10 HORRIFIC Ways Animals Kill Their Prey

  • last year
00:00 In the animal kingdom, the ultimate rule is to kill or be killed.
00:06 Animals who are at the bottom of the food chain continue to do everything they can to
00:10 stay alive.
00:12 While at the top of the food chain, the most dangerous predators continue to sharpen their
00:16 hunting skills, leading to some of the ugliest and most horrifying killing strategies you
00:22 can ever imagine.
00:24 In today's video, we'll be looking at the top 10 most horrific ways that animals kill
00:30 their prey.
00:31 Number 10.
00:33 Crocodile We start out with one of the most clinical
00:36 predators in the animal kingdom, the crocodile.
00:40 Crocodiles have perfected the art of killing.
00:43 There are not many animals who can match them when it comes to the work, dedication, and
00:47 patience that they put into their attack.
00:50 Crocodiles have a long body, short limbs, and are very heavy, so they find it difficult
00:56 to move swiftly on land, making them very weak hunters on that terrain.
01:01 However, when in water, they are cold-blooded killing machines.
01:06 Crocodiles are known as ambush predators because of their stealthy attacks.
01:10 They will hide in water for hours if necessary, patiently watching their targets, who are
01:16 often totally oblivious to the danger that lurks beneath the waters.
01:21 Then, once the prey is within reach, with stunning speed and precision, crocodiles will
01:27 lunge out of the water, grabbing their prey and dragging them under, in an attempt to
01:32 drown them to death.
01:34 This is often accompanied by violently shaking their catch, tearing them to pieces in the
01:39 process.
01:40 For the prey, this is a violent and horrific way to die, but for the croc, it's like
01:45 James Bond's martini, shaken, not stirred.
01:48 Number 9.
01:49 Golden Eagle
01:50 The Golden Eagle is one of the most recognizable eagles in the Northern Hemisphere.
01:55 It is also the most widely distributed species on the planet, which is one of the reasons
02:01 why it's so popular.
02:03 Another and very important reason for its popularity is that it's one of the most potent
02:07 predators around.
02:09 It has mastered the art of killing by developing several ways of capturing its prey.
02:14 In one of its most disturbing killing methods, the Golden Eagle glides through the air and
02:19 springs a surprise attack, diving in on its prey and grabbing it with its claws, before
02:25 launching itself high up into the air.
02:27 In a shocking and brutal move, the eagle then releases its prey in mid-air, allowing it
02:33 to fall hard into the mountainous terrain.
02:36 Many times, the prey falls instantly to a painful death, but if the Golden Eagle suspects
02:41 that the prey is not yet dead, it grabs the animal again and throws it down to the earth
02:46 repeatedly until it finally dies.
02:49 Number 8.
02:51 The African Wild Dog
02:53 The African Wild Dog is a skilled hunter, so skilled that it's regarded as the most
02:58 efficient predator in all of Africa.
03:01 The wild dog is built for the kill and is believed to have been biologically adapted
03:06 specifically for hunting.
03:08 These dogs are endowed with giant, grated teeth that are designed to shred and tear
03:13 flesh with ease.
03:15 Their giant, grated teeth and incredible bite force, combined with their ability to work
03:19 so incredibly well and synchronized in a pack, allow the dogs to successfully catch and rip
03:25 into their targets, opening them up from the moment they are subdued.
03:30 The perfect combination of all of these factors is what makes these dogs such efficient and
03:35 brutal killers.
03:37 Wild dogs will often chase down their prey until it tires out.
03:41 Once it tires out, two or three members of the pack bite the animal in its most vulnerable
03:46 parts, including its underbelly and private area.
03:50 The dogs will continue to bite these areas until they tear open the skin.
03:55 Once they do, they eat the animal alive from the inside out, devouring its internal organs
04:01 like its kidney and intestines first.
04:04 The worst thing about this death is that it takes very long for the dogs to get to the
04:08 animal's heart or intestine, so the animal has to lie there, enduring the pain as it's
04:14 being eaten alive.
04:16 7.
04:17 Asian Giant Hornet
04:19 The Asian Giant Hornet is an efficient predator.
04:23 Just 30 hornets can encamp around a honeybee's nest and kill up to 30,000 honeybees.
04:29 They do this by picking up worker bees as they leave and enter the nest.
04:34 Known as the largest member of the wasp family, Asian Giant Hornets can grow up to two inches
04:39 long, bearing stingers that are able to penetrate clothes and light plastic materials.
04:45 They use these stingers to devour their prey by mercilessly decapitating them before eating
04:51 them whole.
04:52 These stingers are also filled with a powerful venom that is capable of causing serious pain
04:57 while breaking down the flesh of the prey.
05:00 This is a fly you don't want to mess around with.
05:04 6.
05:05 Orca
05:06 Also known as the killer whale, the orca is, in fact, the largest member of the dolphin
05:11 family, thus making it not a whale.
05:15 Orcas have adopted various techniques to catch their prey, depending on the type of animal.
05:20 They've been known to charge at seals stranded on floating pieces of ice and shoving them
05:25 into the sea before grabbing them and devouring them.
