15 Erbarmungslose Jagden Wilder Tiere!!

  • last year


00:00 The law of the jungle is to kill or be killed.
00:06 Mostly at least.
00:08 Only the strongest survive.
00:10 If you can't claim yourself, you won't make it.
00:13 In the bush all kinds of animals meet and conflicts are inevitable.
00:18 Some fights take place faster than others.
00:20 What do you think happens when a worshiper hits a hornet?
00:25 Which creature wins between a hammerhead and a stingray?
00:29 Stay tuned and you will see much more.
00:31 Because we count 15 wild animals that hunt without mercy.
00:35 Number 15.
00:43 Bear hunts elk
00:44 Elks are usually larger than deer, so a bear has to spend more energy to
00:50 chase them.
00:51 However, if the elk is still young, as in this video, it is a child's play to
00:55 kill its victim and carry it to a safe place to eat it.
00:59 This bear doesn't seem to bother with the water when it attacks a huge elk in a river
01:03 in this video.
01:04 The stay in the water makes it not only difficult for the mighty predator, but also for the
01:08 elk to flee.
01:09 The bear seems to master the situation perfectly and kills the elk in a few minutes.
01:15 Now you just have to find out how he can pull the big prey out of the water so that
01:19 the bear can enjoy his meal.
01:21 This grizzly bear is angry by a throw of bushes.
01:24 There was a big scream when the bear appeared and reappeared on the other side with the
01:29 elk's mouth.
01:31 What looks like a safe prey for this grizzly bear, when he sees an injured elk
01:35 that can hardly run, is chased to a dead end in our next video when the
01:40 elk manages to evade the bear and jump into the river where the current carries him away from the bear.
01:46 Since his victim is still singing Ave Maria, the bear enjoys his feast a bit too early.
01:51 Some animals may not wait to eat it when the time comes.
01:56 Number 14 Wild dogs against warthogs Although warthogs are impressive animals
02:02 with sharp, knife-sharp teeth, a warthog is not enough against a pack of wild dogs.
02:07 A pack of wild dogs hunts a warthog.
02:10 The warthog notices this quickly and decides not to stay close, so it flees, but the dogs
02:15 chase it bitterly.
02:17 The warthog crawls into a ditch and goes into defense mode as the last way out, but
02:21 even that may not be enough to defend against the attack of the crazy dogs.
02:26 Wild dogs are among the best hunters in Africa, but it seems that they don't care if their
02:31 prey is still alive when they devour them.
02:33 In this video you can see how they devour a warthog alive.
02:38 Unintentionally, these wild dogs penetrate the cave of a warthog and grab the warthog
02:43 from all directions.
02:45 The warthog doesn't even have a chance to blink before it's prepared for dinner.
02:50 While they devour the warthog, the dogs show no mercy.
02:54 The next video is nothing for weak nerves.
02:57 A young warthog is torn to pieces by these wild dogs.
03:01 The cruelty with which the wild dogs go hunting is hardly to be overlooked.
03:05 The dogs never stop and eat whatever the stuff holds.
03:08 Whether the prey is alive or dead does not matter to them.
03:12 Finally, this warthog is attacked by a large pack of dogs from all sides.
03:17 It is regrettable that warthogs are usually alone in such situations.
03:21 It would be interesting to see what would happen if so many warthogs like wild dogs
03:26 were involved in a fight, because there always seems to be a numerical imbalance
03:31 when they meet.
03:32 This warthog will die.
03:34 I don't think wild dogs and warthogs will ever be friends.
03:38 13) Lion against donkey I've never heard of lions hunting donkeys,
03:46 but I guess it will happen, because this video proves it.
03:49 These two young lions put themselves in danger when they decided to brutally kill several
03:53 donkeys of a local herd.
03:56 The farmers to whom these donkeys belong could definitely hold out to the lions and take
04:01 revenge.
04:02 The local ranger has to take care of it and try to ensure peace between the cats and the
04:06 residents.
04:08 In this video from the zoo in Baghdad, the lions were released into the donkey enclosure
04:12 because there was apparently a lack of food.
04:14 I hope the information I have is wrong, but I have never seen or heard that predators
04:25 like lions are released into the enclosure of another animal so that they can eat it.
04:30 Next, these two lions went to a village late at night and caught a donkey.
04:34 They were hungry and it was time to eat, so what else should they do?
04:39 12) Tiger against bear Deer, elk, wild boar and, yes, bears are
04:46 prey for tigers.
04:47 Although bears from the Himalaya are the most prey of the tiger, they only make up 5% of
04:52 all large meals.
04:53 The Siberian tiger turned to brown bears as food when natural prey in Russia
04:59 became rare.
05:00 Siberian tigers and grizzly bears in North America are loners.
