• il y a 2 ans
Mama June: From Not to Hot S06E04


00:00 - Premièrement sur "Mama June", "Family Crisis".
00:03 - Tu vas te rendre compte que tu fais de la drogue encore.
00:05 C'est tout, tu es terminé.
00:06 - Maman a dû aller au hôpital
00:08 parce qu'elle avait des sécheresses.
00:10 - Il y a une histoire maintenant que tu es en drogue.
00:12 - Maintenant, ta mère va avoir l'impression
00:14 de "Est-ce qu'elle va me faire encore plus?"
00:17 - Alors, comment tu te sens?
00:18 - Les gens pensent que c'est une drogue,
00:20 mais ce n'est pas.
00:21 - Les tabloides ne mentent pas.
00:23 - Je me préoccupe de ma mère,
00:25 mais je ne sais pas ce qui se passe avec elle.
00:27 Je veux être excitée et planifier mon mariage.
00:30 - Comment vas-tu dire à la fille?
00:31 - Je vais toujours trouver un moyen de les faire encore plus.
00:35 - Mon focus, c'est mes 5 enfants
00:37 qui me font beaucoup de boulot.
00:39 - C'est beaucoup d'enfants.
00:41 - On dirait que Bubby a juste été en poutre.
00:43 - Surtout Alana, qui a fait l'actrice de la diva.
00:47 - Je suis amoureuse. Je lui dis ce que je veux faire
00:49 et il me fait ce que je veux.
00:52 - Mais tu ne vas pas te faire un licence.
00:53 Tu es une petite femme indépendante.
00:55 - Je préfère me faire faire des choses par mon amie.
00:58 - En plus de tout ça,
00:59 je pensais que Jessica me gardait en secret.
01:02 - Peut-être que toi et Jessie ne vous êtes pas aussi proches
01:03 que vous pensez.
01:04 - Là, c'est elle. C'est ma copine.
01:08 - Et j'avais raison.
01:10 - Ah, je comprends, une copine.
01:13 - Je le savais.
01:15 - Je vais aller vérifier les bébés.
01:19 - Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec elle?
01:22 - Elle a été enceinte il y a un instant.
01:25 - Ah!
01:26 - Je vais aller vérifier les pompkins.
01:32 - Soyez en sécurité avec eux.
01:34 - Ne les craignez pas.
01:36 - Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec toi?
01:42 - Je suis enceinte.
01:43 Tu ne me dis rien depuis que je suis entrée dans la porte.
01:47 - Il y a quelque chose de mal avec toi.
01:49 - Tu avais l'audacité de ne pas me dire
01:50 que tu avais une copine.
01:51 - Je ne suis pas une copine.
01:53 - Tu ne peux pas me dire que tu avais une copine.
01:55 Je suis venue ici il y a quelques jours
01:57 et tu m'as dit que c'était juste mon copine.
02:00 Tu penses que je vais m'en faire parler que tu es gay?
02:02 - Non, je voulais juste lui donner du temps
02:05 pour que ça se passe.
02:08 - Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire quand tu seras mariée?
02:09 Tu ne me diras pas que tu vas être comme Jean?
02:12 - Ne me compare pas à elle.
02:13 Je t'ai dit.
02:14 Je ne l'ai pas gardée en secret pour toujours.
02:16 - Oui, mais tu l'as fait pendant quelques semaines.
02:20 - Je pense que si Jessica est sérieuse sur Cheyenne,
02:23 je vais devoir faire un peu de recherches.
02:25 Si tu passes, tu peux rester dans la famille.
02:27 Si tu perds, tu dois te faire foutre.
02:30 Donc, tu as un travail?
02:32 Tu as un voiture?
02:33 - Oui.
02:34 - Tes doigts sont réels?
02:35 - Oui.
02:36 - Pas de drogue?
02:38 Un crack peut-être?
02:39 - Non.
02:40 - Hum.
02:41 - Donc, elle te raconte de sa mère?
02:43 - Josh, ne t'en fais pas.
02:45 - On est toujours en train de se faire foutre.
02:47 - Oui, mais tu ne peux pas me dire
02:48 que tu es toujours en train de se faire foutre.
02:50 - Je ne sais pas si elle t'a donné ça ou pas.
02:53 - Tu sais quoi?
02:54 Je vous ai apporté quelque chose.
02:56 - Qu'est-ce que tu as?
02:57 C'est un secret?
02:58 C'est un dessert?
02:59 Comme une pâte à pêche?
03:00 Tu vois ce que je veux dire?
03:01 Qu'est-ce que tu as?
03:02 - Pinceau!
03:03 - Bienvenue dans la famille, mon chéri!
03:05 - Wow!
03:06 - C'est pour les p*tains!
03:08 - Je suis content que Jessica ait trouvé
03:10 quelqu'un avec qui elle serait contente.
03:12 Tu vois ce que je veux dire?
03:13 C'est enfin le moment.
03:14 - Oui, et c'est vraiment un plus
03:15 parce que maintenant, on peut aller en danse.
03:17 Et ils conduisent tous les deux.
03:19 Donc, ils peuvent m'emmener à mon rendez-vous
03:21 de noël, ils peuvent m'emmener à mon rendez-vous
03:23 de la peau, ils peuvent m'emmener au mall.
03:25 J'adore aller au mall.
03:26 Tu sais quoi?
03:27 J'adore le mall.
03:28 - Est-ce que tu es contente pour Jessica
03:29 ou est-ce que tu es contente
03:30 parce qu'il y a un autre chauffeur dans le mix?
03:33 - Oh, un peu de tous les deux.
03:35 - Parce que, comme, on a tout préparé.
03:37 Tous les trois de nous, les filles,
03:39 on va rester ensemble, on va être honnêtes,
03:41 on ne va pas se faire foutre comme maman l'a toujours fait.
03:43 Comme, je ne vais pas dire que je suis contente
03:45 pour quelqu'un que tu aimes.
03:46 - Mais on ne le fait pas maintenant, c'est sorti.
03:48 - Maintenant, maintenant, Jessie, c'est le point.
03:51 Je devrais avoir su l'autre jour quand je serai là.
03:53 Je veux dire, pour de vrai, Jessie,
03:55 tu dois te dire maintenant
03:56 que tu ne vas pas me mentir plus.
03:58 Tu vas juste être honnête et honnête.
04:00 - Je te promets.
04:01 - Je dis que pas de jugement ici.
04:02 - Je vais commencer à te dire des détails par des détails.
04:05 - Oui.
04:06 - OK.
04:07 - Je veux dire, je ne sais pas
04:08 des autres parties de ta vie.
04:10 - Merci beaucoup pour la pizza, hon.
04:12 - De rien.
