Highlights - Stage 6 - #LaVueltaFemenina by Carrefour.es 2023

  • el año pasado
Discover the best moments of today's stage.

Stage 6 - (Castro-Urdiales / Laredo)

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00:00 Look at the fantastic camera work that the motorbike pilot and the cameraman are giving
00:09 us.
00:12 Welcome to stage 6 of La Vuelta a Femenina.
00:15 Demi Follering seized control of the race yesterday with a commanding performance in
00:19 the first proper mountain stage, but with only 5 seconds separating her and the defending
00:23 champion Annemiek van Vleuten, nothing is settled just yet.
00:28 Today we have two smaller climbs on the road from Castro Uriales to Laredo with some absolutely
00:33 beautiful scenery on the menu.
00:36 First the Alto de Fuente de las Varas at 6.4km at 5.4%, then the slightly longer Puerto de
00:42 Campo El Jalal 8.2km at 4.6%.
00:46 That tops out with 22km to go before a downhill sweep to the finish line.
00:53 But the riders hadn't even reached the climbs before it all started kicking off in the crosswinds.
00:58 Follering found herself on the wrong side of a split and suddenly it was panic stations
01:03 at SD Works as they began to be distanced by the main peloton.
01:07 Movistar putting the hammer down on behalf of van Vleuten and putting the race leader
01:10 under serious pressure.
01:12 The gap was well over a minute as they hit the first climb with Movistar still pacing
01:16 hard.
01:17 Well Follering had company in the shape of Riccardo Bauernfeind who had that excellent
01:21 third place yesterday, but getting back to the front was looking an increasingly impossible
01:26 task.
01:27 And that's because van Vleuten wasn't in the mood to take any prisoners.
01:32 And there she goes.
01:33 Gaia Rialini on her wheel.
01:35 We have Nieva Dolma not that much further back.
01:39 And this is the moment.
01:41 Going all, all out to get Annemiek van Vleuten back in the red leaders jersey.
01:48 A stinging attack from the world champion as she whittled that front group down to just
01:52 seven riders.
01:53 Rialini, Garcia, Rihanna Marcus, Magnaldi, La Boos and Musick battling just to hold her
01:59 wheel.
02:00 Well Marcus and Garcia lost contact before the summit.
02:03 AVV leading a group of five over the top.
02:06 They were followed by Garcia and Marcus at 30 odd seconds.
02:10 Then it was a group containing Elie Chabet, the queen of the mountains.
02:13 And finally Follering at nearly two minutes.
02:17 Those gaps remained pretty stable on the descent with no team mates around her.
02:22 Follering was being forced to lead the chase herself.
02:25 And she had virtually lost the jersey by the intermediate sprint as van Vleuten sprang
02:29 away.
02:30 The Dutchwoman just decided to keep on going and left the others in her dust.
02:35 But she would get some company on the second climb as Rialini bridged across.
02:39 The lightweight Italian proving that she is a heavyweight climber at just 40 kilos.
02:44 Well the 40 year old van Vleuten and the 21 year old Rialini leading the way to the summit
02:48 of the Campo El Haya followed by a chase group of three riders, Labus, Magnaldi and Musick.
02:54 No real change for Follering.
02:55 She was still a minute and 40 odd back.
02:58 What a difference a day can make in cycling.
03:01 Van Vleuten also becoming the virtual queen of the mountains as she and Rialini swept
03:05 into this descent.
03:06 Look at this.
03:07 Look at the fantastic camera work that the motorbike, the motorbike pilot and the cameraman
03:15 are giving us.
03:18 The following group eventually caught up to Labus, Magnaldi and Musick.
03:21 But the outgoing race leader was having trouble finding anybody to help her with the chase.
03:27 Van Vleuten was heading into red then.
03:29 But could she also get her first win this season in the rainbow balance?
03:34 It's going to be a sprint between the two.
03:37 Between Annemiek van Vleuten and Gaia Rialini.
03:40 Is it going to be van Vleuten or Rialini?
03:43 It's going to be a real battle to the line here.
03:45 Annemiek van Vleuten and Gaia Rialini.
03:48 And it actually looks like it's...
03:50 What a surprise.
03:51 How did this happen?
03:54 Second win there for Gaia Rialini.
03:56 What a win it was in a sprint with Annemiek van Vleuten.
04:02 Anyone in cycling who hadn't heard of Gaia Rialini before today will certainly know her
04:06 now.
04:07 The young Italian's had a breakout season since joining Trek Segafredo, coming second
04:11 at the UAE Tour behind her team-mate Elisa Longo Borghini and then winning the Trofeo
04:16 Oro ahead of her team-mate Amanda Spratt.
04:19 She also had a strong classics campaign but what a way to secure her very first World
04:23 Tour win by stunning the world champion in Laredo.
04:26 She has a very bright future indeed.
04:28 It's an incredible day for me and our team because in the first part I worked with my
04:38 team for the climb in the first part of the group and when Annemiek efforts I stay behind
04:48 you and it's incredible.
04:52 I don't have a word for this day.
04:56 There was a certain amount of confusion after the finish with the stage win first awarded
05:00 to Rialini and then van Vleuten and finally Rialini again.
05:04 But one certainty was that following came in over a minute down.
05:09 Van Vleuten denied her first victory of 2023 then but she can console herself with that
05:14 red jersey.
05:15 She goes into the final stage with a minute and 11 seconds in hand over following.
05:19 The Dutch are still dominating even if this was the first stage to slip through their
05:22 fingers.
05:24 Marianne Vos finished nearly six minutes back in the third group but she's still on course
05:28 to win the green jersey, van Vleuten up to second place in the points classification.
05:33 She also takes over as the new Queen of the Mountains with Rialini and Chaby in second
05:38 and third.
05:39 Well the race was completely turned on its head today.
05:42 Are we going to have more drama on Sunday as we hike up to the iconic Lagos of the Cobadonga?
05:48 Join us tomorrow to find out and thanks for watching.
05:52 [Music]