Spencer Wilcox vs Juan Marcos Rodriguez Urtiz (21-05-2023) Full Fight

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00:00 Listen to my command all the time, protect yourself all the time.
00:04 That's love and good luck.
00:06 [Crowd noise]
00:12 So we are set to go for our opening contest.
00:14 Six rounds in the lightweight division.
00:18 Another step up in opposition for young Spencer Wilcox.
00:23 You see in the white trunks trimmed in gold.
00:27 His opponent, Ludo Rodriguez.
00:30 The black trunks with the Mexican colors on either side.
00:38 Spencer Wilcox for this camp has been sparring quite often with Sammy Vargas
00:44 at the Hard Knocks Boxing Club in downtown Toronto.
00:47 A first time for Wilcox.
00:51 He and his team have talked about how valuable that is.
00:54 And certainly, you know, having a veteran like Sammy Vargas in the gym with you
00:58 is invaluable to prospects who are rising like Spencer Wilcox.
01:01 I was talking to Sammy earlier before I came in here.
01:03 He was telling me he just cannot wait to see Spencer.
01:06 There's nothing but great things to say about his work ethic and his dedication to the gym.
01:09 So expecting a great performance from Spencer here tonight.
01:12 [Crowd noise]
01:25 Only six rounds for Wilcox to work with here tonight.
01:28 But speaking with his team earlier, they feel they might be able to break Rodriguez down by the middle rounds.
01:34 You see that body shot already connecting from Wilcox.
01:38 Saw Rodriguez hurt by body shots by Coriano Torres.
01:42 The knockout loss just a couple of years ago, so he is perhaps susceptible to shots along the belt line.
01:48 And Rodriguez is going to have to use that long reach that he has with those long arms.
01:52 He'll have to keep Spencer at the end of his punches because the more Spencer gets in on him,
01:56 he's going to be able to land it head and the body.
01:58 This is due to the mass size of Rodriguez's body.
02:00 It's almost impossible for him to protect his head and body at the same time.
02:04 [Crowd noise]
02:06 Straight right hand there from Wilcox.
02:08 [Crowd noise]
02:16 One thing we're seeing from Wilcox early here, Steve,
02:18 and I think perhaps something he's borrowing from Sammy Vargas,
02:22 as it was a key part to his game, that kind of sticky jab to the body,
02:26 almost posting with it a little bit, measuring, and then coming over the top with the right hand.
02:30 It's almost like I'm watching Lomachenko again here this morning.
02:32 You see him stick that jab in the body and move out to his right,
02:35 leaving Rodriguez totally befuddled and not knowing where he is.
02:38 [Crowd noise]
02:42 Rodriguez trying to reply with a right hand to the body.
02:44 Not yet able to find his range.
02:48 Again, Spencer Wilcox, one of the brighter prospects on the Canadian boxing scene today.
02:54 [Crowd noise]
02:56 Fifth at the 2018 Youth Olympics.
02:59 [Crowd noise]
03:03 Pull back counter right hand there from Wilcox.
03:05 [Crowd noise]
03:09 Wilcox looking very sharp here in the early going,
03:11 just missing with that right hand, but connected with another nice left hook to the body.
03:16 [Crowd noise]
03:19 And Corey, since opening bell, we've seen Spencer Wilcox constantly just move out to his left,
03:24 totally taking the right hand away from Rodriguez
03:26 and not give him any opportunity to land anything significant.
03:29 [Crowd noise]
03:58 [Crowd noise]
04:14 One oppressive start for Spencer Wilcox thus far.
04:17 [Crowd noise]
04:22 As round two begins.
04:24 And Spencer's got to pick up right where he left off, Corey.
04:27 Using beautiful angles, sticking that jab to the head and to the body,
04:30 and landing some beautiful clean overhand rights.
04:32 [Crowd noise]
04:36 Fairly dominant opening frame for Wilcox.
04:40 And again, very impressive for him at just 5-0 to look like this against Rodriguez.
04:45 Rodriguez is a guy who's given good fights to good fighters as of late.
04:50 Guys like Eric Leone, guys like Carlos Manuel Portillo, most recently.
04:55 And Wilcox just having his way thus far.
04:58 And these are the type of fights, Corey, you need as a young fighter early in your career.
05:03 If you fight a guy that you're going to blast out in the first round or two,
05:07 that's not going to get you any better to further your career any further.
