साल के हर महीने में दो एकादशियां आती हैं. वैशाख मास के कृष्ण पक्ष में पड़ने वाली एकादशी को वरुथिनी एकादशी कहा जाता है. इस एकादशी को समस्त पापों का नाश करने वाली एकादशी माना जाता है. इस दिन भगवान विष्णु और कृष्ण भगवान के मधुसूदन रूप की पूजा की जाती है. इस दिन विष्णु भगवान के वराह अवतार की भी उपासना की जाती है. वरुथिनी एकादशी का व्रत 16 अप्रैल को रखा जाएगा. चलिए बताते हैं कि वरुथिनी एकादशी व्रत में क्या करें क्या नहीं।
There are two Ekadashis in every month of the year. The Ekadashi that falls in the Krishna Paksha of Vaishakh month is called Varuthini Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is considered to be the Ekadashi which destroys all the sins. On this day the Madhusudan form of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna is worshipped. The Varah Avatar of Lord Vishnu is also worshiped on this day. The fast of Varuthini Ekadashi will be observed on 16 April. Let us tell what to do and what not to do during Varuthini Ekadashi fast.
#VaruthiniEkadashi2023 #KyaKarekyanahi
There are two Ekadashis in every month of the year. The Ekadashi that falls in the Krishna Paksha of Vaishakh month is called Varuthini Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is considered to be the Ekadashi which destroys all the sins. On this day the Madhusudan form of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna is worshipped. The Varah Avatar of Lord Vishnu is also worshiped on this day. The fast of Varuthini Ekadashi will be observed on 16 April. Let us tell what to do and what not to do during Varuthini Ekadashi fast.
#VaruthiniEkadashi2023 #KyaKarekyanahi