05:03 Unless a sloth mother guards her young, tigers are easier to deal with than sloths.
05:09 Look at how this mother fights the tiger as if it were the last day of her life and that
05:14 is not an easy fight.
05:15 The bear even tries to defend herself against the tiger so that the big cat finally stops
05:21 and thinks "that's too exhausting for me".
05:24 After his triumph, the sloth baby congratulates his mother.
05:27 In this next video, these two tigers approach the Asian bear, but the bear rises up and
05:32 stands up against the tigers.
05:34 The tigers run up to the bears as if they were on a mission, but none of them
05:39 manages to overwhelm the bears.
05:41 I guess it's not as easy as it looks.
05:43 11) Lion against warthog Warthogs are fearless and dangerous creatures
05:49 that can cause great damage.
05:51 But how do they fight the king of the jungle?
05:54 Do you have a chance against a lion?
05:56 Of course the warthog is not an idiot and will not approach a lion to intentionally
06:01 spoil it.
06:02 The warthog will simply defend itself if the lion wants to attack.
06:06 The lion will chase the warthog until it is forced to fight the lion.
06:11 If the warthog wants to survive such a fight, it must have a few prayers and the latest
06:15 version of the King James Bible.
06:18 In this video, a lion chases a small warthog.
06:21 Given the size of the prey, I am not sure why the lion even puts energy and effort into
06:26 this hunt.
06:27 The small warthog will not fill the stomach of the big cat, but I guess big cats like to
06:32 eat an appetizer from time to time.
06:34 A group of people saw a hungry lion and decided to camp with them for several hours in the
06:39 hope of seeing a prey.
06:41 All day long, a lion hid under a tree and kept a nearby waterhole in sight.
06:47 A male warthog decided to take a bath in the waterhole guarded by the lion.
06:51 The lion went around the bush to her left and began to approach the warthog while
06:56 she was recording this.
06:58 The lion gave everything, but was not fast enough and the warthog escaped to survive
07:02 another day.
07:03 She did not try to catch the warthog.
07:06 Next, the male lion visits the cave of the warthog.
07:10 No, he does not sell Bibles, but he wants to show the warthog where heaven is.
07:14 And that's exactly what he does, in front of a pack of wild dogs.
07:18 Finally, these two lions hunt the warthog and end a successful hunt.
07:23 In an open field like this, it is not easy for an animal to escape the access of two
07:27 impressive hunters who work together towards a goal.
07:32 10.
07:33 Wild dogs against impalas Many African predators like to eat the impala
07:38 as a food source.
07:39 It is incredibly fast and difficult to catch, but if a predator gets an impala in the claws,
07:44 it is almost a safe thing.
07:46 The difficult part is to catch it.
07:48 In this video, two wild dogs chase a huge impala through the lake.
07:52 The other members of the pack are waiting anxiously while the two do most of the work
07:58 to pull the impala to the shore against his will.
08:01 As soon as the animal is out of the water, the rest of the pack celebrates with him and the impala
08:05 can say goodbye to the rest of its life.
08:07 At the roadside, these wild dogs kill an impala.
08:10 When it comes to food, wild dogs are not picky.
08:13 It's okay for them to enjoy a picnic, even if it takes place on the roadside.
08:18 In this video, these three wild dogs kill an impala in just a few seconds.
08:23 The speed at which they work is incredible.
08:26 They don't waste any time at all.
08:28 This pack of wild dogs has driven an impala into the narrow and it chases it over a flat
08:33 water.
08:34 Slowly but steadily, one of the dogs approaches the impala and despite the shortness of the video,
08:38 it is clear how the hunt will go.
08:40 Finally, the young impala catches and eats the wild dog and the whole thing is over in
08:45 a few seconds.
08:46 When an impala gets its fingers, they tear it to pieces within seconds.
08:50 The impala has no chance of surviving.
08:53 9.
08:54 Leopard fight Leopards are solitary, so it is understandable
08:59 that they have a difference of opinion when they meet another leopard.
09:03 This is confirmed when you see these two leopards fighting each other.
09:07 You can see the bite wounds on one of the leopards and the fight is far from over.
09:12 They exchange glances and then glint at each other as if they were house cats.
09:16 I assume they didn't want to get any more problems.
09:19 The leopards in this tree throw everything they have at each other.
09:23 Either they fight for which branch belongs to them or one of the two leopards claims
09:28 the whole tree for himself.
09:29 Leopards that fight each other are usually equal, so a leopard rarely
09:35 dies through the paw of another.
09:36 They just hurt each other and then leave when they have had enough.
09:40 In this nightly clip, two leopards hit each other in the face, but they have no idea
09:45 that a lioness is running around close to them.
09:48 When one of the leopards jumps off the tree, he has to flee quickly before the lions attack him.
