Top 10 Strongest Predators In The Wild

  • last year
00:00 They are designed for one ultimate task, to kill.
00:05 Built with the strongest muscles, biggest jaws, and unrelenting stamina, these are the
00:10 top 10 strongest predators in the world.
00:13 Number 1.
00:15 Tiger The tiger sits at the top of our list as the
00:18 strongest predator in the world.
00:20 And yes, there have been face-offs between a lion and a tiger, and tigers always seem
00:26 to have the upper hand.
00:28 It's not difficult to see why.
00:31 Tigers are bigger and simply stronger than lions.
00:34 They are in fact the largest big cat on the planet.
00:37 They sit comfortably atop the food chain.
00:41 In hunting, tigers have mastered the art of laying an ambush.
00:45 These animals can stay undetected in the bushes for up to 30 minutes, waiting and studying
00:51 its prey, looking for the perfect moment to strike.
00:55 When dealing the fatal blow, tigers go straight for the neck of their prey, wrapping their
00:59 powerful jaws around it and suffocating their prey to death.
01:04 They execute this with the precision and power of a beast born with raw killer instincts.
01:11 Number 2.
01:12 Lion The king of the jungle needs no special introduction.
01:18 The lion is the second largest cat in the wild.
01:21 Although it is called the king of the jungle, lions are actually found in the Great Savannah
01:26 regions and not in jungles.
01:29 Truthfully, however, it is the undisputed king of this region as no animal can truly
01:35 challenge the lion.
01:37 No one comes close to the sheer power and strength that it wields.
01:42 Lions are social animals living in packs called prides, led by a super-strong alpha male whose
01:48 job it is to protect his pride from outsiders.
01:52 On the other hand, the female lions are saddled with the responsibility of hunting for food.
01:58 They work together as a team and together make for some of the best hunters in the wild.
02:04 They are perfectly evolved for the rigors that come with hunting.
02:08 Number 3.
02:09 Crocodile These ancient beasts are one of the most efficient
02:13 hunters in the animal kingdom and Nile crocodiles are the largest and the most dangerous of
02:19 the crocodile species.
02:21 These merciless killers are equipped with one of the most powerful jaws on the planet
02:26 as they are able to deliver up to 4000 psi of bite force.
02:30 Imagine that amount of force driven into bone and flesh by the numerous razor-sharp conical
02:36 teeth lining its jaw.
02:39 We've mentioned a number of ambush predators on our list, but very few animals do it better
02:44 than crocodiles.
02:47 Crocodiles rely on stealth in their hunting.
02:49 They carefully swim underneath the surface of the water, undetected by unsuspecting prey,
02:55 which could be deer, zebras, or wildebeest.
02:59 After watching carefully for a while, crocodiles pounce on their prey in a split second, dragging
03:05 their catch underwater.
03:07 And while twisting and turning, the crocodiles tear their prey into pieces.
03:12 It's a harrowing sight, but it also speaks to the masterful hunting abilities of the
03:18 great Nile crocodile.
03:20 Number 4.
03:21 Leopard The leopard is reputed to be the most aggressive
03:26 of all the big cats.
03:27 It is said that the fact that they have to compete with two other big cats, lions and
03:32 tigers, contributes to their increased aggression.
03:37 Leopards are talented hunters, and they usually do their hunting at night.
03:41 Unlike lions, leopards hunt alone, keeping their catch to themselves.
03:46 They are very skilled tree climbers and will typically carry their catch with them to the
03:51 top of a tree so they feast undisturbed.
03:56 Number 5.
03:57 Jaguar The jaguar shares a close relationship with
04:01 the leopard.
04:02 In fact, you'll be forgiven to mistake a jaguar for a leopard.
04:07 Jaguars, however, are predominantly only found in America.
04:11 Their close relatives, on the other hand, leopards, live in Africa and Asia.
04:17 Jaguars aren't as aggressive as their cousins, leopards.
04:20 However, when it's time for the hunt, their true ferocity is brought to the fore.
04:26 Jaguars are ambush predators, lying in wait carefully before springing a surprise attack
04:31 on their prey.
