Hi friends,
Today we will be learning about how to create a gmail account or you can term it as google account but it is popularly known as gmail account. You can create gmail account using this link https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp after clicking on to the link and you need to fill your basic information as i have discussed in the video.
Frequently asked question.
What is gmail account and for what purpose it is used for?
Gmail provides email services with which you can connect to anyone else in this world. You just need their gmail address and you can send email to them directly by login into your gmail account. That's all for today if you like the video please like and share the channel.
Don't forget to subscribe my channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/digitalamitpandey
If you want to connect with me on LinkedIn then here is the link : https://www.linkedIn.com/in/digitalamitpandey
Today we will be learning about how to create a gmail account or you can term it as google account but it is popularly known as gmail account. You can create gmail account using this link https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp after clicking on to the link and you need to fill your basic information as i have discussed in the video.
Frequently asked question.
What is gmail account and for what purpose it is used for?
Gmail provides email services with which you can connect to anyone else in this world. You just need their gmail address and you can send email to them directly by login into your gmail account. That's all for today if you like the video please like and share the channel.
Don't forget to subscribe my channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/digitalamitpandey
If you want to connect with me on LinkedIn then here is the link : https://www.linkedIn.com/in/digitalamitpandey