CRAZY Moments Of Racoons Chasing And Attacking Animals Pet Spot

  • last year
00:00 Raccoons are mischievous nocturnal mammals found in North and Central America, Europe
00:13 and Japan.
00:14 These nettlesome creatures are omnivores with short fuses and bold personalities.
00:20 They rarely back down from any fight and would intimidate a smaller opponent into giving
00:25 up its food or even eating it for lunch.
00:28 Is having a raccoon roaming around your property a problem?
00:31 How destructive and violent can these animals be?
00:35 Make sure to watch this video to the end if you want to find out because we've made
00:40 an epic compilation of crazy moments of raccoons chasing and attacking animals.
00:53 Talking about seeing a snake get devoured by another predator feels so unlikely.
00:59 Raccoons are opportunistic eaters that will ingest any creature as long as they can overpower
01:04 their target.
01:06 Snakes are intimidating, however, raccoons are fearless creatures and seem to know where
01:12 to strike.
01:13 Here, we have a raccoon securing its meal for the day.
01:16 Surprisingly, it's a snake.
01:18 A relatively small snake can still be very vicious, lurking around in between logs.
01:24 Watch as the raccoon searches carefully within the logs to find its prey, a baby snake.
01:31 It holds it securely in its tight paws and bites hard on its head.
01:35 The boar snake couldn't put up much of a fight.
01:37 The raccoon takes its time to devour the little guy, but after this, it needs something more
01:43 satisfying.
01:44 It creeps around the log, finding another yummy snake to stuff in its belly.
01:49 Looking around for a while and not finding anything, the raccoon moves back into the
01:53 forest on its merry way.
01:56 Chimpanzees are omnivores.
01:58 They hunt small monkeys, birds, baboons, and other small mammals.
02:03 They have quite a negative temperament, and when challenged by other animals, they can
02:07 be pretty aggressive.
02:09 Raccoons can be rather playful, which is a big reason why a few select individuals take
02:14 them in as pets.
02:16 However, this naughty side can quickly get them into trouble in the jungle.
02:21 A peculiar example is a raccoon in this clip, which finds its way into the cage that houses
02:28 several chimpanzees.
02:30 Chimpanzees are powerful primates, strong enough to deliver lethal blows to even humans.
02:36 Imagine how a small animal like the troublesome raccoon will fare.
02:40 As expected, the chimpanzees are not willing to let this slide.
02:44 They search the shrubs to fish out the mischievous raccoon, which eludes them each time, running
02:49 and hiding in different corners of the enclosure.
02:52 Unfortunately for it, one of the apes grabs it by the tail and swings it around.
02:57 It does this a couple of times before flinging it into the shrubs again.
03:01 This is when the raccoon tries to make its great escape.
03:04 However, the chimpanzees are not done with it yet, as one of them grabs and pulls it
03:08 back.
03:09 It's an interesting chase to watch as the raccoon escapes to higher grounds while the
03:14 chimps are in hot pursuit behind it.
03:17 Did it finally escape certain death from these gruesome chimps?
03:21 Unfortunately, we're unable to find out this detail as the video cuts short.
03:27 Since turtles are not particularly known for their speed, escaping from a relatively fast
03:31 predator is not much of an option.
03:33 Their only defense against persistent predators relies on their shell's durability.
03:38 Turtles are omnivores.
03:39 Yes, they can consume meat as well as plant materials.
03:43 As aquatic creatures, they tend to roam around a body of water, never straying far from it.
03:49 Raccoons are not necessarily great swimmers, but are surprisingly agile in the water, especially
03:54 when hunting for food.
03:56 With their long, sharp claws, raccoons can dig out meat from even the most well-protected
04:02 prey.
04:03 This weapon gives them a good grip on their target while they snuff out its life with
04:08 their strong jaws.
04:10 Turtles might not be the most vicious animal.
04:12 However, hunting and eating them can be quite a chore for most predators.
04:17 For a raccoon, this seems not to be the case.
04:20 This clip shows how it holds a turtle tightly in its tiny paws and digs in to get the sweet,
04:26 juicy meat.
04:27 It enjoys a sumptuous lunch as it munches on turtle meat, digging away as it pleases.
04:34 It's unlikely for the raccoon to pull a similar trick on an enormous turtle, especially a
04:38 giant snapping turtle.
04:40 However, raccoons lord over several small prey, which can be considered their forte.
04:46 The chimpanzee clip shown earlier is evidence that raccoons tend to start a ruckus with
04:51 all types of animals.
04:53 However, they rely on their quick speed to escape any situation when it gets tricky.
04:58 They cleverly maneuver and taunt predators, a technique they use to acquire the predator's
05:04 meal.
05:05 Raccoons are scavengers and they're more than willing to feast on prey taken down by
05:09 other predators, even if they have to fight the predators to get their meal.
