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00:00 -This important announcement from Jack Lemmon could possibly affect the lives of every man and woman in this theater.
00:08 -Too long has the American man allowed himself to be bullied, coddled, and mothered and tyrannized and in general meant to feel like a feeble-minded idiot by the female of the species.
00:23 -The gentlemen in the audience may applaud if they wish. Ladies, feel free to hiss.
00:28 -It's the story of a man who had it made. He was a bachelor, of course, with a townhouse and a manservant, drinking pal, a club to go to, and wild adventures.
00:49 -Then suddenly, out of nowhere...
01:04 -Disaster.
01:11 -No more manservant.
01:13 -Charles!
01:14 -Sorry, sir, but I do not work for married couples.
01:17 -No more drinking pals. No more... hardly anymore.
01:29 -The more cluttered the kitchen got, the more nervous I got. The more nervous I got, the higher my blood pressure went.
01:37 -The higher my blood pressure went, the more upset I got. The more upset I got, the more impossible she got.
01:48 -Goodbye money.
01:49 -And we're going to buy her everything from lingerie to a mink coat.
01:54 -Goodbye waistline.
01:56 -Hey, putting on a little weight there, eh, Stan boy?
02:01 -Goodbye privacy.
02:04 -Goodbye everything.
02:07 -Well, almost everything.
02:09 -Mmm.
02:10 -Mmm.
02:11 -Mmm.
02:14 -She's in love, so she's never going to agree to a divorce. So we're left with only one choice.
02:21 -Murder.
02:23 -Murder?
02:24 -Murder.
02:26 [Musique]
02:47 [Musique]
02:57 [Musique]
03:07 [Musique]
03:17 [Musique]
03:27 [Musique]