Ashab al-Aykah. Who are these people_ In English, this literally translates to “Companions of the Wo

  • last year
Ashab al-Aykah. Who are these people? In English, this literally translates to “Companions of the Wood.” These were the people of the city of Madyan according to the correct opinion. The city of Madyan is based in an area of modern day northern Saudi Arabia, however the civilization extended around the Sinai Peninsula and southern Jordan as well. The prophet who Allah (swt) sent to these people was Shu’ayb (as). The people he was sent to used to worship the aykah, which is a type of tree. Some people say it is a twisted type of tree which has an odd shape. The reason why Shu’ayb (as) is not referred to in the Qur’an as “their brother Shu’ayb” is because here they are being described in relation to their worship of the aykah (Ashab al-Aykah). Because of their disbelief, Allah (swt) says, “The Ashab al-Aykah denied the messengers.” Allah (swt) did not say, “when their brother Shu’ayb said to them…”, but instead said, “when Shu’ayb said to them…“. So He cut off the relationship of brotherhood between Shu’ayb (as) and his people in the sense of them being referred to as “his people” even though he was in fact related to them as their brother. Ibn Kathir relates that the people of Madyan were the first to impose fees and tolls on people and caravans passing by their land.
Amber Voice
ashabul Aika
Hazrat shoib alaihissalam ka walkya
Hazrat shoib a.s ki basti
Hazrat shoib a.s ki kahani
prophet shoib alaihissalam story
prophet Shuaib story
the people of Madyan
qasasul ambiya
qasasul anbiya
ashab e aika
qaum e shoaib
madain shoaib
Hazrat shoaib a.s ka waqia
Hazrat shoaib ki qaum par azab



