Beef Bulalo

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:25 Hello everybody! It's cooking time again with Peachy and David.
00:28 I will not show you my kitchen and I don't have a place to edit.
00:31 That's why I look like I'm still working.
00:33 Anyway, what we will share with you is not a special dish
00:38 but since it's one of the Filipino dishes, it can't be left out.
00:44 So this is Beef Bulalo.
00:46 I will just go straight to the point.
00:47 These are our ingredients and I hope you won't get bored.
00:51 I will give you a heads up.
00:52 I have here 2 medium sized onions, quartered.
00:57 Then, 1 piece of Knorr Classic Flavor.
01:01 There, broth cube, classic flavor, Knorr.
01:05 Then, I'm not endorsing that.
01:07 Then, we have here 2 pieces of corn.
01:10 This is the sweet corn that I cut into 4 pieces.
01:16 Actually, I have more ricotta cheese than meat.
01:20 Then, fish sauce.
01:22 Then, I have ginger powder.
01:25 Don't be surprised.
01:26 You can see that I'm using fresh ginger even though I'm a baby.
01:29 So, I'm just using ginger powder.
01:31 Then, this is mixed pepper seeds.
01:35 But I will not be using pepper corn later.
01:39 It's the ground one.
01:40 Then, this is called "Coste" in Italy.
01:44 Even in Switzerland, we are still Italian here.
01:47 So, this is "Coste" just like the family of "Peccei".
01:51 Then, I have extra virgin olive oil.
01:55 Then, 500 grams of veal shanks.
01:59 Our beef that we will be using for bulalo.
02:01 So, that's all.
02:02 Okay, I have heated up the casserole.
02:07 So, it's probably hot already.
02:10 Before the onions get soggy.
02:15 I will just put 2 tablespoons.
02:18 But if you put more than 1 tablespoon, it will be too much.
02:23 So, it's about 3 tablespoons.
02:25 So, let's put it here.
02:28 Is it okay?
02:29 It's okay.
02:30 So, let's just wait for 1 minute.
02:40 Okay?
02:42 So, our onions are still fine when it's this color.
02:46 It's like their skin is getting fried.
02:56 There.
02:59 Of course, I didn't show the ingredients of the water earlier.
03:02 But obviously, we need water.
03:06 Let's just boil it first.
03:10 I'm afraid that the paninsla will get soggy.
03:25 Because just like what happened to the bulalo.
03:28 Right?
03:29 Let's put the water first.
03:31 Then, we will continue to boil it.
03:35 So, I put about 1 bowl.
03:40 Just estimate it.
03:41 Like what I was saying, as I was telling,
03:46 that we will put the other ingredients later because of the seasoning.
03:51 Because when it starts to boil, the foam will come out.
03:56 There will be bubbles.
03:57 So, we will steam it off.
03:59 If I put pepper and broth cube, it will be a waste.
04:05 The other ingredients will be removed.
04:07 So, let's just wait.
04:08 The water I put earlier is warm water.
04:11 Okay?
04:12 So, until later.
04:13 Okay, that's what I was telling you.
04:15 It's foaming.
04:17 So, let's steam it off.
04:19 Let's remove it.
04:20 If you have a strainer, it's better.
04:22 But I'm lazy because I have to wash it again.
04:26 I'll just use a strainer when I'm tired.
04:32 But since this is vetelo,
04:36 what do you call it in English?
04:38 The beef that's young.
04:40 That's why it's called beef.
04:42 Beef.
04:43 Beef.
04:44 That's why.
04:45 I don't know.
04:46 There are two types of usibuki here.
04:49 There's the usibuki of vetelo that's younger than the beef.
04:55 Is that the bovino of the beef?
04:58 Is that the usibuki of bovino?
05:01 Bovino is the cow, the big.
05:05 The senior citizen?
05:07 Yes.
05:08 There, you see?
05:09 It's just a little bit.
05:11 And you saw earlier, when there's olive oil,
05:14 I put oil on both sides of the beef.
05:18 So, it won't give out too much foam.
05:23 So now, we can put this.
05:26 This stove is really hot.
05:31 Let's put the broth cube.
05:33 I can't really cut it, so it's up to you to decide.
