BCA Kit: Quick and Efficient Tool for Protein Quantification | GlpBio

  • last year
The BCA Protein Assay Kit is a colorimetric assay that is used to determine the total amount of protein in a sample. It is based on the protein's interaction with a reagent known as bicinchoninic acid, or BCA.

The BCA reacts with the protein in the sample to generate a purple complex with a particular absorbance at 562 nm. The amount of protein in the sample is proportional to the complex's absorbance, which may be measured using a spectrophotometer.

Maximize Accuracy in Protein Quantification with BCA Protein Assay Kit, which ensures precise measurement of protein concentration with utmost reliability.

The BCA Protein Assay Kit measures total protein in a range of samples, including cell lysates, tissue homogenates, serum, and plasma. It can also be used to measure proteins in dilute samples. The BCA Protein Assay Kit is a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to determine the total amount of protein in a sample.

For more information, please click here: https://www.glpbio.com/bca-protein-assay-kit.html
