• last year
00:11(Copyright notice)
00:15(Children must view with permission from their parents.)
00:29(Formerly on the Sealing Throne) (I didn't. I didn't expect him to be much of a threat.
00:31(Under the state of sacrifice.)
00:34It's the smallest
00:37Level 5 Templar temple ever.
00:39All Something away?
00:41Our master grabbed them all by himself.
00:42Long Haoqin.
00:44You can't die.
00:48Do you have to push yourself
00:49so hard? (It
00:51wouldn't be very fun)
00:54(To lose an opponent as challenging as you.)
00:56Yang Wenzhou.
01:00I will hurt you the same way The one you
01:02did to him.
01:05=Episode 31 =You
01:08cut him with your oven.Then
01:10I will destroy it
01:12with mine.If it
01:20wasn't a rival,it
01:51would be a corpse.How is he?
01:54just an excessive loss of blood.His
01:56heart was about to be stabbed.Have
02:00you found out who this killer is?
02:03Temple of the Killers
02:05He refuses to give that one up.
02:08Then I'll go find myself.
02:19Gather together and surround the Temple of Assassins. We
02:21must catch that killer!
02:32Move in! The
02:33Templars are looking for a big criminal.
02:36Whoever tries to stop us
02:37will be killed.
02:55(Ying Kingdom)
03:02Lord Ying.
03:03I invite Lord Holy Knight "
03:06I'll take care of the rest.
03:27I'll ask you one last time.
03:30Will you move or not?
03:34Without a search warrant from the alliance,
03:36how dare you break into our temple?
03:39Except for your own Assassin's temple,
03:40who else would use those secret skills?"
03:42Not to mention the Thousand Blow Furnace.
03:45This is indisputable.
03:46We don't need a search warrant!
03:48Or are you saying
03:50you'd cover for that blatant outlaw?
03:55You talk too much. One
03:56more step forward,
03:58and I'm going to chop your head off right here.
04:02Who do you think you're messing with?
04:05formation - formation.
04:11Take them downstairs!
04:37Lord Holy Knight.
04:39Lord Holy Knight. Turn the
04:41sword against your allies.
04:43What a disgrace!
04:45Is this what you learned from the coalition?
04:55Lord Holy Knight.
04:57Lord Ying invites you inside, please.
05:26You are clear about the alliance rules.
05:28Give me the killer who wounded Yang Wenzhou.
05:31Now it's never too late.
05:35Please come back.
05:37My answer remains the same
05:39no matter who asks me. I will
05:41not give you this person.
05:42Ying Sufeng!
05:50Now is not the time for peace and prosperity. There is
05:53no point
05:54in pulling the strings.
05:56Demons come to us.
05:57Our very existence is at stake.
06:00Even the wall of the Demon Hunting Corridor was stained
06:02with blood, every inch of it!
06:06As a member of the alliance, she
06:08must know where her power comes from
06:10and how to use it
06:12instead of bullying the weak
06:13and harming her ally.
06:16She does not respect the alliance
06:18and acts in such a selfish manner. Our
06:19war heroes will be disappointed. Since
06:37you won't handle it,
06:38I'll have the alliance handle it. I
06:41don't care what her background is
06:43or what sponsor she has. I
06:44won't let her out!
06:49After all these years, you are
06:50still so stubborn that you
06:54expelled your grandson from the Knights Temple.
07:08I'll tell you why I can't give it up,
07:12but you must make a sacred covenant that
07:14you won't tell anyone about it
07:17except a few Seal Knights.
07:20I'd like to hear your explanation.
07:24In the name of the God of Light,
07:27I swear that our conversation here
07:29will only be between us,
07:31or my body and soul will
07:41As you know,
07:433000 years ago, a rare genius
07:47with an innate mana of 91 was born in the Assassin Temple. He
07:51was called
07:54the son of reincarnation.
07:58With his remarkable talent and strength, the
08:00Son of Reincarnation,
08:03along with his sword
08:05alone, fought
08:06his way to confront the former Demon King.
08:10Then a big battle broke out
08:16In the end, his strength ran out and he died.
08:19But he also hit the Demon King hard.
08:28This is an opportunity where
08:29humanity is most likely to kill the Demon King.
08:33For three thousand years after that,
08:36no genius like him was found.
08:40But after three thousand years, the
08:42reincarnated saint descended among us.
08:51It is said that innate mana has a
08:53full value of 100.
08:57Are you serious?
08:59This person is the saint incarnate.
09:09done now you understand? You
09:11may complete the unfinished work of the son of reincarnation.
09:15It is
09:16the light of hope to end this dark age.
09:31Are you saying
09:34that we can end this war and save humanity
09:39as long as it can kill the Demon King?
09:49Then why not teach her well?
09:52She acts as she pleases with her power.
09:54And you just let it be!
09:57How can it lead humanity in the future?
10:00How can she save thousands of lives?
10:06you do not understand.
10:08She gave everything
10:10but her life.
10:12I don't need that. Its
10:14mission is to lead humanity
10:17out of 6,000 years of darkness.
10:19With great power
10:21comes great responsibility.
10:27Lord Xiazhe said exactly the same words.
10:31But lately, I've been thinking
10:33about whether we should listen to their inner voices.
10:36What kind of person do they want to be?