05:10 It's these type of fights where you get good rounds in against an awkward, tall opponent,
05:14 where you have to adjust and make adjustments in the ring that will better your career
05:17 and make you better in the long run.
05:19 Well, it was interesting in talking to Bob Wilcox,
05:21 the father and trainer of Spencer earlier on today,
05:24 he was saying that, yes, is Rodriguez the type of fighter that we could just absolutely rush
05:29 from the opening bell and maybe get him out of there early? Maybe.
05:32 But that doesn't really benefit us.
05:34 They want Spencer to stop Rodriguez, but to do so smartly and not develop bad habits.
05:39 And it just goes to show the brain and just how great of a family Bob Wilcox and his boys are.
05:44 You're absolutely right, Corey.
05:45 They could go out there and blow this guy out, just attack him nonstop.
05:48 But they're working on things.
05:49 You can see Spencer in there working on things, moving to his right,
05:52 countering over the long jab of Rodriguez.
05:54 A lot of good things to benefit the future of Spencer Wilcox's career.
05:58 See Rodriguez breaking through with a jab.
06:06 Perhaps for the first time in this fight, as Wilcox misses over the top with a big right hand.
06:10 More good body work there from Wilcox.
06:18 And again, as you pointed out, Steve, set up by that--again, that sticky jab,
06:22 where he's leaving it out there to measure Rodriguez,
06:25 and he finds his range to land in the body.
06:27 And Rodriguez is--I mean, he's hurting himself because he feels the stick from Spencer,
06:34 and he just sits there and doesn't do anything, as he did right there.
06:36 You've got to grab that arm, counter off that punch.
06:39 He's letting Spencer do what he wants in there, but unfortunately,
06:42 just the speed and the overall greatness of Spencer Wilcox is too much for Rodriguez.
06:47 See Wilcox to be warned for shots behind the head.
06:50 Steve, in a technical sense, how do you kind of bridge that gap between--
06:54 because you don't want to leave the jab out there and be lazy with it, or you'll get countered,
06:58 but technically, how do you do what Spencer is doing right now,
07:02 which is kind of using it as a measuring stick?
07:05 Because he just--he can anticipate, he can see the speed and the distance of Rodriguez.
07:09 So he knows when he puts that pressure and puts that stick out there on Rodriguez's chest,
07:14 he feels Rodriguez react, therefore he's able to pull back and come with a clean counter shot.
07:19 Good work on the inside there, and a right hand knocks Rodriguez off balance right at the end of the round.
07:26 [crowd cheering]
07:29 [crowd cheering]
07:33 [crowd cheering]
07:36 [crowd cheering]
07:40 [crowd cheering]
08:08 [whistle]
08:09 [bell dings]
08:20 Round three underway.
08:22 Spencer Wilcox with an impressive start here against Juan Marcos Rodriguez.
08:31 26-year-old from Pátzcuaro, Mexico.
08:36 [crowd cheering]
08:39 Just barely making it here on time with his trainer, Omar Garnica.
08:42 As you might have read in the news, there was a volcanic explosion in Mexico City
08:49 that created an absolute havoc for travel and resulted in Rodriguez barely making it on time for the weigh-in.
08:57 Give Rodriguez credit for you. I mean, he's trying to make something happen.
09:01 He's out there giving an effort, he's trying,
09:03 but unfortunately it's the counter-punching and the skill of Spencer Wilcox that's just too much.
09:08 Rodriguez is really giving it a go here at the start of the third round.
09:11 Yeah, credit to Rodriguez for not just settling into that pattern and going the distance here.
09:15 Rodriguez certainly looking to win.
09:18 And again, we talked about the fights that he gave to Eric Leone, to Carlos "Met" Moportillo.
09:23 Last time out, nearly edging out a victory.
09:26 Rodriguez could certainly be dangerous, and there's a nice right hand on the inside,
09:30 but back comes Wilcox.
09:32 [crowd noise]
09:48 Right hand to the body there from Rodriguez.
09:50 Rodriguez trying to make things a little bit more physical, trying to spend more time on the inside,
09:58 and there were a couple chopping right hands that broke through there
10:01 from Budo Rodriguez.
10:03 These are the types of rounds, Steve, that provided he could work his way through it and pick up the victory,
10:12 these are the types of valuable rounds that Wilcox will be able to tap into
10:16 as he steps up even more in opposition.
10:18 These are so, so good, Corey.
10:20 I can't even begin to explain how important these type of rounds with this type of fighter.
