• 2 years ago
Join me in GTA 5 as we respond to an officer pressing his emergency button, and engage in a shootout with the suspect near Braddock Tunnel.

This was part of a full LSPDFR episode that I uploaded a couple years ago, titled "LSPDFR 0.48 Episode 1: Officer Down!" You can see that video at (https://dai.ly/x7yca08).

That video was supposed to be the first of many LSPDFR 0.48 patrols, but for a number of reasons, it didn't work out that way.

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, please consider sending some bitcoin or litecoin my way. I earn virtually no money (a total of 73 cents since April 2016) from this channel and am not eligible to monetize my Youtube channel or Facebook page. My BTC address is ( 1MFQJkWK4pBbUaxErqpxhCWojaRRJqJeGh ) and my LTC address is ( LMYM6SBZ4Kqcr7NFA77B5aRY7cbuNwzbRP ). From the bottom of my heart, thank you in advance.