The Love You Give Me Ep 26 eng sub

  • last year
The Love You Give Me Ep 26 eng sub
00:00 [Music]
00:06 [Music]
00:13 [Music]
00:33 [Music]
00:43 [Music]
00:53 [Music]
01:03 [Music]
01:13 [Music]
01:23 [Music]
01:33 [Music]
01:37 [Music]
01:47 [Music]
01:57 [Music]
02:07 [Phone ringing]
02:09 Hello?
02:12 I've already asked Hardy to go pick up the invitations.
02:14 I'll pick you up when you get off work.
02:16 It's been a long time since we've spent time together.
02:18 Sister Minghui.
02:20 I'll take you to a special place later.
02:23 I know.
02:24 I have something else to do now. I won't talk to you anymore.
02:26 I...
02:28 You should listen to me first.
02:32 What's wrong?
02:34 Sister Minghui.
02:35 I really didn't have a affair with Ding Yifeng.
02:37 I did everything as you said.
02:39 I don't know why...
02:40 Okay.
02:41 Okay.
02:42 I believe you.
02:44 This has nothing to do with you.
02:47 There was a problem with another part.
02:50 Then...
02:52 Are you really leaving?
02:54 Are you really leaving?
02:56 Why is this news spreading so fast?
02:59 I haven't made a decision yet.
03:01 But Mei Mei.
03:03 Whether I'm here or not in the future,
03:07 you must be as clear and brave as this time.
03:11 Do you remember?
03:13 I know, Sister Minghui.
03:16 Okay.
03:18 You haven't decided yet.
03:19 Go to work.
03:21 (Ding Yifeng)
03:23 This is the special place you mentioned.
03:44 Be patient.
03:46 What are you doing?
03:48 The previous owner of this shop has moved in.
03:51 And now it's someone else's house.
03:53 Come on.
03:55 No, no.
03:58 Now it's someone else's house.
04:00 This...
04:10 has always been your house.
04:14 (Ding Yifeng)
04:16 So...
04:28 you bought this house?
04:31 Can you help me find a girlfriend
04:35 and buy this house in my name?
04:38 I'll pay for it.
04:42 The house...
04:43 has been transferred to Quan Quan.
04:45 You just need to sign it.
04:48 Are you angry?
04:55 I'm sorry. I was wrong.
04:59 I just don't want you to sell
05:02 the house that holds so many memories of you and Quan Quan.
05:05 I don't want you to regret it in the future.
05:07 Why are you apologizing?
05:11 I'm sorry.
05:12 Xing Qing, thank you.
05:16 Thank you for being so good to me and Quan Quan.
05:21 Thank you for giving us a complete house.
05:26 Did I...
05:31 have a little bit of a relationship before?
05:34 Just a little bit.
05:41 (Ding Yifeng)
05:43 All right.
05:50 I know you're sad right now.
05:52 But don't forget.
05:53 You still have me and Quan Quan.
05:56 We will always support you.
06:00 And listen to you.
06:02 ♪Cause I always love you♪
06:06 ♪How long do I have to wait♪
06:09 ♪For you to say I love you♪
06:15 Are you hungry?
06:16 I haven't eaten all day.
06:19 Then...
06:23 if it's a good song,
06:25 I'll take you to eat something delicious.
06:29 Now, rather than eating,
06:31 I want to do something crazy.
06:35 What is this place?
06:49 Wipe your eyes here?
06:51 Yes.
06:52 Come on.
06:58 (Ding Yifeng)
07:00 Qing Qing.
07:10 Just hit that bottle hard.
07:12 It's very stressful.
07:13 When you get used to it,
07:14 I'll change another ball for you.
07:16 I got it.
07:17 (Ding Yifeng)
07:19 Not bad.
07:29 It's interesting.
07:30 I'm going to hit it.
07:32 (Ding Yifeng)
07:35 (Ding Yifeng)
07:38 (Ding Yifeng)
07:40 (Ding Yifeng)
07:44 (Ding Yifeng)
07:48 (Ding Yifeng)
07:54 (Ding Yifeng)
08:00 (Ding Yifeng)
08:05 (Ding Yifeng)
08:07 (Ding Yifeng)
08:17 (Ding Yifeng)
08:27 (Ding Yifeng)
08:31 (Ding Yifeng)
08:33 If only I could leave like Minghui.
