Meet=Homeless Woman Shows How She Lives in a Tent

  • last year
Meet=Homeless Woman Shows How She Lives in a Tent

So when I went to visit Rockey at her tent, she started to show me how she made a gate to keep people out. I wasn't yet set up with my camera but I started recording video. Rockey shows me how she ties a rope to the gate and then sleeps with the rope so if anyone tries to get in, she'll feel it and wake up. Homeless people and especially homeless women are constantly of being attacked. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT!

Rockey has lived homeless in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County for over three years. She has lived in this tent for about a year. Rockey says she had to make it as much of a home as possible.

Rockey had a bad turn of events that snowballed until she had no choice but to live in a tent. Rockey doesn't want to draw off the system forever. She wants to work. Rockey wants to be like normal people. Go home at the end of the day. Have a meal and watch television.

Rockey says life can change in an instant. If you don't have money to pay rent, you're going to try to survive. You build a tent. You get a trap. You grab cardboard. You do anything to keep yourself warm at night.

Very special thanks to Team Invisible People
