Get Ready With Me Summer 2015 Hair, Makeup, & Outfit Ideas

  • last year
00:00 Hi everyone, my name is D'Nasia aka Neva Cheo Quay.
00:07 I started off with the oil free Neutrogena.
00:10 I don't want to take too long so I might start moving quicker and just like put everything
00:13 I use in the description box.
00:14 This has a lot of SPF in it and I do have like dark spots and I kind of like, I live
00:21 in Arizona so I need to start protecting my skin more and I didn't really know that dark
00:28 spots can darken in the sun so I started using that more and it's kind of been helping out.
00:56 I started watching YouTube videos and trying to figure out how to do makeup.
00:59 I feel like there wasn't a lot of people my own skin tone doing makeup so I don't know,
01:05 I just feel like I was doing all the wrong things.
01:09 I would watch people who were kind of a little bit lighter than me and they would do blue
01:13 eye shadow or something like that and then I would try to do it and it would be a little
01:16 cheap version of blue eye shadow and it was just a hot mess.
01:19 So I kind of want to do this to show other people how to do makeup or just kind of give
01:23 them an idea and if I don't help, I'm sorry.
01:27 If I do, good, good.
01:28 So now I'm just going to do the eyebrows.
01:32 When I first started doing my makeup, I used to use a black pencil and that was so tragic.
01:40 Oh my gosh.
01:42 I'm pretty sure all my friends can vouch that was probably the most tragic senior year I
01:47 had, I was walking around with like melted black eyeliner and that was not cute.
01:54 I used to get so pissed because my friends would be like, "Denisha, we know you're filling
01:59 your eyebrows with pencil" and I'd be like, "Shut up!"
02:02 All defensive, like yeah.
02:03 I was just so embarrassed but I also tweezed off half my eyebrows so I had no choice.
02:15 I think starting off with a brown pencil is pretty much the right choice.
02:21 I also have a heavy hand so imagine like black pencil, heavy hand, just really try and draw
02:28 in everything.
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03:17 And I just conceal all the normal places.
03:21 You see everyone else has a bridge of the nose, the weird thing on the forehead.
03:28 I really don't know the point of it, I'm just going to squiggle it on there.
03:33 When I conceal, I conceal upwards.
03:35 Because also when I first started concealing, I used to somehow, I don't know why, but I
03:41 would drag it all the way down so it's like half of my cheek is just concealed.
03:46 I was going through a rough time.
03:47 We all do that.
03:48 When you first start using makeup and you think you're really good but you look back
03:51 and you're like, "Ooo, that's how I was.
03:53 I was that girl."
03:54 I usually don't contour because I never knew how to blend out my contour.
04:03 I also try to do that.
04:04 I have a lot of makeup fails.
04:07 And contour was definitely one of them.
04:08 I used to try contour and it would look like one big dark spot on my face.
04:13 It was a struggle.
04:16 And I see everyone else do it so beautiful.
04:17 I'm like, "How do they even do this?
04:19 Who taught you?"
04:20 Some people just have hands of an angel and I have hands of a cracked out grandma.
04:26 And my nose ring is turned or something.
04:42 People always come up to me and be like, "Can you turn your nose ring?"
04:46 It really bothers them.
04:47 I'm like, "Whoa.
04:48 Okay, I'm sorry."
04:49 It's kind of like a line right there if you can see.
04:53 And I don't like that.
04:54 It's too obvious of a line.
04:56 So I go back in with my foundation.
04:58 I do a little squirt.
05:02 So I decided to kind of open up the windows, change my location, and just start off where
05:07 I left off.
05:08 What I was doing is just basically blending it all out now.
05:18 The reason you highlight is because you see how I have the natural light coming in and
05:22 it just kind of glows in those areas?
05:24 That's what you want.
05:25 That's what you want, girl.
05:26 Or if you don't, okay.
05:27 But I do.
05:28 So basically, I'm going to put a little bit more eyeshadow because I feel like you really
05:34 just can't see anything.
05:37 This is like the knockoff version of like, I don't know, every eyeshadow palette in the
05:43 world.
05:44 Some people like to brush off their concealer before they like, brush their eyebrows together
05:54 and everything.
05:55 I like to brush my eyebrows and then brush off my concealer.
05:57 For some reason, I feel like it helps me like, get the shape better.
06:01 And it's just my technique, okay?
06:04 So whatever.
06:05 Eyebrows, 80% complete.
06:06 And then I just start.
06:07 It's a really easy concept.
06:14 Just brush, clump them all together.
06:24 Oh!
06:25 Fleek-itch.
06:26 Is fleek-itch a word or are we just making it a word?
06:31 We're going to be baking.
06:32 And I don't mean like, baking with your grandma, baking.
06:35 I mean, baking with some thin eye, banana powder baking.
06:40 Bam!
06:41 At first, I had no idea what baking was.
06:43 I was like, what?
06:44 Do I use like, oven mitts?
06:45 Like, I didn't know how to bake.
06:46 Baking.
06:47 Alright, so as you're baking, this sounds so amazing.
06:59 You can do other things.
07:01 Like, paint your nails.
07:04 Text.
07:05 Scroll on Twitter for a little bit.
07:08 But what I'm going to do is do my eyelashes.
07:11 I really can't do lashes on camera.
07:14 Bam!
07:15 So I just did my lashes.
07:19 They're from Ardell Natural.
07:22 I use black 116.
07:27 And I use a lash grip that comes with it.
07:31 And then you finally brush off the baking.
07:37 So, I'm kind of salty.
07:40 Because the lady who like, you know when you go to MAC, the lady makes you feel like you're
07:45 her best friend and she just knows everything about makeup, gives you everything you need?
07:49 That's what happened.
07:50 And she could have gave me a little bit darker, like, shade.
07:52 And this still works pretty good, like I'm not complaining.
07:55 But, you know, girl ain't my real best friend.
07:59 What we'll do now is show you a scary, horrible thing that's underneath this scarf.
08:07 Which is baby coils.
08:09 Ooh, girl!
08:11 Okay, so I've picked out my hair.
08:22 I've decoiled them all.
08:26 The curls did come out nice, and you can obviously see that they're coils.
08:31 I'm gonna lay down my baby hair with some Eco Style of Jail.
08:35 I know there'll be one girl in here.
08:38 Ew, you ain't even got no baby hair!
08:40 What you doing?
08:41 Stop.
08:45 Stop.
08:46 I'm using a toothbrush.
08:50 And no, not the toothbrush.
08:52 I brush my teeth with.
08:55 Alright, so this is the finished face and hair.
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