08:43 Is she really leaving?
08:46 I'm not sure yet.
08:48 But I'm sure she's leaving.
08:50 Because of her relationship with Cheng Qingran.
08:53 Why can't you leave?
08:57 (Ding Yifeng)
08:59 I'm different.
09:03 I'm a marketer.
09:05 It's easy to be a weakling.
09:07 But it's hard to be a high-ranking official.
09:10 So I have to admit
09:14 it's my best choice to stay in Bai'an.
09:17 (Ding Yifeng)
09:19 If you're really unhappy,
09:36 just quit.
09:38 I'll support you.
09:40 I'm not saying I want to get married.
09:46 I just want to say
09:47 if it's just for living,
09:49 there's no need to make yourself suffer.
09:52 I don't want to see you unhappy.
09:54 It's so good to have you.
10:09 What should I do without you?
10:15 You won't be without me.
10:17 Idiot.
10:19 How long have we been together?
10:30 More than five years.
10:32 Have you ever regretted it?
10:37 Why are you saying this?
10:40 You answer first.
10:43 It's not that bad.
10:44 You're crying.
10:46 What?
10:48 I'm just crying.
10:49 I don't want to make others cry.
10:51 You can cry.
10:55 I want to cry, too.
10:57 But I can't cry
10:58 when I see this.
10:59 Can I change it?
11:02 Wait a minute.
11:11 turtles have lived on earth
11:13 for 200 million years.
11:15 Most turtles
11:17 live in shallow coastal waters.
11:20 Except for the coral and the ocean,
11:23 turtles usually live in...
11:24 What is this?
11:25 Animal world.
11:28 Only the coral is on the shore.
11:32 (The Turtle's Life)
11:35 What's going on?
11:49 Don't you think
11:53 turtles are very dangerous?
11:58 Don't cry.
12:01 Don't cry.
12:02 Don't cry.
12:10 Don't cry.
12:11 What do you mean?
12:32 Take the money
12:34 and go abroad
12:36 or go back to your hometown.
12:39 Don't stay in Bincheng.
12:40 Anyway, remember one thing.
12:42 Don't show up in front of me again.
12:45 You're breaking up with me.
12:50 Why?
12:52 Cheng Jirou.
12:54 How could you...
12:56 Of course I can.
12:57 We've always been
13:01 a fair deal.
13:03 Deal?
13:09 Deal.
13:10 You think we've been together
13:16 for so long
13:17 just for a deal?
13:19 I'm sincere to you.
13:25 I thought you'd be sincere to me, too.
13:27 So you've been using me, haven't you?
13:31 So you're kicking me away, aren't you?
13:34 Cheng Jirou, you're dreaming!
13:37 Dream!
13:38 Cheng Jirou,
13:41 I'll destroy you.
13:42 I'll tell everyone about us.
13:44 And you,
13:46 what happened to you and Minghui five years ago.
13:48 I have evidence.
13:50 I have evidence!
13:51 I'll make you lose your reputation.
13:53 I'll kick you out of the court.
13:56 What did you do ten days ago?
13:57 Tell me.
13:59 Tell me.
14:02 You're scared.
14:03 You're right.
14:08 Ambition is a price to pay.
14:12 I was too stupid.
14:15 Now it's your turn.
14:17 Either
14:19 I'll be the general manager of Bai'an,
14:21 or
14:22 you'll lose your reputation.
14:25 I'm not afraid of you.
14:29 Lie Feng,
14:30 I'll give you three days.
14:32 Think it over.
14:35 You either
14:38 kick me out
14:39 or I'll destroy you.
14:43 (The End)
14:48 Do me a favor.
15:04 If all the troubles in the world
15:10 could be solved by a big cry,
15:12 it would be great.
15:13 But reality doesn't allow us to escape.
15:16 Have you made up your mind?
15:19 Cheng Qirang is in Bai'an now.
15:23 I can't stay there for a second.
15:25 But there should be a but.
15:29 But
15:31 he threatened me with Cai Wenji's work.
15:34 If I leave,
15:35 the whole R&D Team 2
15:36 will be in trouble.
