Presse monde - 26/05/2023

  • l’année dernière
MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 26/05/2023


00:00 [Music]
00:05 Hello and welcome to the International Press Conference.
00:08 The daily newspaper Le Monde is interested in the Republican primary and is worried about the succession of Donald Trump, whose report is mainly made of noise and fury.
00:17 At the age of 74, Donald Trump is looking forward to the next presidential election in 2024.
00:22 Anyone other than him to be nominated as a candidate for the Republican Party should highlight public health, including for the conservative camp itself, and claims to be editorialist.
00:32 Six months ago, triumphantly re-elected as governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis seemed well-prepared to allow the Grand Old Party to turn one of the most controversial pages of its history.
00:43 The 44-year-old governor, however, made two major mistakes.
00:47 Underestimating Donald Trump's anchoring within the Republican base, which is confined to the cult of personality, he vainly waited for the aura of the former president to settle itself under the weight of the procedures, while they reinforced it.
01:00 Economist Anne Krueger denounced in her column Le Monde the blockade by Beijing of the mechanisms for restructuring the debts of poor countries.
01:08 Sri Lanka is not the only country to expect funds from the IMF.
01:12 Economists report that 21 poor countries are either in debt or waiting for a restructuring of their loans.
01:20 These delays are not irreversible to the IMF.
01:23 The IMF's charter stipulates that it can only lend if the insurance of a sustainable economic activity is restored.
01:30 If the burden of this debt is too heavy, all creditors must accept a reduction in the capital due, otherwise the new loans will only be used to pay the interest.
01:40 And in most cases, public policies will have to be adjusted to achieve better results.
01:46 Current delays result from China's refusal to undergo the same decline as other countries believe.
01:53 Tensions with the United States prevent the various...
01:56 I read in 20 minutes that it continues to heat up between Washington and Beijing.
02:01 In a joint opinion, the authorities in charge of cybersecurity in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand
02:09 are warning Thursday against a group of malicious activities associated with a cyber-actor sponsored by the People's Republic of China, also known as "Volt Typhoon".
02:19 This activity affects the networks of the US' essential infrastructure sectors, and the entity leading the attack could apply the same techniques worldwide.
02:30 But who is Volt Typhoon?
02:33 The answer is the Express, a group of hackers sponsored by China. Volt Typhoon is a group of Chinese hackers who have infiltrated US military infrastructure.
02:43 The attack was discovered by several secret services, as well as by Microsoft, which is warning against large-scale actions.
02:53 The group has been active since 2021.
02:56 It has infected US critical infrastructure on Guam. This independent territory, located in the Mariana archipelago, hosts an important US military base in the Pacific Ocean.
03:09 To enter the infrastructure, the Volt Typhoon group uses the "Leaving of the Land".
03:15 This method involves using functions already present on the victims' computers, for example, by means of tools installed on operating systems.
03:27 The best for the end, as a dessert, we have the latest issue of International Mail, which has concocted a note on gastronationalism.
03:36 Many countries claim culinary traditions, which are often recent inventions.
03:42 But gastronomy has become a real tool of soft power.
03:46 At the risk of shocking you, the newspaper Domader dare to question the Italian nationality of pizza.
03:51 The Financial Times conducted an investigation in Italy.
03:54 It is also an Italian journalist who asks the question, citing Alberto Grandi, a Marxist university student and author of a successful culinary podcast.
04:03 He estimates that the origin of pizza, such as the carbonara or parmesan, celebrated as belonging to an ancient and immutable tradition, is largely mythified.
04:14 When a community finds nothing to identify with because of a historical shock or a rupture with its past,
04:23 it invents traditions to use them as founding myths.
04:27 Here it is, it's out. And no, European cuisine is not anchored in tradition.
04:32 It is another press cut in International Mail.
04:35 While Europe likes to portray itself as a land of gastronomic traditions,
04:40 the British newspaper The Economist questions the origin of emblematic products from several European countries,
04:47 including the Czech Republic, and its "trédlénik", a gourmet, to the unpronounceable name.
04:54 That's all for the International Press Review. Thank you for following it. Have a good day.
04:59 [music]