09:53 In this video, a leopard guards its prey in front of another leopard on this tree.
09:58 They fight for a few seconds, but the leopard that holds the prey makes sure that the other
10:03 leopard doesn't get too close to his meal.
10:06 Finally, after an incident with another leopard, a leopard is horrified by a tree.
10:11 I hope the leopard is not injured, because that could mean a slow death in the bush,
10:17 if that's the case.
10:18 8.
10:19 Wild dogs against Zaziebee
10:21 The mean Zaziebee, sometimes also called Zazabee, is a close relative of the Bondobox.
10:27 With its high, slanted shoulders that fall off to a small, not very robust-looking body,
10:32 it has a funny look.
10:34 And guess what?
10:35 Wild dogs love comedy shows, so watch the Zaziebee whenever you can.
10:40 In this video, the show doesn't take very long and the dogs all move in their own direction
10:45 and devour every piece of meat they can find.
10:48 The suffering of the animals must be unbearable, but that doesn't matter to the dogs.
10:53 Finally, another Zaziebee is brought to the scene pretty quickly and finds out what's
10:58 up with the wild dogs.
11:00 No matter how much it defended itself, it couldn't do anything.
11:03 7.
11:04 God's worshiper against Hornets
11:05 Thanks to their queens, which can grow up to 5 cm long, and their mandibles, which are
11:09 shaped like stag-like shark fins, Asian giant hornets, also known as killer hornets, can
11:13 kill a bee colony in a few hours by decapitating the bees and flying away with their chest
11:19 to feed their offspring.
11:21 With larger prey animals, the strong poison and the sting of the hornets, long enough
11:27 to pierce a beekeeper suit, cause a painful mixture that people describe as hot metal
11:33 that hammers meat into them.
11:35 That's all nice and good, but if you, like in this video, stand against the god's worshiper,
11:41 the only death this hornet sees is your own.
11:45 Imagine how the god's worshiper usually extinguishes this terrible insect.
11:49 This unhappy hornet is subjected to a lobotomy, but it will not survive to save its friend
11:55 from it.
11:57 The second video shows how a hornet seems to defeat a god's worshiper, but it unravels
12:01 as another ring fight, in which there is no clear winner.
12:05 The fight between a hornet and a god's worshiper is somewhat more balanced and the hornet goes
12:11 out as the winner and gives the god's worshiper a taste of her own medicine.
12:15 Another god's worshiper devours a hornet, although the hornet desperately tries to stab
12:21 the god's worshiper.
12:23 The hornet can only roll up to a ball and pray after the god's worshiper has beheaded
12:27 it.
12:29 6) Turtle
12:31 Turtles spend most of their time underwater and wait for their next meal to pass.
12:37 They are not aggressive animals, but like any other wild animal, they defend themselves
12:41 when they are attacked.
12:43 It is quite possible that a turtle bites off someone's finger.
12:47 Alligator snappers, which can weigh up to 13 kilograms, can bite and leave a remaining
12:51 scar.
12:53 But they are small compared to typical alligator snappers.
12:57 The next video shows a alligator snapper that can just hold on to the foot of this duck.
13:01 But the turtle is determined to kill it, even if it is not as easy as it seems.
13:05 The duck urgently tries to get out of the turtle's grip so that it can leave the water and
13:09 then flee ashore.
13:11 But the turtle holds on and I doubt that the duck will survive.
13:15 If it manages to free itself, it is much faster ashore than the turtle.
13:19 5) Wild dogs against Kudu
13:21 The Kudu is a huge antelope that looks like a reindeer and wild dogs like to eat it.
13:27 The Kudu in this video is not very lucky and is chased by a group of dogs through the
13:33 forest.
13:35 The Kudu is overwhelmed by the number of dogs and it does not look like the situation is
13:39 improving.
13:41 The Kudu is dragged to the ground against his will and as long as he lives, the dogs
13:45 eat him.
13:47 6) The Kudu is a lonely wild dog
13:49 While a lonely wild dog is hunting a lonely Kudu in the water, hyenas in the distance call
13:53 that they know about the hunt and try to devour the prey.
13:57 The wild dog is held by the Kudu in check, which stays in the water.
14:01 The wild dogs chase the Kudu through the swamp and finally catch him.
14:05 While the dogs prepare their dinner, a nearby elephant herd comes to see what's going on.
14:09 The presence of the elephant scares the dogs, but it's too late for the Kudu.
14:15 While they wait for the rest of the pack to come to them, a single wild dog proves enormous
14:19 strength by laying a young Kudu alone and licking it.
14:23 4) Hammerhead against stingray
14:27 A hammerhead discovers a stingray lurking on the seabed.
14:31 The stingray is insecure and tries to escape, but is it too late?
