• 2 years ago
00:00 Hello everybody, yes, I'm supposed to be with Layla, but she wanted to go to the lake. I didn't because
00:08 I'm kind of scared of the water. Don't ask in the comments. So yeah, our grandparents are like
00:24 fixing the house something. So today I want to show you how to do a makeup tutorial.
00:37 Yeah, for some reason I don't know where my makeup bag is.
00:43 I lost it. I'll be back in a momento. Okay.
00:50 Okay.
00:56 Oh, it's a little loud.
01:08 They're also fixing this room too because I don't like it. Just kidding, but they are fixing it.
01:16 So what you're gonna need is a, what is it called, makeup kit or just
01:25 a sable or, I forgot the stuff. I can't believe this. I'm sick of makeup.
01:35 I'm gonna close the door. It's too loud.
01:42 And you're gonna need powder.
01:49 For your eyelashes, eyeliner, I think.
01:59 Your little blush thing. Mine's mine zebra. My little powder.
02:09 And then, oh, and your makeup kit. You may have like a little lipstick in it. So I use
02:15 this little thing for it. Or you can use your own makeup. I don't care. And I use this after.
02:26 Yeah, you'll see. It's confusing. And of course this. I have no idea what it's called.
02:37 So let's get started. First, you get your thing, your makeup kit. You put it, you get your
02:45 thing right here.
02:47 And you just put on any color you want. I, I personally like this the best, this color.
03:06 So you just put it on there.
03:08 Okay, got it. You might have to take a little bit to get it right.
03:21 Okay, and then for your second color,
03:34 I personally, I sometimes use this to make it darker. But if I want it lighter, I use this gold.
03:41 That's brown gold, brown gold. Okay, so now I guess I'll use the brown one. So yeah.
04:02 So dusty on my camera thing. Camera, I meant mirror. Why would I say camera?
04:24 Oh, look fabulous. I'm just kidding. Now I'm gonna put on my lipstick. Yeah, my, my sister,
04:41 she uses my makeup kit. And she's like only five. And look what she does. Look what she did to
04:52 this one. And this one, she rubbed so hard on it. And it's so horrible.
04:59 At least she didn't use one of my favorite colors.
05:12 So
05:19 oh, and my favorite color is, oh, it's that one.
05:40 And you're gonna get your powder. Open it. If you have one like this, you should be able to open it
05:47 like that. And you just get that, just wipe it. Put it where you need it. I honestly don't use
05:59 that. I use this. Like that. Put this back in here. See the difference. But oh,
06:26 I get that. Hey, get in here and clean that stuff up off my bed. The coins. Yes, everything.
06:40 I don't have coins, but hers, she should be cleaning up.
06:48 And then you're good. So leave a like, subscribe. Oh, I meant to like, subscribe, and leave a comment.
06:58 Sorry. I hope you have a good time. Bye.