To truly be a master of Instagram Reels, it takes more than just a deft touch with a filter. You’ve got to embrace the fine art of the hashtag, too. After all, you can have the very best video in the world — one with trending audio clip, hilarious edits,

  • last year
To truly be a master of Instagram Reels, it takes more than just a deft touch with a filter. You’ve got to embrace the fine art of the hashtag, too.

After all, you can have the very best video in the world — one with trending audio clip, hilarious edits, a thought-provoking message, and a filter that makes you look like your mouth is full of hot dogs.

But if you don’t find the right hashtags for Reels, this grand opus may never reach the audience it deserves.

Get ready to pull in more likes, fans and shares with the best Reel hashtags for Instagram.

(And if you’re new to Reels? Here’s your crash course.)

Best Instagram Reels hashtags for 2022
Fitness hashtags for Instagram Reels
Travel hashtags for Instagram Reels
Foodhashtags for Instagram Reels
Popular hashtags for Instagram Reels
Hashtags for fashion Reels
Funny hashtags for Instagram Reels
Best Instagram Reels hashtags for 2022
A good collection of hashtags on your Instagram Reel is the key to getting your content discovered.

For example, I never would’ve found this bagel vid without those helpful #brunch hashtags. (Shout out to the Instagram algorithm for watching my behavior and correctly identifying me as a carb hound!)

Instagram Reel descriprion with hashtags

That being said: it’s important to recognize that Instagram Reels are a different beast than the main feed. Like my eyebrows (and your eyebrows too, accept it!), these two formats are sisters, not twins. Our video on the Instagram Reels algorithm highlights some of the differences:

So even if you’ve honed in on the perfect length for your Instagram captions; even if you know exactly which hashtags perform best for your pumpkin patch photo shoots; even if you’ve obsessively researched how many hashtags are ideal to use to launch a cool new sparkling water for dogs… Instagram Reels demand a slightly different strategy, with a unique set of trend-worthy hashtags.

What are those hashtags? I am so glad you asked! Presenting: a copy-and-paste-ready list of specific hashtags to use for your fitness Reels, funny Reels, travel Reels, food Reels, and fashion Reels. And you know what? Just for kicks, you’ll also find a handful of all-purpose attention-grabbing tags for good measure.

Ready? Set? Add hashtags to your Reels — this list of hashtags will guide you.

Fitness hashtags for Instagram Reels

























Travel hashtags for Instagram Reels





















