The recent rebellion within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), along with other factors such as "huge anti-incumbency", corruption charges and caste politics, pose a grim challenge to the saffron party in Karnataka. Political analysts believe that this can impact the BJP's vote share in the upcoming polls as it is all about "perception" in this poll-bound state. In this episode of the Editorial, our Managing Editor Mr Sujit Nair shares his take on the matter.
#BJP #KarnatakaAssemblyElection2023 #BasavarajBommai #BSYediyurappa #JagadishShettar #LaxmanSavadi #HWNews
#BJP #KarnatakaAssemblyElection2023 #BasavarajBommai #BSYediyurappa #JagadishShettar #LaxmanSavadi #HWNews