15:37 You're right.
15:41 He keeps
15:42 refreshing my weaknesses.
15:44 Yes.
15:46 I recruited them all
15:48 in person.
15:49 They followed me on so many projects.
15:51 I watched them grow and mature step by step.
15:54 And this job is so important to them.
15:56 If they are fired like this,
15:58 because of the agreement,
16:00 they won't find a job in a short time.
16:02 And I've worked so hard
16:05 to build AI's heart.
16:07 If I leave,
16:09 I guess the project will stop here.
16:10 No one will care about it.
16:11 But when I think of
16:13 so many patients in remote areas
16:15 with poor medical conditions,
16:17 they may not be able to receive treatment
16:19 because of transportation
16:21 and medical conditions.
16:22 They will live in fear of pain all day long.
16:25 It may be a child like Quanquan.
16:27 It may be an old man.
16:29 There are many people like you.
16:31 Although you are excellent,
16:33 you can't see the future because of the pain.
16:35 When I think of these people,
16:38 if no one cares about them,
16:39 what will they do?
16:40 I feel very sad.
16:42 Just like you said,
16:44 fate can't let us escape.
16:47 So I decided not to leave.
16:49 This is my responsibility.
16:51 Why do you look like you know it all?
16:57 If I don't know you,
17:00 will you still love me so much?
17:02 Do I love you?
17:03 Don't you love me?
17:04 It's okay.
17:06 It's okay?
17:08 Stop being so beautiful.
17:09 Who are you talking about?
17:11 You.
17:12 Xinxin.
17:14 [Lyrics]
17:25 It's getting dark, turn on the light
17:28 Good and lovely time
17:31 Don't give me five and keep it quiet
17:34 Air force, air spy, why?
17:37 Will everything be alright?
17:40 The dark and the dark, the mountain day and night
17:45 No matter day or night
17:48 I know the way back home
17:51 I'm crossing so high
17:53 Just to comfort all the lonely stars
17:58 The beautiful moon is charming your eyes
18:02 From your eyes
18:08 See the light is so top line
18:11 Just look into your eyes
18:13 In your eyes
18:15 Don't forget away
18:17 Miss, you can't go in without an appointment.
18:22 This is the company's rule.
18:23 Please understand.
18:24 This is Director Min of Bai An Technology.
18:29 You don't need to make an appointment to see me.
18:32 Okay, Mr. Chen.
18:33 [Music]
18:53 You can come, which means you have thought it through.
18:56 Why don't you sit?
19:01 I can stay in Bai An, but I have two conditions.
19:03 Tell me.
19:05 One, I'm only responsible for the heart AI modeling technology.
19:09 I won't interfere with other projects.
19:12 Two, my boss can only be a manager.
19:14 Ding Yifeng has no right to intervene in the projects I am responsible for and anything in my team.
19:18 Although the two conditions you mentioned are difficult,
19:21 I can do my best for you.
19:25 Actually, I don't have to.
19:29 Thank you, Mr. Chen.
19:30 [Music]
19:59 [Music]
20:17 Zhang Xiruo
20:18 [Music]
20:35 Be careful.
20:36 Boss
20:41 [Music]
20:54 Xiaojian
20:55 I really don't like to talk about you.
20:59 Have you finished your work?
21:00 I'm going back to do it.
21:02 You go back to do it now.
21:03 You go to work every day, it's not playing, it's eating.
21:08 Mei Mei
21:09 Give me a copy of this PPT.
21:12 What's wrong?
21:16 I am now the director of the R&D department.
21:18 All of you are under my control.
21:20 Minghui is the same.
21:21 Take it.
21:23 Mr. Tian
21:24 You are self-important.
21:25 Self-important, right?
21:29 Then tell me.
21:31 What is self-important?
21:33 Tell me.
21:34 Minghui
21:41 Sister, go to work.
21:44 Ok
21:46 Sister Zhu
21:47 Ding Yifeng
21:48 I tell you
21:49 You used to hit me, I can't help it.
21:51 It's the same now.
21:52 Cheng Qirang has promised me.
21:54 All of me and my team
21:56 No need to report to you.
21:57 You have no right to ask.
21:59 Cheng Qirang is crazy.