04:13 - C'était un plaisir.
04:14 - Pizza!
04:16 - Cheyenne a apporté la pizza.
04:18 - Est-ce que tu peux juste t'accepter
04:19 que la nourriture était assez terrible, fille?
04:21 - Manger en santé, c'est dur.
04:23 - Tout le monde prêt?
04:24 On va la donner à la nouvelle famille.
04:26 - Pizza!
04:27 - Pizza!
04:28 - Pizza!
04:29 - Wouh!
04:30 - Wouh!
04:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:38 - On a des gymnastiques aujourd'hui.
04:40 Bogus doit aller au docteur.
04:41 Les soeurs doivent aller au docteur.
04:43 Donc, Dada, il faut faire quelque chose.
04:46 - Mais j'ai des gouttes.
04:47 - J'en aurai tout préparé dans un instant, boue.
04:49 Je ne sais même pas où est passé ton bébé.
04:52 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:55 - J'ai une question.
04:56 - Je suis en train de l'écouter.
04:57 - Quoi?
04:58 - Pouvez-vous me l'emmener au mal?
05:00 - Lani.
05:02 - Je veux aller au mal et prendre des chaussures pour nous tous,
05:05 avec les trucs rouges dessus.
05:07 Donc, je me sens un peu mal
05:08 pour faire Cheyenne manger ce délireux dîner
05:11 comme notre premier déjeuner ensemble.
05:13 Donc, je pensais que je pourrais m'amuser avec tout le monde
05:15 et faire une autre première impression
05:17 en prenant des chaussures de pride pour tout le monde.
05:19 Et je veux dire, qui n'aime pas une bonne chaussure de pride?
05:22 - Je veux dire, je suis content de porter la chaussure, Lana.
05:24 Je veux juste dire que aujourd'hui,
05:25 ce n'est pas le jour pour moi de te prendre.
05:26 C'est juste que les soeurs ont un appointement aujourd'hui.
05:28 - Tu peux me séparer de la route et me rejoindre plus tard?
05:30 - Lana, le mal est complètement hors de mon chemin.
05:31 Je dois aller deux lois séparées du mal.
05:33 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:34 Je dois aller, ma petite fille.
05:36 - Lana, tu dois avoir ta licence de conduite, sérieusement.
05:38 - Period.
05:44 - Je veux dire, quel 17 ans normal
05:47 ne veut pas avoir sa licence?
05:49 Ça n'a pas de sens.
05:51 - Je ne veux pas qu'elle soit comme maman.
06:00 Donc, je vais commencer à me faire chier avec elle, sérieusement.
06:03 - Quelle voiture devrais-je conduire quand j'aurai ma licence?
06:06 Je veux dire, tu vas me donner une voiture,
06:08 je vais devoir mettre de l'oxygène dans la voiture,
06:10 on va devoir payer les chauffeurs et...
06:12 - Tu sais quoi, Lana?
06:13 Tu sais, toutes ces choses viennent avec un emploi.
06:16 - Oui, pour que tu puisses avoir un emploi part-time à l'école,
06:18 pour avoir ce petit truc de base de travail.
06:20 - C'est vrai, ils te laissent sortir de l'école...
06:21 - Tu dois commencer à être plus responsable avec ton argent.
06:23 Tu dois te préparer pour l'avenir, Lana.
06:25 Tu vas te prendre pour le gymnastique?
06:27 - Oui.
06:28 - Et Lana peut te prendre au docteur.
06:30 Et Lana peut prendre Bubby au docteur.
06:33 Ouais!
06:35 - Je vais ouvrir un service de taxi?
06:37 Je vais avoir besoin de l'argent pour les enfants.
06:39 - J'ai été en train de te faire chier
06:40 pendant les dernières années.
06:41 Tu as ta licence, je vais t'aider à conduire
06:43 et tu ne vas pas devoir payer les chauffeurs.
06:45 - Ils ont déjà passé de l'argent pour le travail.
06:48 - Ils ont déjà passé de l'argent.
06:50 Tu vas au mall tout seul.
06:52 - Exactement, à tout moment.
06:54 Je veux dire, ce n'est pas vraiment que j'aime être conduite.
06:58 Je n'aime pas être la princesse de passager.
07:00 Je peux regarder mon nez,
07:02 parce qu'ils sont très beaux.
07:04 Je peux regarder un film.
07:06 Il y a tellement de choses que tu peux faire dans la chambre de passager.
07:09 Je pense que je vais essayer de appeler Draylon ou quelque chose.
07:11 D'accord, Lana, je t'aime, Lana.
07:13 Viens, Ella, on va se préparer.
07:15 On a du gymnastique, fille.
07:18 - Et les enfants?
07:20 Ils sont tous ici avec moi.
07:22 J'ai un qui veut se mettre sur son propre.
07:24 L'autre fait du yoga.
07:26 Ne le met pas dans ta bouche.
07:28 - Junebug, tu dois te lever maintenant.
07:40 - Pourquoi?
07:42 - Ma mère et Tracy sont en route pour la maison.
07:44 - Pourquoi? - Je ne sais pas.
07:46 - Le dîner s'est passé bien l'autre jour.
07:48 - Oui, mais ils m'ont appelé et ils disaient qu'ils étaient en route.
07:51 Que dois-je faire?
07:53 - Tu ne peux pas venir ici.
07:55 Tu ne peux pas venir à la maison.
07:57 - Tu ne fais pas ça si beau pour moi.
07:59 - Que se passerait-il si ta tante
08:04 a vu toutes les négativités dans les tabloïds?
08:06 - Je suis sûr qu'elle l'a vu.
08:08 Mais tu vas devoir montrer que c'est différent.
08:10 - Que se passerait-il si elle ne me plaisait pas?
08:16 - Je suis sûr que comme tout le monde,
08:18 elle va aimer toi.
08:21 - Bonjour, bonjour.
08:23 - Bonjour, David. Comment allez-vous?
08:25 - Maman est à la maison.
08:27 - Maman est à la maison.
08:29 - Oh mon Dieu.
08:31 Je pense qu'il y a un super fan qui vient à la maison.
08:33 - Tu sais, Maman Duke, Sienna et Tracy sont des fans du show.
08:36 - J'aimerais que tu me l'avais dit.
08:38 Parce que ta tante va rencontrer la vraie June,
08:41 pas la June que elle a vu sur la télé.
08:44 - Comment vas-tu, Tracy?
08:46 - Je vais bien.
08:48 Comment allez-vous? C'est gentil de vous rencontrer.
08:50 - Comment allez-vous?
08:52 - Vous allez devoir vous asseoir ici.
08:54 - On n'a pas beaucoup de matières.
08:56 - C'est bon.