04:33 They pounce with so much force and aggression that their prey stand virtually no chance
04:38 of getting out alive.
04:41 Number 6.
04:42 Hyena Hyenas have a reputation of being scavengers.
04:47 Being the lazy predators that they are, hyenas do not mind going for an easy meal.
04:53 Working together as a group, they'll bully competing predators off their kill and then
04:57 eat the dead prey.
04:59 Using their sheer numbers, predators like lions and leopards are harassed out of their
05:04 meals as the hyenas take over, selfishly devouring the prey.
05:09 However, when hyenas are up to it, they exhibit their skills in hunting.
05:15 These animals also work together as a pack during the hunt.
05:18 With some tactical effort, they are able to bring down prey much bigger in size than they
05:23 are.
05:25 The hunts are led by the bigger and more aggressive females who typically hold sway within the
05:30 packs.
05:32 Contrary to what you might believe, hyenas are equipped with super strength and a very
05:36 high bite force, measuring up to 1,100 psi.
05:42 Number 7.
05:43 Cheetah The cheetah has the widespread reputation of
05:47 being the fastest land mammal.
05:49 Indeed, this slender cat can reach speeds of 70 miles per hour.
05:54 Yet in a typical hunting situation, cheetahs hardly go beyond the 35 miles per hour mark.
06:01 Cheetahs launch attacks at their prey at blistering pace, seeking to catch them unaware, using
06:07 the element of surprise to nail the meal.
06:10 When properly executed, most of their prey stand no chance.
06:15 Cheetahs are considerably smaller than their cousins, lions and tigers, and while this
06:20 makes them weaker, it also contributes to their agility and speed.
06:25 This speed makes it almost impossible to catch them, keeping them right at the top of their
06:30 food chain.
06:32 Number 8.
06:33 Cougar The cougar is one highly intelligent big cat
06:38 and highly adaptable too.
06:39 It is a very aggressive cat and attributes its channels to its hunting skills.
06:46 Cougars are very crafty predators.
06:48 Like tigers, they are able to stay hidden from their prey for long periods, biding their
06:53 time and waiting for the right opportunity to pounce, delivering their prey a devastating
06:59 blow out of the blue.
07:02 Luckily for us, cougars are known to be elusive creatures and they typically avoid human interaction.
07:09 Their primary prey of choice is deer.
07:12 Number 9.
07:13 Wolf Wolves are highly social animals that live
07:17 and hunt in packs.
07:18 A pack of wolves could include up to 10 members.
07:22 Together they execute very tactical attacks on prey with a relatively high success rate.
07:29 Wolves are perennial hunters and they hardly ever give up on their prey.
07:33 This is helped by the fact that these animals are equipped with lots of energy.
07:37 Before we look at our last pick, if you've enjoyed the video so far, please drop a thumbs
07:42 up down below.
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07:53 Number 10.
07:54 Wild Dogs Wild dogs may be one of the most endangered
07:58 mammals on the planet, but they still retain their position as one of the strongest predators
08:03 in the world.
08:04 They are very skilled hunters and, like wolves, they hunt together in packs.
08:10 A pack of wild dogs could have up to 40 members.
08:14 By working in packs, wild dogs can take down prey up to twice their size.
08:19 They are not as strong as other top predators like tigers and lions, and so they are not
08:24 equipped to strike a fatal blow to their prey with jaws and paws.
08:29 Rather, wild dogs snap and bite at their prey till they are exhausted and then eat them
08:35 alive.
08:37 On one hand, it's a gruesome way to die.
08:40 On the other, it's an incredible effort of teamwork for a group of wild dogs to take
08:45 down their prey alive.
08:47 Luckily for us, wild dogs naturally stay away from humans and will not attack unless they
08:53 are threatened or cornered.
08:55 Are there any predators worthy of this list that were not mentioned?
08:59 Let us know in the comment section below.
09:02 If you enjoyed this video, here are two more videos we think you'd love as well.
09:07 Do check them out!
09:09 See you next time!
09:10 Bye!
09:11 [Music]