22:00 Promise this request
22:01 You don't believe you ask yourself.
22:02 Ok, I will ask now.
22:04 This is the room opened by my assistant.
22:17 Cheng Qirang should not be here.
22:19 Can live at ease
22:20 I know what you want to do with me.
22:23 Even if I have a problem with Cheng Qirang
22:27 I won't help you and Minghui.
22:30 You give up
22:31 Don't say it so early.
22:33 What kind of person is Cheng Qirang?
22:35 You should be clearer than me.
22:37 Now I can help you.
22:41 I am sorry.
22:42 Will he help us?
23:01 Don't worry
23:03 Don't underestimate the ambition of a woman.
23:07 I am sorry.
23:09 I am sorry.
23:11 I am sorry.
23:13 I am sorry.
23:15 I am sorry.
23:16 I am sorry.
23:17 I am sorry.
23:19 I am sorry.
23:21 I am sorry.
23:49 Are you sure you have brought it?
23:51 I have found it.
23:53 All electronic products
23:54 Including the cell phone he can't use
23:56 All here
23:57 You go back first
24:00 What else is there?
24:11 I didn't find it.
24:13 Is he lying to me?
24:18 I am sorry.
24:20 I am sorry.
24:22 I am sorry.
24:24 I am sorry.
24:25 I am sorry.
24:28 I am sorry.
24:30 I am sorry.
24:32 I am sorry.
24:34 I am sorry.
24:35 I am sorry.
24:37 I am sorry.
24:39 I am sorry.
24:41 I am sorry.
24:43 I am sorry.
24:45 I am sorry.
24:47 I am sorry.
24:48 [Music]
25:11 [Screaming]
25:13 [Music]
25:39 [Music]
25:41 We're so fated.
25:43 Stop.
25:45 Get in.
25:50 Meet a client with me.
25:52 It's not my concern.
25:54 Besides, I'm already off work.
25:56 It's up to me whether you're off work or not.
25:59 Get in.
26:00 You're crazy. Don't touch me. I'm a driver.
26:03 Get in.
26:04 I told you to stay away from her.
26:10 (Sigh)
26:11 She comes at the right time every time.
26:15 I just don't know if she'll be so timely every time.
26:38 Are you okay?
26:39 Let's go.
26:49 Mei Mei, why are you still here?
27:05 You go back first. I'll leave after I finish this presentation.
27:08 Okay. I'm leaving. Bye.
27:10 Did I scare you?
27:30 Director Ding, you must be drunk.
27:33 No.
27:35 I just drank a little.
27:37 You...
27:40 What are you doing, Mei Mei?
27:42 Are you really using me now?
27:44 You didn't even pour me coffee.
27:46 And you're still playing with fire with Ming Hui.
27:48 I'm just asking you why.
27:50 Director Ding, let me go. Are you crazy?
27:52 Are you crazy? Let me go.
27:53 Are you crazy?
27:54 You think I don't know what you're talking about behind my back?
27:57 You look down on me, don't you?
27:58 Zhu Man, I'll tell you today.
28:01 I'll let you know what you did to me.
28:04 Let go of me, Ding Yifeng.
28:06 You're still eating?
28:18 Don't you know boxing?
28:20 Why didn't you fight back just now?
28:21 I'm telling you, you're one second late.
28:24 Cheng Qi Ran will definitely go to the hospital.
28:27 [Ding Yifeng]
28:29 How did you get this?
28:38 It's okay. I accidentally hit it.
28:40 Let me see.
28:41 It's really okay.
28:42 You accidentally got it so bad.
28:44 Does it hurt?
28:46 It doesn't hurt. It's really okay.
28:56 I think you've been acting strange lately.
28:57 You feel like you're hiding something from me.
29:01 You're always acting suspiciously.
29:02 What? You think I'm cheating?
29:09 You're thinking too much.
29:11 If you dare to cheat, I'll break your leg right now.
29:15 How can I protect you if I break my leg?
29:17 I don't need your protection.
29:18 It's your business whether I need to protect you or not.
29:21 It's my business to protect you.
29:24 It's my business.
29:25 Don't look at me like that.
29:34 I can't stand it.
29:37 You're a princess who doesn't need a knight.