08:58 - C'est gentil de vous rencontrer.
09:00 - Vous pouvez vous asseoir.
09:02 - Vous devez vous asseoir là-bas.
09:04 - Quand les gens disent visite surprise,
09:06 je me sens en trouble.
09:08 - Non.
09:10 - On s'est rassemblés.
09:12 On vous a préparé une douche de bradel.
09:14 - C'est un peu bizarre.
09:16 - On vous a préparé une douche de bradel.
09:18 Je ne pouvais pas garder le secret.
09:21 Vous savez, Justin, j'ai dû le dire à l'ante.
09:24 - Oui.
09:26 - D'accord.
09:28 - Qui est-ce qui arrive?
09:30 - Tout le monde.
09:32 - Oui, tout le monde.
09:34 - Il va y avoir un déchirage.
09:36 - On a déjà contacté les filles et Dodo.
09:39 - J'aime que la famille de Justin
09:42 me laisse faire cette douche de bradel,
09:44 mais je n'ai jamais parlé à Pumpkin
09:46 et aux filles.
09:48 Je veux qu'elles viennent à ce mariage.
09:50 Peut-être que l'entendre de Justin's mom
09:52 est mieux que l'entendre de moi.
09:54 Ils ne me parlent pas.
09:56 Les filles sont super excitées.
09:58 Je n'ai jamais été mariée,
10:00 je n'ai jamais pensé à la M-word.
10:02 Et maintenant, oui, je suis partie et je suis mariée.
10:05 Elles étaient un peu fâchées de ça.
10:07 Mais maintenant que je suis en train de faire un mariage,
10:10 je veux que les filles me montrent vers le bas.
10:13 Je fais ça une seule fois et seulement une fois.
10:16 Je veux que ce mariage soit glitzy.
10:19 On a réussi. On a réussi.
10:21 Ça me fait vraiment plaisir d'être acceptée par la famille de Justin
10:24 parce que je m'y étais vraiment inquiétée.
10:26 Mais je suis un pas plus près
10:29 de devenir la plus favorite
10:32 de ma fille d'enfant.
10:34 - Quelles sont vos couleurs préférées?
10:36 - Je dirais,
10:38 comme la corail, la pomme blanche,
10:40 la bleue,
10:42 et la fuchsia.
10:44 Et beaucoup de bleu.
10:46 Et j'aime beaucoup les fleurs, comme vous pouvez le voir.
10:49 Je m'en fiche de les avoir sur mes doigts.
10:51 Donc, plus de bleu,
10:53 plus de glitter, plus de glitter, plus de glitter.
10:55 - On a réussi. On a réussi.
10:57 Donc, je pense qu'on va sortir d'ici
10:59 pour que vous puissiez revenir à ce que nous...
11:02 - Désolé, on vous a fait peur.
11:04 - ...avons fait.
11:06 - Merci à vous tous d'être venus.
11:08 C'était tellement agréable de vous rencontrer
11:10 et de voir que vous êtes à terre.
11:12 - Bon, avez-vous un bon jour.
11:14 - N'oubliez pas de dire aux filles
11:16 que nous sommes excités de vous rencontrer.
11:18 - Merci. - Au revoir.
11:20 - Au revoir. - Au revoir, les filles.
11:22 - Quoi?
11:24 - Qu'est-ce que tu me regardes?
11:26 - Tu mens, June.
11:28 - Quoi?
11:30 - Tu n'as rien dit à ces filles.
11:32 Rien du tout.
11:34 Quand va-t-il s'arrêter,
11:36 quand va-t-il s'arrêter?
11:38 - Parce que tu ne peux pas dire à ta famille
11:40 que les filles ne vont pas être là.
11:42 - Donc tu leur dis une blague,
11:44 c'est tout ce que tu te concentres sur, une blague,
11:46 et tu te demandes pourquoi tes filles
11:48 et tout le monde d'autre te font mal.
11:50 - Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
11:52 - Tu as menti à ma mère.
11:54 Je ne me suis pas rendu compte
11:56 que j'avais marié un putain de menteur, June.
11:58 C'est ridicule, mec.
12:00 - Pourquoi c'est ridicule? Où vas-tu?
12:02 Tu es tellement sérieux tout le temps.
12:04 - Coming up on "Mama June Family Crisis".
12:06 - Hello.
12:08 - You already got married.
12:10 Why the f--- are you having a wedding?
12:12 - Today, we're gonna learn how to get our license
12:14 'cause we're gonna be more independent.
12:16 We're trying to get you to not be like June.
12:18 - Let's go!
12:20 - So it's like I'm finna have to start
12:22 laying down and wallowing her.
12:24 - Hey, babe. Look, I'm sorry.
12:26 - If she cannot change her ways, I will not do this.
12:28 - I mean, they should have done business.
12:30 - Should we call them?
12:32 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:34 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:36 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:38 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:40 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:42 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:44 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:46 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:48 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:50 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:52 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:54 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:56 - I'm not gonna call them.
12:58 - I'm not gonna call them.
13:00 - I'm not gonna call them.
13:02 ...
13:04 ...
13:06 ...
13:08 ...
13:10 ...
13:12 ...
13:14 ...
13:16 ...
13:18 ...
13:20 ...
13:22 ...
13:24 ...
13:26 ...
13:28 They haven't been around yet.
13:29 You got your phone over there, don't you? Call them.
13:33 -Oh, God, watch. -Tell them.
13:35 -This is Pumpkin. -All right.
13:39 I'm sure she's busy with her twins.
13:49 Well, here's Alana.
13:54 Hey, it's Alana. I'll get back to you whenever I can.
13:58 You want to play off like you're so tight with every one of them,
14:01 and actually, you're not.
14:02 They better show up to this bridal shower.
14:05 They will.
14:06 They will be at the bridal shower and they'll be at the wedding.
14:09 I sure hope so.
14:10 We'll see.
14:12 I just can't keep dealing with June lying all the time.
14:15 You know, when you're in addiction, that's all you do is lie.
14:17 I'm trying to be a better version of myself.
14:20 June's in recovery herself. She, out of all people, should get it.
14:23 [Bruit de moteur]
14:25 [Musique]
14:30 Alana?
14:37 -What are you doing? -Looking at my school work.
14:41 [Bleep] and giggling.
14:43 With your friends on your cellular device.
14:45 -I'm doing my school work. -I'm sure, honey. Well, guess what?
14:48 Today, we're going to learn how to get our license,
14:49 because we're going to be more independent.
14:51 You're going to learn how to drive.
14:52 Drellen's going to quit chauffeuring your ass back and forth to school.
14:55 -What do you mean? -I've got all this stuff.
14:57 -I love being chauffeured around. -Yeah, I know.