05:39 This is hard.
05:40 There, it's hard to open.
05:43 So I'll just put a spoonful.
05:46 There, so that's about 1 tablespoon because I didn't boil it too much.
05:53 There.
05:54 Then, I'll put...
05:57 I'll just put it at a distance because if I put it there,
06:02 the smoke will block the powder.
06:09 So there, so maybe about 1/2 teaspoon.
06:12 It's different because if there's ginger, just try it if you want.
06:19 Because if you put it fresh, and if you cut it thinly,
06:23 there's a little bit of spice.
06:26 It's too bad if you boil it.
06:29 There.
06:30 Then, a lot of pepper.
06:32 So that we won't get peppercorn, right?
06:38 There, about 1/2 teaspoon.
06:43 Okay.
06:45 Then, I said that the beef is a bit young, so about 1 hour and a half to cook.
06:52 Then, my corn, it's raw, it's not...
06:57 So 1 hour of boiling, I need to add more corn
07:03 so that it will cook for 30 minutes or 30 minutes more, right?
07:08 So there.
07:09 You see, the meat is also not cooking.
07:14 It's not cooked because I sliced the top and the bottom.
07:18 The both sides are sliced so that they won't be like that,
07:21 so that it will be like a flower, right?
07:24 So anyway, I used a lot of sauce, so that's enough.
07:28 Later, when the water is not enough, we'll add more hot water
07:32 so that the vegetables will be cooked.
07:35 So let's go.
07:36 Okay, it's been an hour.
07:39 So every 30 minutes, I set a timer.
07:42 So that's why.
07:44 Earlier, I added 1 teaspoon of salt because it's a bit salty.
07:50 So instead of fish sauce, I just added salt.
07:57 So you see, there are more vegetables than meat.
08:03 That's what will serve as rice for tomorrow's buns.
08:07 So now, the corn is already there.
08:10 We'll cover it with a lid.
08:12 Good for 20 minutes.
08:13 But before 20 minutes, 15 minutes,
08:16 we'll add the white part of the vegetables.
08:21 If the pechay is white, like this.
08:24 Seems like a slice of cheese.
08:26 Yummy, it's cheese.
08:29 So anyway, see you later.
08:31 Okay, that's it.
08:33 I cooked the corn for 30 minutes
08:36 because it's not cooked anymore.
08:39 So it's a bit harder.
08:41 Let's add this.
08:43 Before they get mixed up and it's a bit brown.
08:47 Then, just cover it for 3 minutes.
08:52 Let's also add the leaves.
08:55 So it's like a vegetable ball with a cow's head.
09:00 See you later.
09:01 So after 3 minutes or 4 minutes,
09:05 let's add the green parts.
09:10 There.
09:12 Then, just cover it again for 2 minutes or 3 minutes.
09:21 Okay, they're done.
09:26 So now, we'll just eat here.
09:28 I'll show you and take a picture of them.
09:31 Okay.
09:34 Ta-da!
09:35 That's our beef bulalo.
09:37 So there.
09:38 You can buy it there.
09:40 It's only 25 pesos.
09:42 One serve.
09:43 Joke.
09:44 So there.
09:45 The meat is so tender.
09:46 It's so delicious.
09:47 So I just had dinner.
09:49 So there.
09:50 I just had a light dinner.
09:51 For example, a week.
09:53 So that's the beef bulalo.
09:54 It's that simple.
09:56 Right?
09:57 So, you guys, take care.
09:59 Because some people boil the water first
10:02 and then they'll add the spikes and the meat.
10:05 I don't like that.
10:06 I don't think it's healthy.
10:09 That's how I feel.
10:11 If you don't like it, don't do it.
10:12 Right?
10:13 So, I won't take long.
10:15 Since I won't greet anyone,
10:16 I'll greet Richie again.
10:18 Because he said that if I don't greet anyone,
10:21 I'll greet him.
10:22 And of course, my beloved sister, Tess.
10:25 Thank you for your message, sister.
10:27 I'm really touched.
10:29 So, what's next?
10:31 Next is Cooking Time with Richie and Gabrielle.
10:34 Okay.
10:36 [Music]