

The first prank involves a fake lion and tiger costume, which are used to scare the dog as it walks around the corner. The dog's reaction is priceless as it jumps back and barks in fear before realizing that the "animals" are not real.

The second prank is a fake box, which is placed over the dog while it is sleeping. As soon as the dog wakes up, it tries to escape the box, but it turns out to be too big and too heavy to move. The dog's frustration and confusion are captured on camera, resulting in some truly hilarious moments.

Throughout the video, the pranksters show their love and affection for the dog, making sure not to cause any harm or distress. The video is a fun and light-hearted way to brighten up anyone's day and is sure to bring a smile to the faces of all animal lovers.