14:59 For your learner's license, because that's what comes first.
15:03 I mean, I like Drellen driving me around.
15:05 You have to be independent.
15:08 We're trying to get you to not be like June.
15:10 No, I'm not like Mama. I'm nothing like her.
15:13 She always has her little do-boys that go around and do everything for her.
15:17 Me and Drellen just love being together.
15:19 I need you to look at the test. We're going to read it together.
15:22 Est-ce que c'est un lumière jaune, où tu arrives
15:24 et tu dois aller super vite pour ne pas toucher le lumière rouge?
15:28 C'est comme, un, deux, trois, va vite, le lumière rouge a changé.
15:31 Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
15:33 On dirait qu'ils ont des sacs de vendeurs.
15:36 Ça veut dire "croissants de vendeurs"?
15:37 "Croissants de pédestriens", Alana.
15:39 Ça veut dire que tu ne l'as pas vu quand tu vois ce signe.
15:41 Allez, les gars, c'est vrai.
15:44 Je suis une étudiante A.
15:46 Je peux définitivement faire le test de chauffeur.
15:48 Je joue avec Josh.
15:50 Je l'aime toucher sur ses jambes chaque fois.
15:52 Tu sais celui-là.
15:53 Oh, ça ressemble à des oiseaux.
15:56 Ça veut dire que je serai en classe A,
15:58 parce que mon nom commence avec une A?
16:00 Où en la merde es-tu?
16:17, Hey, this is Justin. Sorry, I couldn't get to you right now. Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks.
16:35 Hey, babe.
16:38 Look, I'm sorry, but I mean, you need to come home,
16:43 because it is like starting to rain really bad out there.
16:47 I don't want you like driving around.
16:49 I mean, let's just come home and talk about it.
16:52 This is how a marriage is supposed to be.
16:56 I mean, you're not supposed to storm off and be all mad.
16:59 Now, I'm all like, "Mad 'cause he left."
17:03 He needs to learn that he needs to sit down
17:05 and talk about his feelings every once in a while.
17:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
17:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
17:17 Oh, I see you made it home, Hans.
17:20 Yeah.
17:22 So, how's things going?
17:24 Yeah, things are going.
17:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
17:27 I'm so glad that he made it home safe,
17:29 but I know exactly what I'm gonna do to make up.
17:31 It's something Justin started 16 months ago,
17:34 and it's random dancing.
17:35 And no matter how mad we are at each other
17:37 or no matter how bad the day is,
17:39 each one of us can grab each other and random dance,
17:43 and it works every time.
17:45 Watch.
17:46 I love the dancing and the little things with June,
17:48 but, like, she really needs to understand
17:50 that, like, this is not a joke.
17:52 If she cannot change her ways,
17:54 I will not do this relationship anymore.
17:56 ♪ ♪ ♪
17:58 - Where'd you go? - I just needed a minute.
18:01 - No, we just needed a minute. - You say sorry.
18:03 - It's just my way of saying sorry.
18:05 - I don't understand your way of thinking.
18:08 - Well... - It's compromise,
18:10 not just do what June wants.
18:12 - But it's okay. I'm sorry.
18:14 - You know that I'm trying to rebuild the relationship
18:17 with Mama Dukes, and you lied to her.
18:19 ♪ ♪ ♪
18:20 - Well, I mean, I just couldn't tell your mom, no,
18:22 my kids weren't gonna come to the bridal shower.
18:24 They might show up.
18:26 - Well, you know, please try not to make me
18:28 have to lie to my mom again, because, like,
18:29 that's really put me in a rough place,
18:31 and I don't want to have to pick between wife or mama.
18:36 - Well, I mean, I would never make you pick
18:38 between me or your mom.
18:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
18:41 Guess what? Your mama likes me
18:43 because while you was out there all huffing and puffing,
18:46 your mama texts me, and she wants to take me
18:49 to a flower shop and help me do bridal bouquets.
18:55 You see the bed right there?
18:57 - Yeah. Yeah, I see it.
19:00 - So we need to, like, make this day a honeymoon day.
19:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:05 - You're getting off to a good start.
19:07 - Mm-hmm.
19:10 We'll be for [bleep] sake. Y'all gotta leave.
19:12 - We fixing to do a honeymoon. - Honeymoon stage.
19:14 - Get down and [bleep] them pants.
19:16 - You get naked first. - Okay.
19:17 - Let me see it.
19:20 - Get out of here.
19:23 - Oh, wow.
19:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:41 - Well, come on, Mama Deuce.
19:42 You're the crafty woman of the damn family,
19:44 so I need you to do this 'cause your son don't know how to do it,
19:46 and I sure am not gonna put it together.
19:48 - All right, come on. - I need it all.
19:50 - We gonna get it done.
19:52 - Hey, how are you? - Hey, how y'all?
19:54 - Doing good. Actually, I am having a wedding coming up soon.
19:58 - Well, congratulations. - Thank you.
20:00 I don't really like real flowers.
20:02 I want more of the fake flowers.
20:04 - Well, we don't call them fake. We call them silk.
20:06 - That's fine. Do y'all have those here?
20:07 - Yeah, all my silk flowers are over here.
20:09 - Okay.
20:11 - Even though we don't have a date planned,
20:12 I don't even know where it's gonna be at.
20:14 We're gonna kick it off by going to this flower shop,
20:16 and I want her help planning my wedding.
20:19 It's gonna be like diamonds and bling
20:22 threw up at this wedding.
20:23 - This is mostly my cemetery section.
20:25 If y'all wanna pick some out... - Thank you.
20:27 - Y'all help yourself.
20:29 - We just need to kind of get an idea.
20:31 I want the fuchsia, the coral,
20:34 and the teal blue.
20:37 I want a little bit of color and a lot of bling.
20:40 This bouquet may cost us $1,000.
20:43 And this may sound crazy, but I may want two bouquets made,
20:47 because I get there and be like,
20:48 "I don't really like this one today.
20:50 I'm in that kind of mood."
20:51 Then I have both of them.
20:53 Look, I know silk flowers cost a lot of money,
20:56 but I wanna be feeling bougie.
20:58 Do you know, like, celebrities have, like,
21:01 people flying over in, like, planes
21:03 trying to take pictures, like, zooming in?
21:06 Could you just imagine front cover wilted flowers?
21:10 Not happening. - Mm-hmm.
21:12 Just thinking, I haven't heard from the girls...
21:15 ♪ ♪
21:18 About the shower or anything. - They're busy, babe.
21:20 They're busy. Like, Alana's a senior this year.
21:23 Pumpkin has the babies.
21:25 - I get it, but, you know, I just kind of feel bad.
21:28 Maybe they wanna be here with you, too.
21:31 I only have one month. - Right.