29:45 Then I'll have to be your loyal guard.
29:52 Why are you so bad?
29:53 It's a call.
29:58 Ignore it.
29:59 The call is coming. Wait a minute.
30:01 Hello, sister.
30:05 What?
30:10 What's wrong?
30:13 Sister Minghui, Mr. Xin.
30:20 Thank you for sending me back.
30:22 You must be scared.
30:24 But sister,
30:26 are you really not going to call the police?
30:29 He didn't make it.
30:31 If it's a big deal,
30:34 I won't be able to stay in the company.
30:37 I can understand how you feel.
30:40 But have you ever thought about it?
30:41 What if you compromise this time and have the next time?
30:44 Next time?
30:46 Actually,
30:47 I have the same experience as you.
30:49 I went to the government to intern after graduating from college.
30:51 I almost got involved in Cheng Qirang.
30:54 I reported it to HR right away.
30:57 Although in the end,
30:59 I was fired for seducing the boss.
31:02 But do you know?
31:04 All these years,
31:06 I regret not reporting Cheng Qirang.
31:09 But I didn't stick to it.
31:13 I can understand your worry.
31:17 But it's not our fault, right?
31:19 We should be pointed out.
31:22 They should be ashamed, not us.
31:25 We didn't do anything wrong.
31:27 If every victim is silent,
31:31 there will be more victims.
31:34 But...
31:38 All right, it's late.
31:43 I'll go back to work.
31:46 Don't go.
31:47 She must be very confused now.
31:49 Let her go back and rest.
31:50 Mei Mei,
31:58 I'll tell you one last thing.
32:00 You can make your own choice.
32:04 But no matter what decision you make in the end,
32:07 we'll be by your side.
32:11 Thank you, Minghui.
32:15 All right, she must be scared.
32:17 Go back and rest.
32:19 Let's go.
32:30 All right.
32:37 That's her own life.
32:39 She needs to explore it step by step.
32:43 Experience, try, and reflect.
32:46 You've done everything you can for her.
32:50 I know.
32:54 But I'm just very emotional.
32:56 It's been so many years.
32:58 It's still not easy for women to work.
33:01 Indeed.
33:04 Although I can't understand it in person,
33:08 I can probably understand your difficulty.
33:13 Especially in the workplace.
33:15 Because of reputation,
33:18 because of rumors,
33:20 and many other factors,
33:21 women and men want to have equal say.
33:25 It's true that we have to work harder.
33:28 It's not easy to get to a certain position.
33:31 To be said to be in a position by a man.
33:34 And then there's sexual harassment.
33:39 The most talked about and the most picky are also women.
33:42 Before our company...
33:45 Don't look at me like that.
33:48 Do you think all men are as low as Cheng Qi and Ding Yifeng?
33:51 Of course I won't kill all the men.
33:54 There are still many gentlemen in the world.
33:57 Look at Zhou Ruji.
33:59 You,
34:04 barely one.
34:08 Director Lin.
34:09 What do you mean by barely one?
34:12 What are you laughing at?
34:19 You laughed first.
34:21 I laugh at you.
34:22 I'm happy when you laugh.
34:24 Let's go home.
34:27 Every time I have to come over and invite you in person.
34:33 Is it?
34:34 My office is right there.
34:35 We are less than five meters apart.
34:37 Why are you standing here?
34:38 Who is this?
34:39 You took the wrong medicine.
34:43 Why did you hit me?
34:44 I hit you.
34:45 Minghui, I tell you.
34:50 I've been with you for a long time.
34:51 I...
34:52 Hand, hand, hand.
34:58 Director Lin.
35:05 Are you okay? Director Lin.
35:06 Hand, hand, hand.
35:07 Hand, hand, hand.
35:08 What's wrong with your hand?
35:09 Sorry, Director Lin.
35:10 Are you okay?
35:11 I can't stand it.
35:13 I can't stand it.
35:14 Director Ding, your express.
35:20 Okay, you guys.
35:29 I'm going to call the police.
35:30 I'll call the police right now.
35:31 None of you want to run.
35:33 Especially you.
35:35 Who's calling the police?
35:36 Comrade police, you're just right.
35:42 He hit me for no reason.
