Matt Keogh - no integrity left

  • last year
Matt Keogh and the Labor Party went to the last election with many promises most of which have now been deliberately broken.
it is obvious these promises were just straight up lies fed to the electorate to get votes.
Matt Keogh spoke about integrity numerous times. Appears he does not understand what the word means or his Law Training allows him to lie and expect everyone to believe him.
Well Matt Keogh you lied about the Corruption Commission, you lied about Building a better Burt, you lied about standing up for Burt, you lied about doing something about the cost of living, you lied about training skilled workers (you would know one if you tripped over one)
How about not telling us about the 400,000,000,000 you are going to spend on Submarines. No money for workers but plenty to give to a foreign country.
How the skilled workers you were going to train and the jobs for Australians first. Now you have opened the flood gates to fake skilled workers especially from India - we all saw it during the 457 visa.
You and Albanese are completely out of touch with the workers of this world.
Too busy with your head right up big businesses arse to see the facts.
You are more right wing than Scomo.
Labor does this every time - just get into power on lies then quickly forget who voted for them. You are a Party run by Woke extremists with no ties to working Australia
So much for the housing crisis or the 750,000 people you are bringing in to Australia in the next two years - maybe someone should have told you fools - there are no houses or accommodation. You are condemning working Australians to homelessness
Y ou must be proud Matt Keogh - a complete failure for Burt.