10:24 Is he a severe threat? No, but he's putting good pressure on Spencer,
10:27 making him think, making him work under the hot lights.
10:30 These are so beneficial for a young guy like Spencer.
10:33 Wilcox will earn his professional career.
10:36 A little bit of swelling starting underneath the left eye of Spencer Wilcox
10:40 as a result of those right hands.
10:42 Coming in from Rodriguez.
10:45 Good two-punch combination there from Wilcox.
10:48 Wilcox this round, Steve, being made to move maybe a little bit more than he wants.
10:59 Not looking entirely comfortable with the tempo.
11:02 Rodriguez definitely did pick up the pace here at the start of the third round.
11:05 Look at that, his hands going.
11:06 I think he did add a little bit more pressure than Spencer really anticipated to start this third round.
11:11 Final moments of round three.
11:15 And beautiful left hook there from Wilcox.
11:18 And another one right at the bell, and that might have swung the round back in his favor.
11:25 There probably haven't been that many rounds that Wilcox has lost in his pro career,
11:29 but up until those final left hooks, Steve, this might have been one of them.
11:32 And here we see Rodriguez chasing him down with the jab like he's done overnight.
11:36 And two overhand lefts because, as you mentioned earlier, Corey,
11:39 Rodriguez leaving that left jab out there just a little bit too long.
11:42 And the speed and precision of Spencer Wilcox is just too much for a jab being that slow.
11:48 [MUSIC]
12:10 [MUSIC]
12:19 [BELL RINGS]
12:20 Round four begins.
12:23 Our opening contest here between Spencer Wilcox and Juan Marcos Rodriguez.
12:28 Corey Urban and Steve Mulder on the call for you all night long here from the Niagara Falls Convention Center.
12:47 Beautiful forework from Spencer Wilcox on the inside there.
12:51 Hit with a right uppercut from Rodriguez there.
12:56 He got hit with a couple right hands in that last round,
12:59 but particularly in the closing 30 seconds of round three.
13:03 Some good adjustments made by Wilcox.
13:06 And there you see Wilcox just stopping Rodriguez in his tracks with a nice one-two.
13:10 Good work from Rodriguez on the inside there.
13:21 Absolutely.
13:22 Wilcox trying to counter to the body, but in doing so,
13:26 left a lane for Rodriguez to score up top.
13:32 And, Corey, I think this--Rodriguez is an opponent that I think Spencer
13:35 doesn't mind sitting on the inside and exchanging and kind of sitting there and going punch for punch.
13:40 This is the type of opponent where he's going to learn to be able to do that,
13:43 and if he steps up in opposition, be able to learn to deal with it
13:46 and get out of there if he needs to be.
13:48 There's a pivot there from Wilcox.
13:55 And a nice right hand locks Rodriguez back.
13:59 - One, two, three, four.
14:01 - There you go.
14:02 - Swipe, he swipes.
14:04 - Well, this is around the time that the Wilcox camp speculated
14:09 that they might start breaking Rodriguez down.
14:12 - There you go.
14:14 - There you go.
14:15 - You see Wilcox kind of leaning into that plan as he literally leans into Rodriguez now.
14:22 Tucked behind the guard and starting to up the tempo himself.
14:26 - Four, three, two, one.
14:29 - That's it.
14:31 - And, Corey, for those at home who may not be looking at details like this,
14:37 you watch Spencer Wilcox.
14:39 He's constantly moving to his right, away from the right hand of Rodriguez.
14:42 I'm sure they've done their homework, and I know that they know that Rodriguez does have a dangerous right hand.
14:47 So take that out of the equation and make for a very easy night
14:50 where Wilcox can do what he wants to do and practice some things.
14:53 - On the right.
14:55 - Go, go, go.
14:59 - Get up, Spencer.
15:01 - There you go.
15:03 - Swipe, swipe, oh, no.
15:05 - Rodriguez letting his hands go once again. A little bit messy here on the inside.
15:10 - Go ahead and float.
15:12 - Let's go.
15:13 - Wilcox finds space within the match to land another nice left hook to the body.
15:17 A shoe shine combination that ends with a nice right hand right before the bell.
15:23 - Wilcox holding on the inside there.
15:33 But as I mentioned before, Corey, with these Mexican fighters, this is comfortable for them.
15:37 They want to be on the inside, grabbing, holding, being rough and tough.
15:41 So this is a learning experience for Spencer Wilcox as you see him land some good shots there,
15:45 fight in the pocket, and as we mentioned before, this is only going to benefit his career,
15:49 fighting a guy like this and learning things to fight on the inside and deal with these durable, tough guys.
