Don't Be Deceived - Matthew 24:23-28

  • last year
Yeshua said that his second coming will be like lightning in the sky. Everyone will see it. You won't have to wonder. There will be no secret rapture. He won't be in hiding. You won't have to search for him. But there will come many false messiahs performing amazing miracles that will deceive many. How can you avoid being deceived by counterfeits? By knowing the real thing. Yeshua isn't just a miracle worker. He forgives sins, keeps and teaches the commandments, keeps the Sabbath, defends the weak, and rebukes oppressors and the perverse.

If you want to be sure you know the Messiah when he comes, study his life and the signs he warned us about. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

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