• last year
ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE FUTURE 2121 Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In 1967, a 12-year-old named Clive finds herself engrossed in play within the vast expanse of the New Mexican desert, behind her family's secluded motel. Suddenly, an unexpected visitor by the name of Mann emerges, asserting to be an emissary from a dying planet in search of a new sanctuary for his kind. Aware of the encroaching authorities, Mann entrusts Clive with a luminous orb, urging her to safeguard it and assuring her of his imminent return.

Leap forward 25 years, and Clive is now married, grappling with the daunting task of keeping their once-thriving motel afloat, now in decline. Her husband, Mitch, implores Clive to sell the motel, encouraging them to embark on a fresh start and rekindle their love. As Clive contemplates the course of action to take, Mann resurfaces, seeking the return of his cherished orb. However, there's a predicament: Clive is uncertain of its current whereabouts.