15:55 [MUSIC]
16:23 - Round 5 begins.
16:26 Our 6th round opener here.
16:29 Still to come, our main event between Lucas Body and Jesus Amparad.
16:35 A regional IBF title on the line in that one in the lightweight division.
16:40 Spencer Wilcox lands a beautiful right hand over the top.
16:44 - And he's set up by that beautiful hard stick to the body, Corey,
16:47 and it sunk the hands and elbows down of Rodriguez.
16:51 [CHATTER]
16:54 - And Corey, I'm sure Spencer and his team would love the knockout or even kind of go for it.
17:12 They just got to keep chipping away because Rodriguez is a tough guy,
17:15 and Spencer just has to keep chipping away and not rush or swing for anything wild
17:19 and possibly make a mistake because Rodriguez is a strong, tough, durable man.
17:24 - Well, Rodriguez is an interesting style matchup too because he's one of those fighters
17:29 where you look at the dimensions of him and you would think,
17:32 "Oh, this guy could be a great long-range jabber."
17:35 But in fact, Rodriguez's jab is probably his weakness.
17:38 That's what he's getting countered over the top of nearly every time.
17:41 - And he's able to make things tough and ugly for Spencer Wilcox,
17:45 and usually guys with a long wingspan like that want to sit on the outside
17:48 and pop that nice, long, crisp jab off.
17:50 But Rodriguez has a slower jab and is a little bit rougher and tougher on the inside.
17:55 - Another right hand comes over the top.
17:59 Target practice for Spencer Wilcox as he digs back downstairs to the body.
18:04 That jab for Rodriguez is almost a green light, Steve, for Wilcox to let his right hand go.
18:16 - Every time he sees it, you can see Spencer almost get set and come with that beautiful,
18:19 counter Mayweather-esque overhand right.
18:23 - Left hook to the body there from Wilcox.
18:27 Punching in between Rodriguez's shots there.
18:45 - Again, we have seen Rodriguez stopped in the past and referenced the fight against Coriano Torres.
18:51 Vicious knockout loss, but when that's happened, it has been against more experienced opposition.
18:58 So if Wilcox can pull it off, it would be impressive, but it certainly isn't a necessity.
19:03 If he goes the distance with Rodriguez, there's no reason to criticize Wilcox.
19:08 - This is a great performance for you from Spencer, opening five rounds.
19:12 He's boxed well, he's used the ring.
19:14 I know he's been working on things in the gym that he's been putting in here tonight against Rodriguez.
19:18 Moving away from the right hand, the beautiful stick to the body with that overhand right.
19:23 Countering over the lazy jab of Rodriguez.
19:26 Spencer's been working on a lot of beautiful things here tonight.
19:29 As we see in the replay, he comes back with a counter left hook right hand.
19:33 His feet and his hands are just so fast, Cory. He's a very impressive kid with a very bright future.
19:38 [MUSIC]
19:48 [MUSIC]
20:16 - Sixth and final round coming up here.
20:19 Spencer Wilcox's favorite fight to re-watch over and over is Shane Mosley's knockout win over Antonio Margarito.
20:30 I'm not going to make comparisons between these fighters to either of them, but you kind of see it in Rodriguez.
20:37 Kind of a tall, lanky guy who isn't much of a jabber.
20:40 And you see Wilcox trying to play that power counter boxing game, which he's done beautifully thus far tonight.
20:46 - And you heard it. Father and head trainer Bob Wilcox.
20:49 Speed, speed, speed as Spencer walked over the sixth and final round.
20:53 Maybe they are trying to emulate a Shane Mosley versus Antonio Margarito.
20:58 And like you said, Cory, he does have the frame of an Antonio Margarito.
21:02 And the style. He's coming forward and forward even here in the sixth round.
21:05 After taking counter after counter from the skilled Spencer Wilcox.
21:10 - Rodriguez unfortunately does not have the punch output of Margarito to make Wilcox work.
21:18 When he doesn't want to. He tried that in the second round. Really tried to rush Wilcox.
21:24 But eventually got blasted with right hands like that.
21:27 - And a beautiful counter right hand from Spencer Wilcox.
21:32 - Ripple jab there from Wilcox.
21:39 Or of Wilcox screaming for more jabs.
21:59 - Good body work from Spencer on the inside.
22:02 - Credit to Rodriguez too because he has been hit with some colossal right hands in this fight.
