PAWPAW BALLS - Episode 551

  • last year
00:00 Hello and welcome. Today guys I'm going to be making for you all some popo bowls. Now
00:10 I already went ahead and cleaned the popo and cut it up. This is what the popo would
00:15 look like. You want to get a green popo and you'd want to take the seeds out. I left the
00:20 skin on if you wanted to take out the skin you can. And I cleaned out the seeds and chopped
00:25 it up into small pieces. Now if you wanted to you could grate this on the finer side
00:29 of your grater but today I'm going to be blending it. You want to try when you're blending it
00:34 don't put too much water in there because you want to remove as much water as you can
00:39 once you finish grating the popo. So I'm going to blend this up and I'm going to squeeze
00:43 out the majority of that water and then we'll move on. So guys I already squeezed out the
00:50 majority of the water from the popo pulp and because I left that skin on there it gave
00:57 it this nice green color. If you were to remove the skin then your popo pulp is going to be
01:03 white and then you'll have to add extra food coloring to get that popo bowl look that we
01:09 know which is green. So to a pot I'm going to add in the popo pulp and you want to make
01:17 sure your heat is on medium or medium low. To this I'm going to add in some pectin and
01:23 I got this on Amazon. If you guys can't find pectin then you can zest a lime or you can
01:31 zest a lemon. What we want to do is allow this to create a gel like texture and that's
01:38 what the pectin is going to do and because pectin is found in citrus that is why you
01:44 can substitute the pectin for that lime zest or that lemon zest. I'm also going to add
01:51 some lime juice to this just about a teaspoon. Mix that in. Now I would average this is about
02:03 two cups and a half of pulp in here. To this I'm going to add in one cup of sugar and I'm
02:14 going to mix that in. Now we're going to cook this on medium heat until it starts to get
02:20 really really sticky and it can come together and hold together so that when we're ready
02:25 to make it into that bowl it will hold properly. So I'm going to continue cooking this and
02:31 I'll show you guys when we reach the next step. So guys the mixture is starting to come
02:40 together and it's getting that jelly like texture. I don't know if you all can tell
02:46 but it has that type of a jelly like texture or consistency. So guys this mixture is coming
02:57 along really well. Now as you can see the green is not very prominent like a nice bright
03:03 green so I'll be adding some food colouring to this just to help boost the colour. Right
03:09 now I'm going to add in some vanilla essence or vanilla extract. I'm going to go in with
03:19 this green colouring and I'm going to add a little at a time until I get the desired
03:24 colour that I want. Ok so this is the colour that I want. Ok once your mixture starts to
03:38 hold together like this you'll know that it's ready to come off the heat. Now all I'm going
03:44 to do is take this off, set it aside and allow it to cool down. When the mixture has cooled
03:52 down you're going to take small spoonfuls or depending on the size of popper balls you
03:56 want to make and you're going to roll this into a ball and then you're going to roll
04:08 it in some granulated sugar. And you're going to continue doing this until you've rolled
04:14 out all of the popper mixture. So here you have it, my recipe for popper balls. I hope
04:23 you guys enjoyed today's recipe. If you did please remember to give the video a thumbs
04:27 up and to share it with your friends. If you're new to my channel and you like what you see
04:31 I hope you subscribe. Thank you for watching and I will see you all another day with another
04:36 one of my recipes. Enjoy!
04:41 (upbeat music)