21:33 ♪ ♪
21:35 ♪ ♪
21:37 ♪ ♪
21:41 - Y'all wanna play the napping game?
21:43 - That's for babies.
21:45 - You're my baby.
21:47 - Well, no, I ain't.
21:48 - Why ain't you?
21:50 - 'Cause I'm big.
21:52 - [laughs]
21:53 - Come on, Bentley. Come on, Bentley.
21:56 [imitates Bentley]
21:57 Get the Bentley, Bob!
21:59 - Hey! - Hello!
22:01 - I mean, Dada, what are you doing here?
22:03 - Bread the tea, I guess.
22:04 [imitates Bentley]
22:06 [imitates Bentley]
22:09 - Have you been checking your messages?
22:10 - No, hell, I've been trying to check 'em out with the kids.
22:13 - I've been getting messages from Justin's mama
22:17 on social media.
22:18 Just pull it up and give it a read.
22:20 - It's a bridal shower invitation?
22:22 - Yeah, and it's next weekend.
22:24 - They're doing a wedding? - Yeah.
22:26 - So we're excited for June and Justin's upcoming wedding.
22:29 We know you are, too.
22:31 Didn't you have a courthouse wedding without everybody?
22:33 - Yeah. - They're talking about presents?
22:35 Bitch, you owe me a gift, or three.
22:37 I just think it's ridiculous, because she always thinks
22:40 that somebody's gonna show up for her.
22:42 Like, you can't even show up for your own [bleep] kids,
22:44 and you're worried about a [bleep] wedding.
22:46 And I already know she's gonna have
22:47 some extravagant [bleep] wedding,
22:49 some money-pit of a wedding. - Probably.
22:51 - And Bitch was about giving me 800 [bleep] dollars.
22:53 - I agree. You have every right to be pissed.
22:56 - I'm gonna call her house, tell her to quit [bleep]
22:57 and having them reach out to me and stuff.
22:59 - You're really gonna call her?
23:00 - You think I give a damn, Dada?
23:02 - Oh, my God.
23:03 - We could do the smaller ones, the hot pink.
23:06 And all for the girls.
23:07 ♪ ♪
23:09 - Oh, Miss Pumpkin, let me get this.
23:11 - Oh, we're good. - Hello.
23:12 You already got married.
23:13 Why the [bleep] are you having a wedding?
23:15 ♪ ♪
23:18 Coming up on "Mama June Family Crisis"...
23:21 - What's wrong? - I'm not the bad person.
23:23 I'm being made out to be.
23:24 - My little trick up my sleeve is in the works.
23:27 - I'm over here at the baby shower.
23:28 You're not gonna believe who just showed up.
23:30 - What the [bleep] is she doing there?
23:32 - I'm sitting in a room full of strangers...
23:36 just waiting for [bleep] to hit the fan.
23:38 ♪ ♪
23:40 ♪ ♪
23:44 - You already got married.
23:45 Why the [bleep] are you having a wedding?
23:47 - Because I'm only gonna get married one time.
23:50 - You already got married, though, at the courthouse
23:52 without everybody.
23:54 - Okay, well, I want everybody there
23:55 like I had a--a wedding.
23:57 - Why the [bleep] am I finding out
23:59 from Justin's mother that you're gonna have a ceremony
24:01 and a [bleep] bridal shower?
24:03 - I did not know that they were going to
24:05 reach out to y'all on social media.
24:07 - That's annoying as [bleep].
24:08 Be nice to hear it from the horse's mouth.
24:10 - What the hell? Like, what I'm just telling--
24:12 Oh, no, I haven't told the girls anything yet?
24:14 - Uh, yeah, be nice.
24:17 What is this, another one of your [bleep] money pits?
24:20 A wedding? - No.
24:22 I'm gonna do it on budget.
24:24 - I need all the bling. - That means--yeah.
24:26 - I need chocolate fountains. I want the beach.
24:28 - That sounds good. - B-cake, dress.
24:31 - That's what I want you to have.
24:32 - A huge penny.
24:33 - Yeah, June don't never have a [bleep] budget,
24:35 let's be real.
24:36 Except for when it comes to taking care of Lana.
24:38 - And I'm not like I'm gonna get married next week.
24:42 - Well, I'm gonna tell you what,
24:43 I already have plans for the bridal shower,
24:45 so unfortunately, I won't be able to make it,
24:47 but Dodo says she's gonna come.
24:50 - Why can't you make it?
24:51 - Because I have five kids to [bleep] raise,
24:54 and one of them is yours.
24:57 - Okay, well, you can bring the babies with you.
25:00 I mean, I think y'all are like Justin's family.
25:02 They're about redneck as hell.
25:04 They got a bunch of damn kids.
25:07 I mean, she's in one big happy family, right?
25:09 - Mama always thinks that she can convince other people
25:13 who aren't around her 24/7
25:15 that she's the best mom out there
25:17 and that she's all about family
25:19 and she's all about fixing her relationships.
25:21 Well, I'm gonna tell you what, Justin's family
25:23 will find out real soon
25:24 when I don't show up to that bridal shower.
25:26 I was there for your, like, wedding,
25:28 your baby shower, your bridal shower.
25:30 Like, I need y'all to be a part.
25:33 - Listen, Junebug, it's not always about you anymore, okay?
25:36 You gotta get that through that thick [bleep] skull of yours.
25:40 - So you gonna let Alana come with Dodo?
25:42 - Well, here's the thing.
25:44 I'll have to talk to Alana about that
25:45 and ask her if she wants to come.
25:47 It's up to her. - Okay.
25:49 - Well, Mom, I got [bleep] to do,
25:51 so I'll think about making it to your extravaganza.
25:55 - God, that's rude.
25:58 - Sorry about that.
25:59 - Everything okay?
26:02 Is she coming?
26:04 - I mean, she's a little bit busy.
26:06 You know how that is with kids. I mean...
26:09 - Well, I mean, you know, we're really excited to,
26:12 you know, meet 'em and be a family together.
26:15 That's what we're supposed to be.
26:16 - I know. I was very distraught
26:18 that Pumpkin wasn't excited
26:20 as I thought she would be for my bridal shower,
26:22 but I've gotta get one of my daughters there,
26:25 like I told Justin's mom.
26:26 So plan B is about to be activated, guys.
26:31 I want some made in this blue and purple...
26:34 - Right. - And then another one
26:35 in the hot pink and the coral.
26:38 - Let me go look one more time.
26:40 Let me go see.
26:41 [line trilling]
26:45 - Hey, it's Mama.
26:47 I just wanted to say I love you and I miss you.
26:49 I know it's been a minute since we talked,
26:52 but I know also Pumpkin's really mad at me right now,
26:55 but I want to talk to you about you coming
26:58 and being a part of something.
