Roblox Survival 303 Tutorial #3 Basic cooking

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:20 Hello, so how you doing? This is my finished project here. This is my hut. And this thing right here, that's a mill.
00:31 That's also over here, that's a granary. The granary doesn't have much purpose but to store stuff in it.
00:37 Although I'd rather store stuff in a storage hut or something like that, which is just a hut made for storage, you know?
00:44 A corner house, like this isn't to live in, this is to store stuff in. One thing to make sure of, don't fall into this, and don't fall into this.
00:52 Because you'll never get out. The only two ways to get out, if you fall into these, is to die or to burn the building.
00:59 [Mumbling]
01:13 Really, I'm getting a little hungry and I want to cook something. And so, when in doubt to cook something,
01:22 there's that Morello guy there. When in doubt to cook something, it's usually starting off with bread.
01:29 I'll make this into a bunch of different things here because stuff like bread...
01:39 Okay, for one bread it's two stalks of wheat. So, I think I'll make ten pieces of bread.
01:51 I'll just make ten... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And... craft these. You just gotta... craft two wheat.
02:16 You can either make a wheat bundle or a thatching. I'm going to make a wheat bundle.
02:23 If you were to take one piece of wheat and create an item, you get wheat seed or a nest.
02:28 And I'll show you what the wheat seed does later on.
02:33 Because it does actually give you food from it, you know. I'll show you that later on.
02:52 And that's what a wheat bundle looks like.
02:56 And if I were to go over to my backpack, I just drop the wheat bundle in.
03:03 Right here. Boom. Wheat bundle. And you drop it into the mill. That's what you do.
03:16 It's kind of glitching that, I guess. Probably has too much flour in it, but it comes out as flour.
03:23 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 5 flour. I gotta go over and get some water because I just drank...
03:30 Actually, I guess I refilled. So, I'll place the flour down on the ground like this.
03:35 And you take a bucket or a canteen or whatever and you click it.
03:43 And that makes dough.
03:49 And if you were to craft dough into an item, you get uncooked bread.
03:57 And, you know, it's bread right here.
04:13 I'll just wait a second.
04:15 I'm back. I just had to go and say something to someone.
04:19 But, you know, so...
04:23 I got some large leaves here.
04:26 I'm gonna place those down and I'm gonna put them off to the side.
04:30 I'm gonna take my uncooked bread.
04:33 And the easiest way that I've found to cook stuff...
04:37 Let's get that there.
04:39 And once you're using the move tool, you can also rotate, uh, R to rotate, T to tilt.
04:46 And, just gonna do this a little bit.
04:59 And take your fire making bow on the large leaf.
05:03 And, wow, that was fast.
05:06 Fast for tutorial purposes, I guess.
05:09 But, usually it takes a long time with a fire making bow on a large leaf.
05:13 But you just hover that over that.
05:16 And they'll all cook at the same time.
05:18 You just watch it.
05:20 Wait for it to change color.
05:22 And that just means that's cooked.
05:25 And I'll just put this out by, you know, doing that whole dropping the water in there.
05:30 And then you have bread.
05:34 And I'll leave that one out just to eat.
05:37 And 3/4 of bread.
05:39 Half eaten bread.
05:40 Slice of bread.
05:42 Well, I'm having a massive hunger there.
05:45 So, that's when you're, you know, when in doubt, sort of foods.
05:49 And, tutorial's getting kind of low, so let me check my skills menu.
05:56 I have a cooking 3.
05:59 Looks like I must put a ladder down.
06:01 He asked me if I wanted a ladder.
06:03 I'm like, nah.
06:06 And I think next I'm going to make some berries.
06:18 And I'll make a berry pie.
06:20 And I'm pretty sure once I'm done with that, then I may be able to make an apple pie.
06:24 And after that, in the next video, I'll get into juice and have what to do with that wheat seed.
06:32 And what else do I have to get into in the next video?
06:40 And I think that's about it.
06:43 Oh yeah, and cornbread.
06:45 And cornbread.
06:46 I'm hoping I have enough.
06:48 And before the video, I will get all stocked up and ready on all that stuff.
06:53 You guys don't have to watch me go and collect materials and stuff like this.
07:00 I'm going to, I don't know, I'm just taking 4 wheat because I'm going to prepare to make an apple pie after.
07:07 Put the wheat down.
07:12 I may be able to get into the juice in this episode, but.
07:15 And since then, it's going to be the same process.
07:19 Oh crap, I just made thatching.
07:22 Now thatching can be used as a decoration, but it's used in the making of the roofs of stone houses.
07:32 I'll just make a wheat bundle there.
07:35 I'll go back and I'll get the extra wheat that I lost.
07:40 So it's not just wheat, but wheat.
07:44 Wheat.
07:46 It's all very annoying.
07:49 Wheat bundle.
08:01 Someone in the chat up there complaining, "Oh I need water, I need water."
08:09 Stir in the dough right there.
08:14 Now I'll take one of the dough out, place it down, and I'll take out the two berries.
08:21 Oh, not that bread.
08:24 If I craft a dough with the two berries, I should be able to get uncooked berry pie right there.
08:32 And that's uncooked, so it won't do a lot of cooking and stuff there.
08:40 And it's the same process with the cooking this as everything else.
08:44 I like large leaves, as you can see.
08:49 And in preparation for the juice, I'm going to take some sand.
08:54 I'm going to put the leaves down.
08:57 And seeing as this isn't a lot of stuff, I can just put that there and put the pile of sand on here.
09:02 Because when you cook sand, you get glass.
09:04 I'll show you what to do with the glass right after this.
09:07 But, see, it doesn't always work the first time you try to catch something on fire here.
09:13 (typing)
09:17 I'm working at it.
09:19 (typing)
09:23 There we go.
09:25 Now it's on fire, and I just wait for that to change color.
09:28 And now it's cooked berry pie, and that's normal glass.
09:31 And you take glass, if you mix two glass with each other, you get windows.
09:38 But to do this, I need a glass cup.
09:41 (typing)
09:44 The glass cup, let me check here.
09:46 Okay, let me just quickly do this.
09:49 (humming)
09:53 So I take two berries.
09:57 (humming)
10:02 Now, I can't do this, so I'll just say goodbye, and see you, and I'll make this juice next video.