• last year
Rock monastery Complex - Vessagiriya


Vessagiriya is a Buddhist Temple Located in Sri Lanka.It is one of the 3071 Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka. This temple complex is located few hundred meters left to the current Isurumuniya on the old Anuradhapura Kurunegala road. This is another site in Anuradhapra which is not visited by most of the pilgrims. Therefore this area is still remains unspoiled up to now. This site has been housed to 500 priests who received ordinance from the thero Mahinda who brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka. You can see only remaining ancient stone pillars and ruins at present. Also you can see 23 drip ledge caves rock temple with marvels and more ancient ruins in this temple. All the architectural creations that should be in a monastery can be seen in the vicinity of the Vessagiriya rock monastery complex, among them, the Stupa ,the house of statues and the Uposathagara are the main ones.The house of idols here is in the tradition of Ghandakuti. The diameter of the Stupa is 60 meters.The subdivision is 18m long and 16m wide, and the statues range in size from 20m to 15m.
Sacred Places and monuments in the premises of the Vessagiriya areRock Range (A),(B),(C), Pond, Bodhigharaya, Image House, Uposathagaraya, Stupa,Stairs and Caves.
