Abhishek Bachchan reacts after hearing such a thing from a fan for Aishwarya Rai, giving a befitting reply. Abhishek Bachchan responded to a Twitter user who told him to let Aishwarya Rai sign more films after the success of Ponniyin Selvan 2. Abhishek Bachchan took to Twitter to share his review of Ponniyin Selvan 2. The film, directed by Mani Ratnam stars his wife, actor Aishwarya Rai as lead. While Abhishek praised Aishwarya's work in the movie, a person told him to ‘let’ her sign more films and take care of their daughter Aaradhya himself. The actor had a clear reply for them. Watch Video to know more
#AbhishekBachchan #AishwaryaRai #FanAdviceToAishwarya
#AbhishekBachchan #AishwaryaRai #FanAdviceToAishwarya
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Is SWEET BUT Abhishek Bachchan has ATTITUDE, Fan Reveals । FilmiBeat
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan अपनी बेटी Aaradhya के साथ पहुंची Dubai, मां-बेटी के Look ने जीता दिल