22:11 Some left hooks that have nearly turned his head around. There's another right hand.
22:15 Rodriguez has been able to absorb it.
22:18 I would be curious to see how this type would look as Rodriguez hits the canvas there.
22:24 Obviously it would.
22:25 How this fight would look Steve were this to have been an eight rounder, a ten rounder.
22:30 How would Wilcox have been able to break him down had it gone beyond six.
22:34 - The human body can only take so much Corey. And Spencer just picking him apart.
22:38 Every time Rodriguez throws that jab Spencer's coming back with two and three.
22:42 If it was scheduled for eight or ten I don't think he'd be seeing the final bell to be honest.
22:46 - Inside the final 30 seconds of this contest.
22:53 Spencer Wilcox with a nice learning experience here tonight but ultimately another dominant showing.
23:00 - I know they may not get the knockout that they're looking for or even if they want it.
23:05 This is a great performance by Spencer Wilcox.
23:08 He got in here against a tough Rodriguez who's here to fight and here to win.
23:12 And Spencer got to put all his tactics and boxing skills on display for all his fans here in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
23:20 [Crowd cheering]
23:23 - Let's take a look back at some of the action for the final round.
23:38 - Pretty much the story of the night Corey.
23:40 Spencer Wilcox is just such a great boxer. Such great foot movement.
23:44 He can control the ring in there.
23:46 Even when Rodriguez had a hold of him he still walked him to the ropes.
23:49 Took the center of the ring as we see there with a beautiful overhand right over the jab.
23:54 And that was one of the stories of the night Corey.
23:56 Every time Rodriguez threw that jab out there and didn't bring it back.
24:00 Spencer Wilcox was there at the receipt and that was the right hand.
24:04 - Now Spencer Wilcox throughout his entire boxing career from the amateurs to today.
24:10 He has a ritual after fights he goes to McDonald's, win or lose.
24:15 So we're hoping that the McDonald's is still open here.
24:18 Is it over on Lundy's Lane? I don't know.
24:21 Things are closing kind of early here in Niagara Falls.
24:23 - Well after a performance like that he definitely deserves it.
24:26 He boxed well. His counter shots were great.
24:28 He knew Rodriguez had a strong right hand.
24:30 And from the opening bell he constantly moved away from the left hand.
24:33 And was disciplined throughout the whole night.
24:35 I can't say enough about Spencer Wilcox.
24:37 He's such a talent and a bright future ahead of him.
24:40 - Spencer Wilcox.
24:45 We anticipate we'll improve to 6-0 here tonight.
24:49 Steve do you see any developments in Spencer's game here tonight?
24:53 Obviously they wanted to work on particular things.
24:55 But what did your eyes see here tonight?
24:57 - I see that he really felt comfortable on the inside.
25:01 He didn't usually grab and hold on like he had in the past or box him up on his toes.
25:05 He seemed a lot more comfortable as a professional.
25:08 And that's a transition you have to make when you're used to the amateur scoring system.
25:11 Up on your toes, landing quick fast punches.
25:14 As a professional with more time, lighter gloves, longer rounds.
25:17 You have to be a little more settled and a little more calm.
25:20 In your process leading into the fight or in the ring.
25:24 And I've seen a lot of that from Spencer today.
25:26 And again, I hate to mention it again.
25:28 He constantly moved away from the right hand of Rodriguez.
25:31 Which a lot of guys will do it here and there.
25:33 Spencer did it from the opening round to the final bell.
25:36 He constantly moved away from Rodriguez's right hand.
25:38 Constantly countered over his slow left jab.
25:41 Overall a great performance for Spencer Wilcox.
25:44 - Let's see if he picked up his 6th professional win.
25:48 We'll find out as we send it back up to Pierre Bernier.
25:51 - Ladies and gentlemen, after 6 hard fought rounds.
25:59 We go to the scorecard.
26:02 Judges Wong, Kujawski and Hayes all had it the same way.
26:08 60-54 for your winner and still undefeated.
26:17 The infamous Spencer "The B" Wilcox.
26:23 - So an impressive performance from Spencer Wilcox.
26:29 Who indeed improves to 6-0 now as a professional.
26:34 And he certainly earned the Big Mac here tonight.
26:37 - He did, he mean.
26:38 Rodriguez was a tough guy.
26:39 Though Spencer kind of had his way with him in there.
26:41 Rodriguez kept coming forward.
26:43 Kept sticking the jab in the face.
