How to Poach an Egg

  • last year
00:00 I'm going to show you how to poach an egg.
00:01 You realize when you break an egg into water, it scatters all over the place.
00:06 So what am I going to do today?
00:08 I'm going to place a piece of plastic film inside the bowl, which I'm going to line and
00:13 then make sure that it sticks to the side.
00:17 Then I'm going to brush with melted butter.
00:19 I'm going to season with a bit of salt and break the egg right in the center.
00:25 So to start the process, I'm going to line the plastic film inside the bowl, make sure
00:30 that the plastic sticks to the side of the bowl, take some melted butter and then brush
00:38 it around the side to make sure that the egg is not going to stick while it cooks.
00:46 I'm going to season with a pinch of salt.
00:50 I'm going to pour the egg right in the center and then I'm going to tie the egg inside the
00:58 plastic.
01:10 When the egg is all entrapped, it's easier to work on a cutting board.
01:13 So you can remove it from the bowl, take the twine, close it tight and then drop it into
01:22 the water.
01:24 So to poach the egg, you use simmering water, which is around 170 degrees Fahrenheit.
01:30 Now that the egg has been cooking for seven minutes, we're going to check if it's ready.
01:38 So you can feel the white is hard, but the yellow inside is still very soft.
01:47 So what you want to do, place it on a paper towel.
01:53 Take the scissor, it will be the easiest way to cut the plastic film.
02:07 Now you have a perfectly poached egg and you haven't lost any of the white.