14:35 The stingray has no other option than to escape from the cover and the shark chases him wherever
14:39 he goes until he locks up the stingray and makes him motionless.
14:43 That's his end.
14:45 I'm not sure why the aquarium managers put a stingray in the same aquarium as a hammerhead.
14:51 Unless they want to feed the shark, which is exactly what's happening here.
14:55 It looks like the strong stingray always pulls the shorter one when it is confronted with the hammerhead,
15:01 as in this video.
15:03 3) Dingo hunt
15:05 Dingoes are the largest meat eaters in Australia and hunt a variety of animals.
15:09 They hunt mainly at night. Dingoes hunt alone or in packs, depending on the size of the prey.
15:15 The dingo is a predator that searches the landscape for food and devours everything it finds.
15:20 This dingo pack is on the hunt for Asian water buffalo meat.
15:24 At first they looked at a small calf, but the hunt gets complicated when the buffaloes join together.
15:30 The adult animals are very large and it doesn't look like the dingoes would be able to isolate one of the animals.
15:36 In this video, a walaroo claims to be a dingo.
15:39 The dingo tries to intimidate the pack animal, but it doesn't really work.
15:43 This aerial shot shows a dingo chasing a wild boar mother and her falcon.
15:48 The mother doesn't look back and the falcon is much slower,
15:51 so I suspect that the dingo will catch the little guy at some point.
15:55 What surprised me is that the mother leaves her falcon to save her own life.
15:59 I was sure that she would come back to at least defend her offspring.
16:03 But I was wrong.
16:05 Dingoes don't make any difference.
16:07 And as you can see in this video, they hunt boar, eidex and even kangaroos.
16:12 They eat everything that their stomachs desire.
16:15 Number 2 - Chicken against rabbit
16:19 Although he also devours bird eggs, Mr. Melin is mainly a meat eater,
16:23 who feeds on small animals such as rabbits, hares, mice, wild mice and bats,
16:29 but also on everything else that exists in his habitat.
16:32 Birds are also eaten and if there is a lack of other prey,
16:35 rainworms, large insects and ants are eaten.
16:38 This Mr. Melin has made a prey, but now it's about getting the rabbit through the fence.
16:44 Look at how much effort he's putting into completing this piece of art,
16:47 and with a little more effort, the animal finally succeeds.
16:50 In this club, another Mr. Melin destroys a much larger rabbit.
16:54 It looks like the rabbit has no way of defending itself against Mr. Melin.
16:59 Watch how Mr. Melin hunts a rabbit that is many times his size.
17:03 When the rabbit is exhausted, Mr. Melin grabs the neck of the rabbit with a strong bite,
17:08 and that's the end of the way for the fluffy rabbit.
17:11 In this video, Mr. Melin does dance moves when he is not able to catch a rabbit.
17:16 The prey of Mr. Melin is like hypnotized by all the jumps and turns,
17:21 until Mr. Melin can perform the deadly blow.
17:24 This little rabbit spoils a Mr. Melin,
17:26 and it looks almost as if the rabbit is the instigator.
17:29 But that doesn't last long when Mr. Melin realizes that the rabbit is the prey.
17:34 Finally, Mr. Melin hunts a huge rabbit,
17:36 and I honestly don't understand why the rabbit is so vulnerable
17:40 when you consider the size of the animals involved.
17:42 Mr. Melin grabs the rabbit's neck and finally brings it to the fall to kill it.
17:48 Number 1 - Wild dogs against water bugs
17:51 A pack of wild dogs comes across a water bug mother with her calf,
17:54 after they saw a large impala herd that has disappeared.
17:58 The little water bug escaped a large herd of hippos after it was chased by the dogs into the water.
18:03 After a few hours, the wild dogs finally give up,
18:06 and the mother and the water bug calf were able to escape unharmed.
18:09 In this video, the water bug is torn to pieces by a pack of wild dogs while it is still alive.
18:15 I tell you, wild dogs are the animals that have the least sympathy with their victims.
18:19 Next, a pack of wild dogs in the Krüger National Park has driven a young calf and its mother into the narrow and surrounded them.
18:26 The wild dogs had seen it off on the calf because it was a light prey,
18:30 but luckily for the calf, the mother was tough and held on.
18:33 Finally, the wild dogs kill another water bug.
18:36 Unfortunately, this is not a nice sight, but that's just the law of the land.
18:40 I have to admit that some of these hunts leave me a little speechless.
18:45 My favorite are the leopards that fight over the branch.
18:48 Which was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.
18:52 That's it with our countdown of the 15 wild animals that hunt without mercy.
18:57 If you liked this video, please give us a like and let us know in the comments what you think.
19:03 Also watch our other videos and subscribe to be there.
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19:11 That's it for now.