35:43 Catch him.
35:45 Catch them all.
35:46 Comrade police.
35:47 Last night.
35:49 He almost raped me.
35:50 What are you talking about?
35:55 Who's going to rape you?
35:56 You're the one who's going to seduce me.
35:58 I refused you.
35:59 Ding Yifeng, you still quibble.
36:01 What did you do?
36:02 You know it in your heart.
36:03 I did it.
36:04 I know it.
36:05 What did I do?
36:06 You know it.
36:07 Ding Yifeng, are you crazy?
36:08 Let me go.
36:09 Don't worry.
36:10 What's wrong with me?
36:11 A woman like you.
36:12 To find a man like me.
36:14 You're afraid enough.
36:15 Let me go.
36:16 You know I won't let you go.
36:18 You want him to give you medicine.
36:19 I won't dare to touch you, right?
36:21 I'll let you know today.
36:22 Who is the man we can't offend?
36:24 Let me go, Ding Yifeng.
36:25 Faked.
36:29 Comrade police, it's definitely fake.
36:31 He wants to seduce me.
36:32 Let me give him a promotion.
36:33 I don't agree.
36:34 He's taking revenge on me.
36:35 Comrade police, I'm wronged.
36:37 All right, all right, all right.
36:38 Is it fake?
36:39 You'll know when you go back and investigate.
36:41 I'm really wronged.
36:42 Let's go.
36:43 You investigate them.
36:44 Comrade police, you're wronged.
36:46 All right, all right, all right.
36:47 Who did it?
36:49 I did it first.
36:53 OK, you come with us.
36:56 OK.
36:57 All right?
37:21 Don't look.
37:22 Don't look.
37:23 That's enough.
37:28 Little chicken.
37:30 If it wasn't for a surprise with Minghui,
37:32 I can't bring her here.
37:33 I want you to come.
37:34 Waiter.
37:36 Hello.
37:37 I want this size.
37:38 OK.
37:39 And then I want this pair.
37:40 OK, wait a minute.
37:41 I'll wrap it up for you.
37:42 Thank you.
37:43 You're determined.
37:47 Jealous.
37:51 Tell you.
37:52 Me too.
37:53 Minghui is in charge.
37:55 Jealous.
37:57 This girl does look good.
38:00 But it's almost interesting to call our family Minghui.
38:03 Next time I come to the hospital, I'll help you look at your eyes.
38:07 Hello, wife.
38:18 What?
38:20 What?
38:21 What?
38:23 I'm sorry.
38:25 I'm sorry.
38:26 I'm sorry.
38:27 I'm sorry.
38:29 I'm sorry.
38:30 I'm sorry.
38:32 I'm sorry.
38:34 I'm sorry.
38:36 I'm sorry.
38:38 I'm sorry.
38:40 I'm sorry.
38:42 I'm sorry.
38:44 I'm sorry.
38:46 I'm sorry.
38:48 I'm sorry.
38:50 I'm sorry.
38:52 I'm sorry.
38:54 It's the clasp of fate.
38:57 It holds you and me.
39:01 Like a dream, it's like a dream again.
39:04 Tears are all over.
39:08 When misunderstanding is exposed.
39:12 The rain is like a light rain.
39:16 At that moment, my heart is submerged.
39:23 I forgot everything.
39:27 Remind me.
39:29 How to say it?
39:34 Cause I always love you.
39:38 Cause I always love you.
39:42 The love you give is all around.
39:46 I can't lose it.
39:50 Cause I always love you.
39:52 Cause I always love you.
39:57 Memories are like a pillow.
40:01 You can feel the pain.
40:04 My love.
40:07 Lonely desert.
40:09 Flows to the end.
40:15 The hand that held yesterday.
40:20 The weather is not good.
40:23 I will meet the ordinary me.
40:31 Cause I always love you.
40:35 Cause I always love you.
40:39 How long have I been in the sea?
40:44 Still wandering at the intersection of light and shadow.
40:46 Cause I always love you.
40:49 Cause I always love you.
40:54 Waiting for the heart to run quietly.
40:58 Don't let the love burn out.
41:02 My love.
41:06 My love.
41:08 My love.
41:10 My love.
41:12 [Music]