26:59 So give her a call back whenever you can.
27:01 I hope to hear from you soon.
27:03 All right, love you.
27:05 You ready, Mama Dukes?
27:06 [upbeat music]
27:11 - Oh, my God!
27:14 - Oh, my God, what?
27:16 - [coughing]
27:17 - There's a kid falling. - It's okay.
27:19 - She pisses me off. - I know.
27:21 - She just doesn't get it.
27:23 - Pumpkin, what are you yelling about?
27:25 - Girl, you're [bleep] Mama.
27:27 - What done happened now?
27:29 What tea do we have this time?
27:31 - So Mama wants us to be at the wedding
27:33 'cause she's gonna have a ceremony, girl.
27:35 - That's a joke in itself right there.
27:36 - Exactly. Justin's mom reached out
27:39 because apparently they're throwing her a bridal shower.
27:43 You know what? Justin's family is so glad
27:45 that they found such a good family person.
27:47 - Hey, there's a--Justin's a family person?
27:48 - There's a Mama.
27:50 - They really don't know her. That's a fact.
27:52 ♪ ♪
27:54 - What kind of wedding is this?
27:55 - I promise you it's gonna be extra as [bleep]
27:58 You know what I think he'll show up in?
28:00 A [bleep] $100 bill wedding suit.
28:03 - I'm not going.
28:05 I have school. I have a test coming up.
28:06 I gotta be all eyes on the book.
28:09 No felling grades here.
28:11 Mama hasn't had time for us really lately,
28:13 so tell me why I wouldn't have some time for her.
28:16 That's probably why she got Justin's Mama
28:18 to reach out to us, because she knows for a fact
28:20 we was gonna say nay.
28:21 - I mean, I feel weird about going to Alabama
28:25 to hang out with a bunch of people that I don't know.
28:27 - You always fit in.
28:30 - [bleep] baby, you gonna go get you a nice little bow tie
28:33 and suit, you know?
28:35 - [sobbing] Oh, my God.
28:38 - I don't know why you would ever think
28:41 that I would even show up, much less show my face,
28:43 or for anything that has anything to do with your Mama.
28:46 I would shoot myself in the foot to say that I wouldn't even
28:48 be able to make it, even if I was forced to go.
28:50 - Okay, okay, okay, you don't have to go.
28:51 - And instead of throwing some big extravagant wedding,
28:54 you're already married, dumbass.
28:55 Why wouldn't you buy your kid a car?
28:57 - Yeah.
28:58 - Actually, honey, I do think I hear a baby crying.
29:00 I don't know--Dodo, do you hear one crying?
29:02 - [crying]
29:04 - I heard it. Here we go.
29:05 - When did the baby start sounding like that?
29:07 - Right.
29:08 - But, girl, you know who don't never have no plans?
29:11 Jessie and her new girlfriend.
29:13 - Oh, period.
29:15 - What are you talking about?
29:16 - Jessica's girlfriend, Cheyenne.
29:19 - You got a girlfriend?
29:21 - Dodo, you really gotta start coming around more.
29:22 - They're, like, happy.
29:24 - Yeah, yeah. - Okay.
29:26 - But I definitely don't think she should go with Dodo
29:28 to the bridal shower, because that's gonna run her away.
29:30 Let's find something cool, then.
29:32 Let's invite her into the fold, so to speak.
29:34 Take her to, like, a drag show or something.
29:36 - I'm always down for a drag show.
29:38 - Yeah. - And, you know,
29:39 this needs to remind her that,
29:41 even though she hasn't been hanging out with us,
29:42 we are still fun.
29:43 - I mean, I'm fun. I'm very fun.
29:45 I don't know about you, but I'm fun.
29:47 [romantique musique]
29:50 Don't never do that ever again.
29:51 [romantique musique]
29:54 - Ooh, period, I could wear my--
29:55 I could wear my long lashes. - Yes, honey.
29:58 - It's gonna be fun.
30:00 - Coming up on "Mama June Family Crisis"...
30:03 - Y'all haven't talked in, like, four years,
30:04 and then you invite her to something,
30:06 and she's the only one that showed up.
30:07 - I can't even with you.
30:08 - Hang on, June. - Guess I'll probably--
30:11 - Oh, wow. - Come to the right there.
30:12 - June! - That's--
30:14 [musique douce]
30:15 - Voila!
30:17 - What? The babies are sleeping.
30:19 - We're gonna learn how to drive today.
30:21 - Okay. - Yo!
30:22 - I got my permit. Y'all see it right here.
30:26 See y'all on the road!
30:27 - Whip her in the old reversy.
30:29 [engine revving] Oh, easy now.
30:32 - Let's go! Yeah!
30:34 - Help!
30:36 - Whee! - Oh, my God, I'm gonna die.
30:38 Oh, my God-- all right, brakes.
30:40 - Oh, what-- what is this?
30:43 - The lesson starts now, through the cones.
30:44 - Oh, we're going-- - Oh, no!
30:46 - You just ran over the cone! - Oh, wow!
30:48 - Listen, I'm gonna set the cones up for parallel parking,
30:50 and I'm gonna put eggs at the top of the cones.
30:53 The egg falls, and it cracks. It's on you.
30:54 [cracking]
30:56 Oh, my God! You broke an egg.
30:58 - Okay, I maybe do need a little bit of help
31:01 with parallel parking, but I'm pretty sure Josh
31:03 doesn't even know how to parallel park.
31:05 [musique douce]
31:08 - I think I did it. - Son of a bitch.
31:10 I think you've done enough driving for today.
31:12 - What?
31:13 [musique douce]
31:16 ♪ ♪
31:24 ♪ ♪
31:32 ♪ ♪
31:40 [musique douce]
31:43 [musique douce]
31:47 - Let's go!
31:48 ♪ ♪
31:56 ♪ ♪
32:16 ♪ ♪
32:18 [musique douce]
32:21 ♪ ♪
32:31 ♪ ♪
32:32 - I love the way the flowers turned out.
32:35 - Looks good. - We done it.
32:37 - Yep.
32:38 - What you doing?
32:40 - Well, hello, hello.
32:42 - Hi. - Hi.
32:43 - How are you? - Well, hello.
32:45 - Hey!
32:46 - Come on.
32:47 - Does June get to sit in the queen chair?
32:49 - She does. She does.
32:51 She's the queen.
32:52 ♪ ♪
32:55 - Well, hello. - Hey!
32:56 - Hello.
32:58 - Hey, I'm Dundell. I'm June's sister.
33:00 - I'm Justin's mom. - Okay.
33:02 - How are you? - I'm fine.