05:14 Here a raccoon and a fox meet in the wild.
05:16 It looks like they are surprised to see each other there as they both take a while to assess
05:21 their opponent.
05:22 After a short time, the fox tries to intimidate the raccoon by snarling at it.
05:27 The canine gets into an attack position, ready to pounce on its opponent.
05:31 At first glance, the fox looks like the favored predator to come out on top.
05:36 The raccoon moves back a bit, seemingly uninterested in the challenge.
05:40 However, the relentless fox keeps fainting and the raccoon decides to retaliate by standing
05:46 its ground and snarling back.
05:49 All this goes on as a deer watches in the background.
05:52 The video cuts off before seeing a spectacular tussle between the two animals though.
05:57 Ducks share habitat with many dangerous predators both on land and in water.
06:02 Even those kept in cages and watched over can still be snatched by persistent predators.
06:08 Raccoons are known to go after poultry birds because they're easier targets.
06:13 Being clever creatures, raccoons are aware of the best time to invade a duck coop.
06:18 The omnivore waits for the cover of the dark before making its move.
06:22 Many farmers have reported waking in the middle of the night to hear distressed cries from
06:26 their poultry birds.
06:28 And when they go to investigate, they discover a raccoon has found its way into the coop.
06:33 Raccoons are quick and straight to kill, especially when the prey lacks a potent defense mechanism.
06:39 With excellent night vision, raccoons can pick out their targets in pitch darkness and
06:44 kill them swiftly.
06:46 You can see that in this clip as a raccoon discovers a duck enclosure.
06:51 Even though the environment is shrouded in darkness, the tenacious predator walks around
06:55 for a while searching for an opening into the bird's cage.
06:59 Eventually it finds a way in, crawling under the net and going for its prize.
07:05 It snatches one of the ducks and holds the poor victim by the throat with its mouth.
07:09 The thief hastily runs away from the coop and it slips out right from where it entered.
07:14 Turtles are considered easy prey for most predators, but a species of turtle exists
07:19 that even a raccoon equipped with sharp nails and strong jaws cannot kill.
07:24 The eastern box turtle has a perfect defense against a raccoon attack, and it is its shell.
07:31 This shell is equipped with a drawbridge from underneath that holds it securely in place
07:37 while it hides inside.
07:39 One in this clip retracts into its shell as it senses imminent danger.
07:44 As the raccoon grabs its prey ready to dig in, it cannot find a crack to put its sharp
07:49 claws or teeth into.
07:51 No crevice.
07:52 A rather disappointing turn of events for the raccoon as it makes several attempts to
07:56 crack open the turtle, all to no avail.
07:59 It just wouldn't give.
08:01 After a couple of tries, the raccoon gives up and moves on.
08:05 Bobcats are solitary and territorial medium-sized cats native to North America.
08:11 They are significant predators of the raccoon.
08:14 In fact, they've been known to keep down the raccoon population in some regions.
08:19 Being expert predators, bobcats hunt raccoons and challenge them to mortal duels.
08:25 Although it seems like an unfair fight, the raccoon is not one to back out from any fight,
08:31 even against a superior predator.
08:33 They can grow up to 20 pounds and stand up to other prominent opponents.
08:38 A bobcat can be vicious and usually provokes others into a fight.
08:43 In this clip, a raccoon races out of a bush in a hot chase from a wild bobcat.
08:50 Standing at the edge of the field, it stares down its opponent and waits for it to make
08:55 the first move.
08:56 The raccoon looks quite large, almost as large as the bobcat itself.
09:02 The raccoon cleverly goes around the back and tries to flush its opponent out of the
09:07 bush.
09:08 It does this successfully and pushes the bobcat to the open.
09:13 This evens the playing field.
09:15 The raccoon intimidates the bobcat and chases it down the grass path.
09:20 After a vicious chase, the bobcat slips back into the bush with the raccoon on its tail.
09:26 Chickens, especially hens, are one of the most vulnerable poultry.
09:31 This is a significant reason why farmers prefer to encamp them in walled houses, just for
09:38 that extra protection.
09:39 However, even with this, some predators still find a way to snatch chickens and steal their
09:45 eggs.
09:46 Wild raccoons can be nasty.
09:49 They have a history of giving farmers sleepless nights.
09:53 Raccoons are calculating and deliberate in their actions.
09:56 They observe their targets and launch attacks when their victims are vulnerable and less
10:01 guarded.
10:02 In this clip, observe how a raccoon peeps into a chicken coop and tries to snatch one
10:08 of the chickens.
10:09 The startled chickens cluck loudly, scurrying around the cage.
10:14 After a while, the raccoon returns to finish the earlier business.
10:18 It enters the cage fully and watches the frightened chickens for a while.
