LMA: Voso, ‘Venetoclax aiuta ad aumentare aspettativa di vita per anziani con leucemia’

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Avere nell’armamentario terapeutico il Venetoclax permette di ottenere delle remissioni complete in un’elevata percentuale di casi. Un farmaco che può aiutare ad aumentare l’aspettativa di vita degli anziani affetti da patologia”. Così il Professore Ordinario di Ematologia dell’Università Tor Vergata, Maria Teresa Voso, a margine della conferenza stampa tenutasi all’Hotel Nazionale sulla leucemia mieloide acuta.  


00:00 in the therapeutic armament, a new drug like Venetoclax,
00:05 in association with a drug that we already know, which is Zacitidine,
00:09 allows to obtain complete remissions in a high percentage of cases.
00:17 So all symptoms, signs of the disease, disappear,
00:22 usually after the first cycle,
00:25 and with a toxicity load that is lower than the standard chemotherapy.
00:32 So it allows us to obtain good results even in patients
00:37 in which we did not have adequate therapies before,
00:43 and moreover, it also determines an extension of the survival of patients
00:49 with a good quality of life.
00:51 Why? Because, apart from the first cycle, in which naturally with the active disease
00:56 we can observe side effects of the hematological type,
01:01 starting from the subsequent cycles, it is possible to continue the treatment
01:06 also for the ambulatory path, therefore not having the need of prolonged recovery
01:13 for the consolidation cycles, for example,
01:16 and also to prolong the survival probability,
01:21 which in the leucemia of the elderly was lower,
01:25 not only for the characteristics of the patient,
01:28 but also for the characteristics of the disease,
01:31 because the leucemia that is defined by the elderly
01:34 more often also has biological characteristics of greater aggressiveness.
01:39 And Venetoclax, with its new mechanism of action,
01:44 in combination with the zacitidine,
01:46 instead, also works in these types of leukemia,
01:50 often secondary, often with genetic and unfavorable alterations,
01:55 in which conventional chemotherapy is not so useful.