33:03 - I'm Aunt Tracy. - It's so good to meet you.
33:05 - I feel like I know y'all already.
33:06 - I do too.
33:07 - I know, but...
33:08 [laughter]
33:09 - Yeah, this is Heather. - Oh, hey, how you doing?
33:11 - This is Justin's brother, Josh.
33:14 - And this is his wife, my daughter, Aubrey.
33:16 - How are you? - I'm all right.
33:18 - I feel like I know you because of the show.
33:20 - Yeah. - And Alan, my husband,
33:22 he was watching the show with toddlers and tiaras.
33:26 - Oh!
33:27 - [laughs]
33:28 - You way back.
33:29 - Your honey boo boo. Yeah.
33:31 I'm so excited to meet her.
33:32 - Oh, I know.
33:33 - Oh, yeah.
33:34 - He's the reason most of us started watching.
33:38 - That's it.
33:39 - It's wild.
33:40 - I'm like, "What are you watching?"
33:42 - You gotta watch it. You gotta watch it.
33:44 [laughter]
33:45 - And I'm so glad you came.
33:47 It was very nice to meet you.
33:49 - Well, you know...
33:50 - You're just like June.
33:51 I mean, June's just to me.
33:52 Just down to earth and...
33:54 - I'm there if June wants me or not.
33:56 - Yeah. Well, that's about like Justin.
33:58 He's pretty much stuck with me no matter what, so...
34:01 We're real excited to meet June's daughters.
34:04 - Yes.
34:05 - Do you know if they're coming?
34:07 - Yeah.
34:08 - You know.
34:09 - June seems to think and say that they are.
34:11 - Justin's family is like huge fans, huge fans.
34:15 They keep asking about the girls.
34:17 I just don't know who's gonna tell them
34:19 that they're not coming.
34:21 'Cause I'm not telling them.
34:23 - We're excited to meet everybody, so...
34:25 - Yeah.
34:26 All the girls, everything. Yes.
34:28 - Yeah.
34:29 I'm sitting in a room full of strangers
34:31 just waiting for [bleep] to hit the fan.
34:33 We sure hope they come.
34:35 [dramatic music]
34:38 ♪ ♪
34:43 - Hello?
34:44 - Hello.
34:45 Um, what are you doing?
34:47 - Nothing, June.
34:49 - Okay, well, I have something planned
34:51 for you and Cheyenne.
34:53 - When?
34:54 - Um, this Saturday.
34:56 - Okay.
34:57 But help me find out where I was going.
34:59 - Also, did you hear about Mama's bridal shower?
35:01 - You mean the one Duda's at?
35:02 - Yeah, Duda's there right now.
35:04 It's not like Mama has been there for any of our big events.
35:06 Why would we go to her big event?
35:08 - Exactly.
35:09 - But, I mean, better be ready Saturday.
35:11 - I'm not ready.
35:12 - I'm not ready.
35:13 - I'm not ready.
35:14 - I'm not ready.
35:15 - I'm not ready.
35:16 - I'm not ready.
35:17 - I'm not ready.
35:18 - I'm not ready.
35:19 - I'm not ready.
35:20 - I'm not ready.
35:21 - I'm not ready.
35:22 - I'm not ready.
35:23 - I'm not ready.
35:24 - I'm not ready.
35:25 - I'm not ready.
35:26 - I'm not ready.
35:27 - I'm not ready.
35:28 - I'm not ready.
35:29 - I'm not ready.
35:30 - I'm not ready.
35:31 - I'm not ready.
35:32 - I'm not ready.
35:33 - I'm not ready.
35:34 - I'm not ready.
35:35 - I'm not ready.
35:36 - I'm not ready.
35:37 - I'm not ready.
35:38 - Well, hey, y'all.
35:39 - Hey, Lana.
35:40 - Hey, Lana.
35:41 - I'm tie-dying.
35:42 - Hey, well, I just talked to Jessie.
35:44 Jessie said that she will be ready.
35:46 No excuses.
35:47 I told her no excuses.
35:48 - I want to do my shirt first.
35:49 - OK.
35:50 - What are we tie-dying for?
35:51 I love tie-dying.
35:52 - Lana, you--
35:53 - We're tie-dying Jessie's shirts
35:54 and all of our shirts for the drag show.
35:56 - Oh, well, that's good,
35:57 since you didn't want to take me to the mall
35:59 to get cute rainbow shirts for us.
36:01 - You know, Lana's always wanted to do stuff
36:03 the expensive way.
36:04 She wants to go to the mall
36:05 and get seven shirts for the family?
36:07 - OK, baby girl, you can go down to the local store,
36:10 get you a tie-dye kit and seven T-shirts
36:12 for 30 freaking bucks.
36:14 Boom.
36:15 The more money I save,
36:16 the more drinks I can get at the drag show.
36:18 - I want to go to the drag show.
36:20 - Well, baby, you can't go.
36:22 - Why?
36:23 - Because, um,
36:25 it's like an adult thing.
36:27 - Oh.
36:28 - Well, Cheyenne didn't run away from the house
36:30 the other night.
36:31 I think this is definitely gonna make her hit the road.
36:33 - No.
36:34 - She's gonna love the H-shirts.
36:36 - I like her.
36:37 - This is us supporting.
36:39 - Yeah, this is like us supporting.
36:41 - Jessie coming out.
36:42 What do y'all think about her?
36:43 Like, how do y'all like her?
36:45 - I think she's just very quiet, for sure.
36:47 - You guys are loud and gentle.
36:49 Give me the blue.
36:50 - Come on, Daddy, put pink in there.
36:51 You're going to a damn drag show.
36:52 - Give me the damn pink, Ella Grace.
36:53 - This is gonna be your first drag show, Dad-I-too.
36:56 [laughs]
36:57 - I mean, how do you know
36:58 this is my first time to a drag show?
37:00 ♪ ♪
37:03 - Baby, we've been together for seven years.
37:04 - I mean, Daddy has to have his day.
37:06 - Yeah, I do.
37:07 - Okay, tell it all, Dad-I.
37:09 - Baba's sweeping right now.
37:10 - Yeah.
37:11 I wonder how Mama felt
37:13 with Dodo showing up there today.
37:14 - Yeah.
37:15 - Dodo is always there to support her,
37:17 regardless of how much [bleep]
37:18 she's been to Dodo and everything.
37:20 They're probably playing some bull[bleep]
37:22 bridal shower game.
37:24 Justin's family's probably over there glorifying her.
37:27 After all the [bleep]
37:28 like she's really put us through,
37:29 serves her ass right
37:31 that we're not there today.
37:33 - Yeah.
37:34 ♪ ♪
37:37 ♪ ♪
37:46 - We're there.
37:47 - I don't know.