05:28 But they don't just eat them.
05:30 They first play with the seals, throwing them around and passing them to the baby orcas
05:35 to teach them how to catch prey.
05:37 All while the seals are still alive.
05:40 In some cases, orcas will drown whale calves alive before eating them, and in some others,
05:46 they'll deliver karate chops to sharks before killing them.
05:50 5.
05:52 Chimpanzees
05:53 The way chimpanzees hunt monkeys is one of the most tactical yet disturbing things you're
05:59 ever going to see.
06:00 The chimps attack in groups.
06:02 One chimpanzee acts as a driver, pushing all the monkeys into a place where they are easily
06:08 trapped.
06:09 Two chimpanzees, stationed on either side, act as blockers to close off the way of escape
06:14 for the monkeys.
06:15 Two other chimpanzees act as runners.
06:19 These are the ones who actually try to grab the monkey, and there's one alpha male who
06:23 goes ahead of the others to ambush the monkeys from the other side.
06:27 Rounded on all sides, the monkeys are left without a way of escape.
06:32 When the chimps finally get their hands on the monkeys, that's even when the gruesomeness
06:37 starts.
06:38 The chimps literally rip out the monkey's limbs while it's still alive, feasting on
06:42 its internal organs.
06:44 That is certainly one of the most painful ways to die.
06:48 Number 4.
06:50 Hippopotamus
06:51 Hippopotamuses are misunderstood creatures.
06:54 They are largely believed to be calm, but they can be ferocious beasts when they want
06:59 to be.
07:00 They are equipped with large, intimidating tusks and a series of sharp teeth, and despite
07:05 their super-heavy build, these beasts can run up to speeds of 30 kilometers, making
07:11 them more than capable of chasing humans.
07:13 It is no wonder that they are responsible for more human deaths than any other mammal.
07:19 They often overturn boats with people inside and watch them drown.
07:24 There are two main ways hippos kill their prey, both equally gruesome.
07:29 First, they can trample upon the prey.
07:31 With a humongous 1,800 kilograms of weight, they will literally crush the animal's bones,
07:38 leaving them to die a long and painful death.
07:41 The second way they kill their prey is with their powerful jaws.
07:45 Hippos have a dangerous bite, and when they want to attack, they often go for the midsection,
07:51 snapping the animal in half.
07:53 Number 3.
07:54 The pitcher plant
07:56 The pitcher plant is an exception to our list.
07:59 Although it is technically not an animal, its carnivorous nature earns it a spot on
08:04 this list.
08:05 The pitcher plant is a compound name for several carnivorous plants that capture their prey
08:11 using deadly fly traps.
08:13 Most of their victims include insects and flies who meet a gruesome death when they
08:17 fall into the pitcher plant's trap.
08:20 To attract prey, the pitcher plant uses nectar and visually stimulating leaves to lure unsuspecting
08:27 insects into their trap.
08:29 The trap almost always has a smooth leaf so that when an insect lands on it, the smooth
08:34 leaf guides them into the fly trap.
08:37 Once in, the insect finds itself in a deep cavity filled with liquid in which it drowns.
08:42 The pitcher plant then devours the insects by releasing enzymes into the fluid in the
08:48 cavity, which break down the insects to make them easily digestible.
08:52 Number 2.
08:54 Secretary bird
08:55 Do not be deceived by their charming looks.
08:58 The secretary bird is no gentle creature.
09:01 This fearless creature is a seasoned hunter.
09:04 They often hunt in pairs and primarily consider insects and small mammals as prey, although
09:10 they also love to hunt black mambas for some reason.
09:13 For more about that, see our video on animals that kill nature's scariest animals, link
09:19 in the description.
09:20 These predators are skilled at using their feet to stomp the life out of their prey before
09:25 picking them up and swallowing them whole, or tearing them into two with their razor
09:30 sharp beaks.
09:31 It has to be said, being stamped to death is no proper way to die, but these secretary
09:37 birds couldn't care less.
09:40 Before we look at our top pick for today, for more videos like this, be sure to hit
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09:51 Number 1.
09:52 Leopard seal
09:53 If there's anything we've learned from today's video, it's that looks can be
09:57 very deceiving.
09:59 Leopard seals may come across as cute, friendly, and helpless creatures, but that is only a
10:04 facade.
10:05 Leopard seals are in fact the apex predator in Antarctica.
10:09 They are tactical hunters who hide underwater while keeping a close eye on their prey, which
10:15 is primarily the penguin.
10:17 After biding their time and waiting for the right moment, leopard seals attack penguins
10:21 with lightning speed, leaving them with no time to react.
10:26 Before they have any clue what's going on, the penguin is locked in the jaws of the seal,
10:31 as they are violently shaken underwater until they suffer a truly painful death.
10:36 Which one of these was the most horrific?
10:38 Let us know what you think in the comment section down below.
10:41 If you enjoyed this video, here are two more videos like this one, which we think you'll
10:46 also love.
10:47 Kindly check it out, and we'll see you guys in the next video.
11:00 (upbeat music)