10:22 It looks like it's observing them in a bid to make its pick.
10:26 However, it steps out of the cage again and returns after a short while.
10:30 The raccoon seems to need help deciding whether to capture and eat a chicken.
10:36 Iguanas don't do well in the company of other animals.
10:39 They're easily preyed upon and most predators find them easy targets.
10:43 These animals can be picked up by a hungry eagle or a desperate raccoon.
10:48 The iguana's defense mechanism is not enough to dissuade larger opponents from posing a
10:53 challenge.
10:54 Most likely, they do not win this challenge and get eaten.
10:58 Raccoons, with their incredible speed, chase after iguanas and hunt them for food.
11:04 This speedy feature gives the raccoon the right amount of hunting aid it needs.
11:10 Whether in the wild or urban cities, raccoons chase lizards and other smaller reptiles.
11:16 These reptiles do not pose much of a threat to raccoons as they can easily overpower them
11:21 in a fight.
11:22 In this clip, observe how the raccoon preys on a rather large iguana that tries to escape
11:27 from the predator.
11:28 In a quick chase, this raccoon leaps after an iguana as it tries to escape into the parking
11:33 lot.
11:34 The raccoon is not about to let this big lunch go.
11:37 It leaps on the iguana and grabs it by the throat, cutting its victim's tail in the
11:42 process.
11:43 As the iguana struggles, rather unsuccessfully, to get out of its firm grip, the raccoon drags
11:49 it away from view, holding tightly onto its prey's throat.
11:53 Various predators enjoy hunting eggs in coops just to snack on.
11:58 You can easily spot snakes having a good time with a chicken's egg or that of turtles.
12:04 What is it about eggs they enjoy so much?
12:07 Raccoons have also been observed to display similar characteristics, relying on their
12:11 sense of smell to sniff out eggs where they are buried or kept.
12:17 Even chicken eggs in their coops are not safe from the paws of a raccoon, if it can reach
12:22 it.
12:23 In this clip, a raccoon finds a nest of chicken eggs and is determined to get some for itself.
12:28 Reaching through one of the holes in the wide net, it tries to snatch one of the eggs.
12:34 After several unsuccessful attempts, it luckily found a torn space in the net and used the
12:39 opening to gain full access to the chicken coop.
12:43 It picks up one of the eggs, gnawing at it to crack it open.
12:46 However, the furry creature has a rather hard time.
12:50 It made several tries, but the eggs refused to give.
12:54 When the farmer woke up to check on his livestock, it ran out of time.
12:58 The raccoon had to make a quick escape to avoid being caught.
13:02 Raccoons love going for helpless creatures, making a quick kill.
13:06 As we know, they prefer to hunt prey that they can easily overpower.
13:11 Here is another clip of a raccoon viciously biting down on a duck's neck.
13:16 Clearly the duck is dead and the raccoon moves out of the cage to enjoy its meal.
13:20 A lone driver at night spotted a raccoon and a bobcat going at it on a less busy highway.
13:27 They seemed oblivious to their environment and kept attacking each other.
13:31 This most likely looks like a fight over food or territory.
13:35 Both animals are not in their natural habitat and only seem to have gotten into the fight
13:39 searching for something.
13:41 As we know it, it isn't uncommon to see raccoons attack other animals.
13:44 They can be pretty aggressive when feeling threatened or trying to exert dominance.
13:49 The fight continues for a bit with the raccoon chasing the bobcat off the road.
13:54 However, after a short while, the raccoon runs back onto the road.
13:59 Raccoons are intriguing creatures that might make you wonder how they can overpower their
14:04 prey.
14:05 No wonder they go after smaller vulnerable animals that are easier to kill.
14:10 Raccoons are not very large, but they have good hunting instincts with strong paws, claws,
14:15 and jaws to aid them in their quest.
14:18 One of their favorite prey to hunt is the rabbit.
14:21 Rabbits are no easy match for wild raccoons.
14:24 A raccoon can easily overpower even a mother rabbit.
14:28 Observe in this following clip how a raccoon devours a rabbit it just killed.
14:34 It drags it to a corner and starts feasting on the dead rabbit.
14:39 Several ravens observe from above with hungry eyes, staring at the sumptuous lunch the raccoon
14:44 is having and wishing to grab a bit.
14:47 You see them hovering above it as it devours its lunch.
14:50 The raccoon wastes no time tearing open the rabbit and eating it chunk by chunk.
14:56 Squirrels are excellent tree climbers.
14:58 They tend to evade most predators, including humans, with their incredible speed and excellent
15:03 climbing ability.
15:05 However, against a formidable foe also equipped with climbing skills, they do not stand much
15:11 of a chance.
15:12 Blessed with unique dexterous paws, raccoons have a reputation of being decent climbers,
15:18 especially when in search of prey.