37:48 - Kind of.
37:49 It's weird.
37:51 - Well, this is totally awkward.
37:53 I mean, June and Justin are late.
37:56 Last time we were in Alabama,
37:58 and June was late for things
37:59 and couldn't be found.
38:00 Well, she was arrested because of drugs.
38:03 - I mean, they should have done been here.
38:05 - Should we call them?
38:06 ♪ ♪
38:12 ♪ ♪
38:19 - I mean, they should have done been here.
38:21 - Should we call them?
38:22 - I don't know.
38:24 June likes a good party for her.
38:26 - Oh, well.
38:27 - She loves being the center of attention,
38:29 so I can't believe she wasn't on time.
38:31 - Well, so does Justin.
38:32 - Well, again, so does the guy in common.
38:35 I'm telling you,
38:36 Justin's just as blingy as June is.
38:38 - Oh, yes.
38:39 ♪ ♪
38:41 - Oh, my God.
38:42 - Well, it's about time.
38:44 - It's kind of like the wedding,
38:45 like the pre-wedding,
38:46 like I'm supposed to be late, right?
38:47 - No.
38:48 - I'm on time for everything.
38:50 She's late for everything.
38:51 - The DJ done left.
38:53 You're so late.
38:54 - Oh, so you met the family?
38:56 - Well, I'm a piece of it.
38:58 - Well, you know, this is pretty much his family.
39:00 So where's the kids at?
39:02 ♪ ♪
39:06 - You haven't talked to them?
39:07 - I mean, I talked to them, like, a couple days ago.
39:10 Are you serious?
39:11 ♪ ♪
39:14 I mean, look, I can promise y'all
39:16 at least one, maybe two of them may show up tonight.
39:19 Like, you know, Pumpkin, she's got so many kids
39:24 that, you know, I don't know if she'll be able to travel,
39:26 but I'm sure somebody will be here tonight.
39:29 I know they're gonna be here.
39:30 I mean, the party isn't gonna end
39:32 in five minutes.
39:33 I mean, they're always late like I am.
39:35 Don't worry.
39:36 My little trick up my sleeve,
39:38 my plan B is in the works.
39:41 ♪ ♪
39:45 So here goes Mom on,
39:46 and they gotta figure out the games.
39:48 Is that what you're doing?
39:49 - Yeah.
39:51 - Okay, have a seat.
39:52 - Is that it?
39:53 - Okay, take your shoe off.
39:54 - Just one?
39:55 - Yeah, just one shoe.
39:56 - Okay. - Whatever.
39:57 - June, don't hit me with that shoe now.
39:59 - I hope your feet do not, like, stink.
40:02 - My feet don't stink.
40:03 - 'Cause your aunt will be like,
40:04 "Oh, my God, Justin."
40:05 - My feet, I don't have that problem anymore.
40:07 - Yes. - Thank goodness.
40:08 - Thank God.
40:09 Thank God.
40:10 We're gonna ask a series of questions.
40:12 - Okay.
40:13 - If the answer to the question is yes,
40:16 you raise your shoe.
40:17 - So who knows who best?
40:18 Is that what you're trying to say?
40:19 - Basically.
40:20 - You ready? - Yeah.
40:21 - All right.
40:22 Who's the bigger party animal?
40:24 - I mean...
40:26 - Okay.
40:27 - Oh, God.
40:28 - Who's more likely to fall asleep
40:30 in front of the TV?
40:32 - June?
40:33 - Yeah.
40:34 [laughter]
40:35 - Yeah.
40:36 [laughter]
40:38 - Who said, "I love you," first?
40:40 - June.
40:41 - Yeah.
40:42 [dramatic music]
40:45 ♪ ♪
40:47 - Well, hey, Anna.
40:48 How are you?
40:50 How are you?
40:52 - Hi. - Hi.
40:53 - Hi.
40:54 - Hurting, but I'm here.
40:55 - See, I did tell somebody
40:56 that she was gonna be here.
40:57 See, Dodo?
40:59 This is Anna.
41:00 As some of y'all may know her as Anna.
41:02 This is her as Chikadee.
41:03 - Hi.
41:04 - We'll see y'all.
41:06 Somebody did show up.
41:08 My firstborn, Anna.
41:10 I had her 18 days after I turned 15.
41:12 We've had a rough past,
41:14 but we decided to move past the past
41:18 and work on a better relationship.
41:21 What the hell is Anna doing here?
41:23 June and Anna have a huge, horrible history.
41:26 Our mother raised Anna.
41:30 She sued June for money she was due.
41:34 ♪ ♪
41:38 Anna has, you know,
41:40 a reason to have an axe to grind.
41:43 So if June thinks that Anna
41:45 is gonna save face with Justin's family
41:48 because one of her girls shows up...
41:52 It could backfire.
41:54 I'm just saying.
41:55 I'm just saying.
41:56 I just had surgery, everybody.
41:59 I had to go into surgery to get rid of a tumor.
42:01 So she just had surgery,
42:02 so I'm glad that you are actually here.
42:04 - But I'm still here.
42:06 - Oh, my gosh.
42:07 Bless your heart.
42:09 Is there anything we can do?
42:10 - No, I'm good. I'm good.
42:12 - Well, I'm so glad you came.
42:14 - Yeah, we're glad you came, though.
42:16 - See, I told y'all that I was close with the kids.
42:18 ♪ ♪
42:22 I'm surprised you made the drive.
42:24 - Well, you know, she's a trooper.
42:25 - Even after surgery, look at her.
42:26 She's a trooper.
42:28 I'm glad you're here.
42:28 - Are you over here at the baby shower?
42:29 You're not gonna believe who just showed up.
42:31 - Who?
42:32 - Just take a wild guess.
42:34 ♪ ♪
42:35 - Spill the tea.
42:36 - I wanna hear.
42:38 - Anna.
42:40 - Anna?
42:41 - Yeah, Anna.
42:43 - What the [bleep] is she doing there?
42:45 Honestly, hearing that Anna went to Mama's bridal shower,
42:50 it's almost, like...
42:52 weird.
42:53 I talked to her occasionally.
42:56 So for her not to say anything about the bridal shower,
42:58 that's suspicious.
43:00 She hasn't talked to Mama in God knows how [bleep] long.
43:04 - Well, they're talking now.
43:06 - Jean's all like, "Oh, I'm so close to all my girls.
43:09 Oh, my girls, my girls."
43:11 - We're such a tight family.
43:13 - Wow.
43:14 I wonder how much Mama had to pay her to come.
43:16 - I'm gonna try and get you all the tea.
43:18 - Yeah, I definitely need all the tea, Dodo.
43:20 ♪ ♪
43:25 ♪ ♪
43:31 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
