• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - In occasione del 109° Congresso nazionale della Sio, la Società italiana di otorinolaringoiatria e chirurgia cervico-facciale, in svolgimento dal 24 al 27 maggio 2023 a Milano, si è svolto il simposio di Gsk intitolato "Nuove frontiere in CRSwNP: la terapia di precisione con mepolizumab", dedicato alla rinosinusite cronica con poliposi nasale e alle nuove opzioni di trattamento della stessa. 


00:00 In the course of the 109th edition of the National Congress of the Italian Society of Otorhinolaryngoatria and Facial Cervical Surgery, GSK organized a symposium on the new chronic sinusitis and rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis, the precision therapy, as Polyzumab.
00:25 This pathology is characterized by the presence of inflammatory polyps, which are responsible for the mucous of the nose and paranasal breasts.
00:33 The symptoms such as nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, and nasal scoliosis appear progressively over time.
00:40 The presence of eosinophilic cells, which determine inflammation, makes the disease more serious and the patient more inclined to surgical post-surgery procedures.
00:49 It is estimated that in a total population of patients with nasal polyposis, about 40% of patients receded within the next 18 months of the intervention.
01:00 But if we select patients based on the phenotype, and therefore based on the presence of inflammation, and in particular eosinophilic inflammation,
01:07 we will discover that the rate of recidivism is much higher, even double, around 80%, confirming a role of this inflammation in the severity of the pathology itself.
01:20 For some time, in addition to treatments based on topical or oral steroids and surgical intervention, patients have available new therapies based on biological drugs,
01:31 in particular monoclonal antibodies that selectively inhibit the production of the molecules responsible for the inflammation related to rhinosinusitis.
01:40 The experience of our colleagues, pneumologists, allergologists, immunologists, we must treasure it to work together to have a path that is optimal for the patient.
01:56 There are many biological drugs, and the question we are asking ourselves now is which one to use for that single patient. This is called precision medicine.
02:06 Mepulizumab is one of these biological drugs. It is in fact a humanized monoclonal antibody produced by the technology of the recombinant DNA.
02:17 Mepulizumab has been approved for prescription in clinical practice, precisely on the basis of the results emerged from the SINAPSE registrative study.
02:29 From this study, it is clear that the drug is effective in patients with severe non-controlled rhinosinusitis,
02:40 which determines an improvement in quality of life, an improvement in nasal congestion and symptoms related to the disease,
02:52 reducing the need for new surgical interventions and reducing the need to take high amounts of corticosteroids.
