• last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Raina and I'm going to be doing another makeup tutorial today.
00:12 This is a football makeup tutorial, so if you're going to a football game to cheer on
00:16 somebody, this is it for it.
00:19 So like I did yesterday, I'm going to take my cover up, or my cover girl, and I'm just
00:25 going to put a little bit on my face.
00:35 Take your cover girl powder and blend it in with your foundation.
00:42 I'm going to take my liquid eyeliner and I'm going to make a wing.
00:47 So I'm going to start in the middle of my eye.
00:56 So like that, with my eyeliner.
01:05 We have our eyeliner done.
01:08 And now we're going to take our waterline eyeliner, our mascara.
01:28 This is our makeup so far.
01:29 We have the liquid eyeliner, it's winged, then we have the mascara and the waterline
01:33 eyeliner.
01:35 So now we're going to do our lipstick.
01:38 What I'm going with is, I'm going with a red.
01:45 What I went with is a red lipstick.
01:52 So now we're going to do our football player thing.
01:54 So I'm taking a stick eyeliner and I'm just going to make a box on my cheek and color
02:08 it in.
02:09 I put glitter on it.
02:11 I used a multi-color glitter.
02:14 So now we're going to move on to hair.
02:16 This is my bumper, so I'm going to bump my hair.
02:19 And what you need is hairspray.
02:22 You can use aqua net, you can use whatever.
02:25 But let's get started.
02:26 I'm going to brush my hair first.
02:27 I'm going to take the hairspray and I'm just going to put my hair right in.
02:36 I'm going to take the bumper and you're just going to bump your hair basically.
02:49 This works on all hair.
02:50 Once you're done curling your hair, you're going to take your hairspray and you're just
02:55 going to lightly hairspray it so it's not so big.
02:59 There you go.
03:02 And that's your look for the football game.
03:04 So I hope you guys liked it and if you did make sure to give it a big thumbs up and make
03:07 sure you subscribe.
03:08 And I will see you guys next time.
03:09 Bye.
03:10 For the footwear, I went with a varsity jacket that has an A on it.
03:15 I got it at Gmart and it was on sale for I think $20.
03:20 The original price was I think $39.99.
03:24 Then I just went with a plain gray t-shirt.
03:27 It's really flowy and that's why I like it.
03:29 And then for my pants, I went with a floral or flowery black and white leggings.
03:39 And for my shoes, I'm just going to go with my black Converse.
03:45 So thank you guys for watching this and I really hope you guys liked it, my tips and
03:49 stuff.
03:50 So I'll see you guys next weekend and I love you all and bye.
03:54 Bye.
03:55 [00:03:51] [END OF AUDIO]