10:39What work do they like to do?
10:42We decide these things for them.
10:47In the name of fate,
10:49we deny them the right to choose.
10:51Are we really right?
10:54To make the Incarnate Saint a sharp blade,
10:58since her birth, the
11:00Assassins Temple had been training her through terribly cruel trials.
11:04Reincarnation after reincarnation. A
11:07dull inferno without six senses had sealed off
11:10all of her emotions. As
11:12a result, no one can enter her heart.
11:18Long Haoqin is an exception. That
11:19aside, she looks
11:21more human.
11:35So it's not her fault that
11:38she did such a thing.
11:42We owe her.
11:55Now you can either take the money and leave,
12:00become a squire knight of Long Haochen.
12:03That's enough, grandfather.
12:05In your mind,
12:07I am not as good as others.
12:17I will keep what happened today a secret.
12:20Yes, I have no say
12:22in your way of directing it.
12:24But Ye Ying, keep in mind
12:26that a blade without a sheath
12:28will hurt yourself one day
12:31and lead to an irreversible disaster.
12:44Let's go.
12:47This is the end of it.
12:49Nobody can know that.
12:51do you understand?
12:52Yes sir. He
13:11cannot be found
13:14either at his teacher or at his sister's.
13:34Then if you
13:35wanted to hold my hand forever,
13:42wait for me.
13:47♪ May the moon see through my inner reflection ♪
13:51♪ No more wandering in the twilight ♪ ♪
13:58Eye contact with you makes me a fool ♪ ♪
14:03Determined, I'm running towards you ♪ ♪ I
14:10thought it was an accident ♪
14:16♪ Turns out it was our destiny ♪
14:21♪ I see you're expecting me ♪
14:25♪ Pisces Fly above the clouds ♪
14:27♪ Let the darkness devour the damage ♪
14:34I made you wait again.
14:37♪ Beneath the colorful clouds ♪
14:41♪ I crossed barriers and came for you ♪ A
14:58is the embodiment of hope.
15:01♪ Maybe the fireflies find my wandering there ♪
15:06♪ So they whisper in my ear and lead me here ♪ ♪
15:13Worried but determined, I leave the darkness ♪
15:18♪ I made sure I'd wait for you ♪
15:24If it's dark and you
15:26can't find your way home,
15:28leave the firefly and
15:32you'll take me to you.
15:36♪ In the rain I feel my heart in mediation ♪
15:41♪ I still had the guts to hug the moon ♪ ♪ Back
15:58in the day ♪ ♪
16:01I was lonely across the bank ♪ ♪
16:04Now love is pouring through me ♪ ♪
16:06I'm glowing because I'm from you ♪
16:24♪ When the hot wind hits me ♪
16:28♪ I get passionate and passionate ♪
16:34♪ Fireflies lead us to love ♪
16:35♪ The colors of the clouds don't fade so easily ♪
16:44♪ I crossed obstacles and came for you ♪
16:51♪ The world is beyond black and white ♪
16:53♪ The moon meets our expectations ♪
16:57♪ I can't hide my feelings for you ♪ ♪
16:58Let the fireflies witness ♪
17:02♪ My love for you ♪ ♪
17:06You're mine, my only love ♪ ♪
17:12No more waiting, I love you ♪
17:15Sorry. I
17:17didn't mean to be late.
17:26i forgive you.
17:31(to continue)
17:35= Throne of Seal =
17:37Add to favourites, so you never miss new episodes. You
17:40should be aware of the examination procedure
17:43because you are watching it carefully.
17:52= Throne of Seal =
17:59♪ A speeding night train ♪
18:03♪ Flashes in the dark ♪ ♪
18:07In your eyes ♪
18:10♪ Reflects gorgeous fireworks ♪
18:14The wind blows lazily ♪ ♪
18:18Unintentionally pushes you to me ♪
18:22♪ No need to shuffle ♪
18:25♪ Show your heart ♪
18:30♪ The music ♪
18:31♪ suddenly stopped ♪
18:34♪ Lean on you in the crowd ♪
18:37My heart is beating fast ♪ ♪ My
18:41face is blushing ♪ ♪
18:45Hug me tighter ♪ ♪
18:49Act more expressive less ♪ ♪
18:52Don't fake it ♪ ♪
18:55Treat me with your heart ♪
19:00♪ Hold my hand ♪
19:04♪ Let's go wherever you want ♪
19:08in the fireworks ♪ That moment ♪
19:12♪ cherished sparks of love ♪
19:15= sealing throne =
19:27(Copyright Changsha Angel Culture Co., Ltd.)
19:29(and Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film Culture Communication Co., Ltd.)
19:30(next episode preview) What?
19:31But Level 5 is just the beginning.
19:33When you reach level 9,
19:35you will be the deity
19:37of your profession. You have
19:38reached level 5 yourself. It
19:40seems I have nothing to tell you.
19:42Why do we choose you?
19:43Haochen will choose a strong teammate.
19:44These people are usually nowhere to be found. It
19:47is rare to see them here.
19:48(In this place are all the finalists.)
19:50(Why does Cai'er come here?) (
19:54Next time I'll win it)
19:56(Fair and square.)
19:57Get ready!
19:59(All these days)
20:00(I never thought about who she was.)
20:03If he dared to make C'er sad…