15:21 They are known to hunt birds right out of their nest.
15:25 Other tree creatures, such as lizards or squirrels, are not off limits.
15:29 In this following clip, observe how a raccoon climbs expertly up a very tall tree to hunt
15:35 some squirrels.
15:36 Up in the tree is a large squirrel with some of its babies.
15:40 Raccoons, being relentless creatures, will go after any prey regardless of the terrain.
15:46 Here is one trying to capture a squirrel in the tree while trying to hold on and avoid
15:51 falling.
15:52 Its strong paws serve it well here as it maintains a firm grip on the trunk.
15:58 Chasing after the squirrels, it was able to catch one of the baby squirrels only using
16:02 its mouth.
16:03 There's no way this baby squirrel is escaping from the hungry raccoon.
16:08 The raccoon climbs down the tree without letting go of its prey and enjoys its great catch.
16:16 Raccoons have to deal with a lot in the wild, especially with larger predators.
16:21 Because they are scavengers, they sometimes have to fight over a meal or try to scare
16:26 off another animal from their catch.
16:28 The raccoon is a very motivated animal and would do anything to get a meal in its belly,
16:33 even if it translates to facing fierce creatures.
16:37 This brawny nature has served them quite well as other animals seem to budge at a challenge
16:43 from the raccoon.
16:44 Although not immediate threats, coyotes pose a significant danger to the raccoon.
16:50 They are larger and can easily overpower the raccoon in a fierce fight.
16:54 In this clip, a coyote is feeding quietly on what seems to be the carcass of a dead
17:00 animal, or maybe its catch.
17:03 A raccoon is creeping out of the bush from behind, determined to get a bite of what the
17:08 coyote is eating.
17:10 It startles the coyote and it backs up to assess the enemy in sight.
17:14 Taking advantage of the opportunity, the raccoon quickly sniffs out the package and tries to
17:19 feed itself.
17:20 However, the coyote is not ready to give up this nice meal.
17:24 It returns and tries to scare off the raccoon.
17:27 The raccoon stood its ground, looking fearless, but after a while, it backs up, only to return
17:34 to chase the coyote away from the food.
17:36 This back and forth went on for a time, after which the raccoon gave up, leaving the coyote
17:42 to enjoy its meal.
17:44 The opossum wants to have its meal quietly, but the nasty raccoon would not let it, enjoying
17:50 some bites.
17:52 Raccoons are known mischievous animals that try to steal food from other animals and intimidate
17:58 them.
17:59 In this clip, the opossum attempts to warn the raccoon off.
18:03 Fortunately, due to its smaller size and less aggressive nature, the raccoon seems not to
18:08 care.
18:09 It keeps eating out of the opossum's bowl, enjoying the meal meant for the poor animal.
18:15 Watching helplessly as the raccoon devours its meal, the opossum has no choice but to
18:20 walk away from the scene.
18:22 This raccoon has found a groundhog in its sweet, cozy home under a large tree.
18:29 Standing at the sumptuous meal, the raccoon stares at it for a while, probably contemplating
18:34 how to snatch the prey out of its enclosure.
18:37 The safely enclosed groundhog stares at the raccoon, waiting for it to make its move.
18:42 After a while, the raccoon leaps forward to grab the groundhog.
18:46 Unfortunately for the raccoon, the groundhog slips back into its hole, safely out of reach.
18:52 Resorting to fate, the raccoon gives up the chase.
18:56 It is not uncommon to see a raccoon engage in fights with animals that obviously can
19:01 kill it.
19:02 In this clip is a raccoon challenging a wild coyote to a battle.
19:07 After taunting the animal for a while, the coyote retaliates and attacks the raccoon.
19:12 Being very clever and weighing its chances, the raccoon leaps to safety and climbs up
19:18 a fence.
19:19 It lords over the coyote, perched safely on the fence, while the latter tries several
19:24 times to get to it from the ground.
19:27 The coyote made multiple attempts to drag the raccoon from the top of the fence, all
19:31 to no avail.
19:33 The animal just won't budge.
19:35 After several tries, the coyote gives up and wanders off, leaving the raccoon very safe.
19:42 Alligators are one of the most ferocious animals on the planet.
19:46 The majority of animals actively try to avoid this powerful predator.
19:50 Watch this rather funny clip of a troublesome raccoon stumbling upon a baby alligator in
19:55 the pond.
19:56 The startled raccoon stood a bit and stared at the creature in front of it.
20:00 It pounces on the log to face the alligator head on.
20:04 The spectators watch, expecting a rather fierce fight to ensue soon between the two animals.
20:10 However, they both slip back, heading in opposite directions, avoiding the battle entirely.
20:16 While you're here, go ahead and click on one of these two videos on your screen.
20:19 We'll see you there!
